View Full Version : I made it! Let the party begin!

09-23-2013, 11:41 AM
Howdy squirrelly peeps! It has been a long bumpy road getting here, but thanks to some new friends, Jackie in Tampa and Nancy in New York, I finally made it! Thank you again ladies! :thankyou

Soooooo the story: I became a squirrel "mommy" last Tuesday, after my nephew found a sad little girl that had fallen out of her nest in his front yard. She had been there for a while, so her first mommy wasn't coming back to get her. She was weak, dehydrated, and covered in flies/fly eggs. Well I got to her as fast as I could, and started rehydrating her and carefully picking all of the eggs off. :yuck She responded well to fluids so next was milk. She is on the temp goat milk/yogurt formula right now (I hadn't added the cream yet because I wasn't seeing any good poop, but I finally saw some good poop today. Yay :poop (It's funny how excited we get about poop!) My Fox Valley is coming today, so I will start the process of switching her over then. I have blocks coming in as well. I guesstimated her age at about 7 weeks, so I believe she is about 8 weeks now. Yesterday she weighed in at 135 g, and she is growing!

My main concern right now is her hind legs. She must have injured herself when she fell...her nest was pretty dang high! She drags her hind legs when she scoots around, but she is not completely paralyzed. I can tickle her legs and feet, and she definitely reacts. She can push back, curl her toes, and her tail swooshes all over the place! I was laughing a little at her because when I help her go potty, she just lifts and spreads those legs! (Little floozie, lol!) But the fact that she can do it makes me happy! And she seems to be regaining control as she gets stronger. I have been giving her some infant ibuprofen for this...I think it is helping! She is not behaving as if she is in any pain, so that is good too.

Overall, she is doing beautifully! And after seeing the poop today, I'm feeling even better about her! I named her Skiddil (pronounced like Skittle)...it means "squirrel" in the Aklanon language from the Aklan region in the Philippines.

So now you know what I have been doing for the last week. My pets have been collectively called The Zoo for as long as I can remember, and there have been quite a few over the years. I have always had an interest in the beautiful critters we have been blessed with on our planet. My mom never knew what I would come home with as a kid. So assisting in the care of God's wildlife creatures is really just an extension of all that. Back in the 90s I worked at an exotic pet/feed store and with someone well known in our area for his knowledge of and work with flying squirrels. He bred/sold them to people who would come from all over! I have always loved squirrels...but one doesn't usually see flying squirrels since they are nocturnal. They are fascinating and beautiful little creatures. So after spending time with and caring for them then, I officially fell in love with our flying Rocky's too.

I have said to myself for years that I should just become a rehabber myself. I think I am finally ready, and I have started looking into what is required for my state. It is actually quite a bit easier than I thought, which scares me some. It makes me wonder what the rehabbers in my area know that I don't, or can't find out pretty quickly through our easy access to resources. Of course they have experience, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? So here I go, jumping in with both feet. I have been known for doing that sometimes. Look what you started Skiddil... :squirrel1

island rehabber
09-23-2013, 11:44 AM
:Welcome:crazy:crazy:Welcome I am SO glad you finally were able to register, SBF! It took a journey to the innards of The Squirrel Board, and an act of congress, to get you here for some reason but -- here you are!

Love the name Skiddil! We will require pix of her every four hours or so -- you realized that when you registered, right? :poke :grin3

09-23-2013, 11:48 AM
Welcome Skiddil! You too SBF! :grin


Charley Chuckles
09-23-2013, 11:53 AM
:Welcome Skiddil sounds so sweet yes pics please :grin3 keep working with her back legs, like a little resistance with your hand and slowly push and let her push back, it will help her a lot, hope she will be able to get them legs going :thumbsup my CC wasn't able to hang upside down, but with the therapy I gave him all his life kept the circulation going and kept him getting around just fine /or course he was a non-releasable, which was the best thing ever :grin3 She sounds wonderful :grouphug

09-23-2013, 11:55 AM
:Welcome to tsb!!!

09-23-2013, 12:30 PM
Thanks everyone!

IR, every 4 hours? I had better get crack-a-lackin'! I do need to figure out how to post pics...

CC, you were the next one on my list to harass if I still couldn't get on TSB! Thank God for signatures and email!

SammysMom, I think it was you that directed me to the "fund" site. So :thankyou

I'm just so happy to be here! :grouphug

09-23-2013, 12:54 PM
:flash Here she is! *hoping I am doing this right*


09-23-2013, 01:58 PM
Good to see you here and glad you made it through the initial hoops... just think, you can tell people you were banned! :wahoo:thinking:shakehead

Skiddil has to be one of the best names I've seen recently. :thumbsup

09-23-2013, 05:31 PM
:Welcome:Welcome As it's been said,"Let the Journey begin"! Love your baby's name, she sure is a pretty girl.

09-23-2013, 05:53 PM
Good gravy her pic came out ginormous! :osnap Looks like I need a lesson in sizing pics... Well, ummm, you can't say that you can't see her! :grin3