View Full Version : New squirrel mom!!

09-24-2013, 07:37 PM
Two weeks ago my father found a baby boy in his back yard. We waited for mama to come back, but she never showed. My 15 year old son and I brought him home and started looking for what to do with this guy. I contacted a rehabber and she sent me here to get some info. He was about 4 weeks, now he is almost six weeks, he eats his FV like a champ and has started nibbling on HHB. We call him Reggie and he's just precious. I am always worried I'm doing something wrong since I'm not sure what to expect, but he eats well and pees and poops and plays a little. We are hoping to release him in the spring. That's us we are happy to add squirrel to our 4 boys, 1 cat and a dog.

09-24-2013, 07:55 PM
:Welcome to TSB!
Read through our forums, loads of information there.
Ask any and all questions, TSB members has answers. :thumbsup
And...:flashwe love pictures!

09-24-2013, 09:03 PM
Hi and Welcome!:Welcome

Like stepnstone said - you will find here a lot of answers.

Also, since he is going to be released, keep him completely separated from your cat and dog.

Not only is it a safety issue - cats and dogs are predators, and as sweet as they can be with their humans, they are still predators to squirrels. Too many tragedies happened that way...

but it's not only the indoor safety issue.
If your little one gets used to the idea that cats and dogs are safe to be around, that will be his death sentence when he is released.
He should have his natural fear of cats and dogs and that will happen only if he never sees cats and dogs while growing up.
Also, don't let him see you interact with them safely.
Since you are his mother, he will be taking cues from you.
And if you are safely interacting with cats and dogs - he will do the same.

Just a word of caution:grouphug

09-24-2013, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the cat and dog info, they both spend most of their time outside (by choice when the weather is nice). The cat is very interested in having him for a snack, but we keep her away. The dog could care less, she is more interested in treats. I was wondering about handling him a lot since he will be released. He really likes for me to hold him and sometimes its hard to get him back in his little house. Is it ok to hold him a lot? Hes a snuggler.

09-24-2013, 10:49 PM
Thanks for the cat and dog info, they both spend most of their time outside (by choice when the weather is nice). The cat is very interested in having him for a snack, but we keep her away. The dog could care less, she is more interested in treats. I was wondering about handling him a lot since he will be released. He really likes for me to hold him and sometimes its hard to get him back in his little house. Is it ok to hold him a lot? Hes a snuggler.

yes, handling him is ok. And, actually, it is needed for him to grow up emotionally secure and well adjusted, using human lingo.
THey need to feel loved, and since he is a singleton, he does need to feel love from you.
When they grow up with sibs, they groom and care for each other all the time.
But now you will be fulfilling those multiple roles :).

Usually, most of them wild up anyway, regardless of how much they have been handled.
That's why sqs are not good pets, and a lot of people are surprised and upset when their sweet fuzzbutt starts biting and charging and acting as a wild little one just as s/he was meant to be.

And usually, those who do not wild up - it is not so much because of being handled too much, but mostly because of their more gentle temperament.

09-24-2013, 10:55 PM

This is Reggie (short for Sir Regnald P. Squirrel aka baby reggie and uncle reggie or spunky monkey) sorry it is sideways.

09-25-2013, 12:58 AM
:thumbsup :grin3

09-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Aww what a little cutie you have there:Love_Icon

09-25-2013, 09:48 AM
Aww, what a cute little doll - better monitor his internet browsing though! :grin:grin

09-25-2013, 09:59 AM
So Cute!!! Just a warning though, many a laptop has been peed on by these little fuzzbutts. :grin3

09-25-2013, 07:16 PM

09-26-2013, 09:00 PM
Thanks!! He's a sweetie, getting alot more active the last few days. He was only on the keyboard for a second, it was the only place he would be still.

09-27-2013, 11:04 PM

09-28-2013, 09:01 PM
He was reading TSB, offering his expert advise where it might be needed. :grin3