View Full Version : grey squirrel with skin problems
Annie Vaughn 22
09-22-2013, 10:00 PM
hi,I have a 6 week old female squirrel. I've been giving her fv for a few days now, before that I was giving her the goats milk with whipping cream and yogurt mixture. anyway she is pretty tiny still. she weights about 90 grams. ok so she seems to be doing a little better when I started her on the Fox valley but then Friday I felt some little bumps on her back like little sores but I didn't see any bugs, and yesterday she had on her belly what I think looked kind of dried formula and I tried to wipe it off but it would come off and now it's all over her lower back and still on her belly and feet and tail and she scratches at it. I tried giving her a warm bath with dawn dish soap but it didn't seem to do anything. I feel so bad for her, it seems to be getting worse. she has some bald spots on her hands and on her ankles. the bald spots are smooth and kind of pinkish but her lower back and belly and lower area looks crusty I guess you could say. And she doesnt like me messing with it. does anyone know what this might be? is there anything I can do for her or put on it? I've tried talking to the vet but they will not help at all seeing its a wild animal. Do you think it could be mange or mites? I've had her for about two weeks now and she didn't have any of this when I got her. she had fleas but I quickly got rid of those. willl it go away or could I put itchy cream on her? any help would be great :) I'll try to take a picture of her and post it on here.
09-22-2013, 10:12 PM
Yes, pics would be incredibly helpful. It could be a lot of things.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-22-2013, 10:17 PM
oh and she sleeps a lot. she will eat, go potty and then climb back in bed and go to this normal for a 6week old squirrel? she eats about 11cc's each feeding and I feed her every three to four hours.
09-22-2013, 10:22 PM
That feeding doesn't sound right. You should feed 5-7% of body weight (sometimes a little more), so 7% of a 90g squirrel would be 6.3 CCs, slightly less then half of what you're feeding. And at six weeks, you could be going 5-6 hours between feedings. I'll have to look up if 90g is in the correct ballpark for a six week old, but I;ve got to run for awhile and hopefully someone will beat me to it.
Is he pooping and peeing properly? Please describe the poop.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-22-2013, 10:50 PM
she has 5 of the eye dropper full of formula. I think that measured up to 11cc's. she potties and poops really well. her poop is a nice golden color not mushy and it's pretty firm like little balls almost. I posted a couple pictures, hopefully they will show. can't really see the dry kind of crusty parts but you can feel them.
thank you all for all your help :)
09-22-2013, 11:09 PM
5 weeks: between 120 & 150 grams
6 weeks: between 150 & 250 grams
7-8 weeks: 250 grams and greater
she is severely underweight for a 6wk old.
eye dropper is risky for pneumonia.
Could you go to a pharmacie and get 1cc syringes without niddle? don't tell them about a baby sq, tell them about an orphaned kitten.
but then you need to order good 1cc syringes from
to me it looks like formula burn - when formula gets on fur and does not get wiped off, it literally burns the fur off.
After each feeding make sure you wipe formula off thoroughly with a warm damp cloth or something.
it will take some time for the fur to grow back.
if it's not formula burn, do you think you could take a close up of those bumps you mentioned? - this might help tsb experts to identify the problem more accurately
others will chime in
Annie Vaughn 22
09-22-2013, 11:20 PM
I'll order the syringes now and go to the pharmacy in the morning, she is very good at keeping all the formula in her mouth. I've read that you give her a drop and let her swallow before giving her more so she doesn't get fluid in her lungs. and I do wipe her off really good with a warm wash cloth after each feeding.I tried to take a picture of her back side but all you can see is fur not the stuff stuck to her. plus she's a fast one lol not easy holding her still for to long :) it really kind of looks like dried skin I guess.
09-22-2013, 11:22 PM
forgot to metion - pharamcies will give you 1cc syriges for free, at least some.
but theirs are not good quality and get stuck fast.
that's why you need to order them from
make sure you feed her 5-7% of her body weight, 4 feedings per day
also, at this age, start introducing squirrel blokc- -block should be her first solid food.
the best block is henry's healthy block available at
if it is not affordable for you, you can buy henry's vitamins and protein and make your own - the recipe is on the board.
leave the block with her. she won't eat it right awya, will ignore it, pee on it, play with it, but eventually she wil start nibbling and will start eating.
only after she east block with gusto, do you start introducing greens and veggies.
only after she eats greens and veggies willingly, do you start introducing treats, such as a piece of fruit and one/two nuts per day. no more.
please check this out Healthy Diet for Pet squirrls (Pet meaning captive in a broader sense):
sorry forgot - Welcome! :Welcome
09-22-2013, 11:26 PM
I'll order the syringes now and go to the pharmacy in the morning, she is very good at keeping all the formula in her mouth. I've read that you give her a drop and let her swallow before giving her more so she doesn't get fluid in her lungs. and I do wipe her off really good with a warm wash cloth after each feeding.I tried to take a picture of her back side but all you can see is fur not the stuff stuck to her. plus she's a fast one lol not easy holding her still for to long :) it really kind of looks like dried skin I guess.
then if it's not milk burn, maybe, try to get a closer shot of the skin and bumps.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-22-2013, 11:26 PM
these are what I'm using right now to feed her with215251
Annie Vaughn 22
09-22-2013, 11:31 PM
I did get some of those squirrel blocks and she has a couple in her cage, she has tried them a little bit but that's about it so far.
09-22-2013, 11:37 PM
As Astra mentioned those droppers are a really dangerous idea... That looks very much like a secondary skin infection (pyoderma). Are you seeing any little pussy spots that maybe resemble ant bites on humans?!?
09-23-2013, 12:00 AM
As I thought, very underweight. You might consider also ordering UltraBoost from the same place you got your FV. It's an additive for FV that helps underweight squirrels thrive.
Also, here is a link to proper feeding technique. It;s very important to follow so as to avoid aspiration pneumonia. If you ever hear clicking with breathing, we need to know immediately.!!
09-23-2013, 12:04 AM
Please check out my thread "Hope for Hope"! It sounds a lot like how my babies started out and it turned out to be Demodectic Mange! It killed her brother and sister before we discovered what it was! I am not in any way saying that this is what your baby has but I think that it would help if you looked at her thread just to rule it out! Good luck to you! :grouphug
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 11:22 AM
Please check out my thread "Hope for Hope"! It sounds a lot like how my babies started out and it turned out to be Demodectic Mange! It killed her brother and sister before we discovered what it was! I am not in any way saying that this is what your baby has but I think that it would help if you looked at her thread just to rule it out! Good luck to you! :grouphug
Ok i ordered some ultra boost and some proper syringes. And i tried to take better pictures of her back but all you can see is fur. I went to the hope for hope page and looked at the pictures and read everything, poor little babies and some of the pictures of the littles belly looks identical to my litlle squirrels. Her name is Twitchy :) should i be running to the store and getting some invermectin? I've tried calling some of the vets around here and none of them want anything to do with a squirrel. It's sad. She doesnt have and bite marks or puss coming out of anywhere. She does seem to itch a lot when she is awake. I did get her to eat 4cc for breakfast and another 8cc about a half hour ago. Is there anything else i can do for her? Maybe some benadryl or itchy cream? Do you think she could have the demodectic mange or mites? She didnt have any of this dry stuff when i brought her inabout two weeks ago.
09-23-2013, 12:05 PM
Ok i ordered some ultra boost and some proper syringes. And i tried to take better pictures of her back but all you can see is fur. I went to the hope for hope page and looked at the pictures and read everything, poor little babies and some of the pictures of the littles belly looks identical to my litlle squirrels. Her name is Twitchy :) should i be running to the store and getting some invermectin? I've tried calling some of the vets around here and none of them want anything to do with a squirrel. It's sad. She doesnt have and bite marks or puss coming out of anywhere. She does seem to itch a lot when she is awake. I did get her to eat 4cc for breakfast and another 8cc about a half hour ago. Is there anything else i can do for her? Maybe some benadryl or itchy cream? Do you think she could have the demodectic mange or mites? She didnt have any of this dry stuff when i brought her inabout two weeks ago.
I think it is a good idea to have Ivermectine, and Cipro (or another AB) on hand just in case. I am not sure what is going on with your squirrel, hopefully some experts will chime in here soon.
[edit] If no vets will see her and you think the symptoms match Hope then it might not be a bad idea to start Ivermectin.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 12:17 PM
Ok thank you so much, I'll go and get some right now, they sell it at tractor supply. What is cipro? I havent heard of that. What is it for and where could I buy it?
09-23-2013, 12:22 PM
Before you buy Ivermectin, can you get your hands on Revolution? It's MUCH gentler but works just as well if not better. Unless there's a particular reason to go with Ivermectin, Revolution is usually much preferred.
09-23-2013, 12:24 PM
Cipro is an antibiotic which is used for a variety of ailments. It's for humans and very widely prescribed, so your friends might have it. One pill is enough for a week's worth of treatment (we'd tell you how much to give.) It's also sold at some pet stores without a prescription for fish under the name of Fix Flox. Baytril is much the same thing and widely prescribed for animals.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Before you buy Ivermectin, can you get your hands on Revolution? It's MUCH gentler but works just as well if not better. Unless there's a particular reason to go with Ivermectin, Revolution is usually much preferred.
I haven't heard of the revolution. only the ivermectin. I can buy some baytril. and ask people I know if they have any cipro. and I can check the pet store to see if they have any fix flox. thank you all so much for all your help :)
09-23-2013, 02:07 PM
You only need one, Cipro, Baytril, or FF. They're all essentially the same drug. The first two would be best for dosing purposes.
Revolution is much the same as Ivermectin, but without such serious toxicity issues.
09-23-2013, 02:15 PM
I haven't heard of the revolution. only the ivermectin. I can buy some baytril. and ask people I know if they have any cipro. and I can check the pet store to see if they have any fix flox. thank you all so much for all your help :)
It is also called Fish Flox, used for fish aquariums. You are looking for either a 250mg or 500mg pill versions. You only need a single pill for ~7days of treatment. If you can get this, please let us know and we can provide dosing instructions (basically crushing pill, adding water and dosing a specific amount based on the body weight of the squirrel). I dont know that you need an antibiotic now but it is good to have around just in case.
At this point, I think the Revolution or Ivermectin are more important since this may be mange. The ivermectin might be better for mange?
09-23-2013, 02:23 PM
Oh yes Hun, if you think her symptoms match your baby, please hurry and get these meds! This is such a horrible sickness that quickly turns deadly! I never tried the Revolution, I went straight for the Ivermectin and Clavamox and although she did throw up once and have some diarrhea for a couple of days, she is tolerating it very well now. Please keep us posted and let me know if you need anything or have any questions about Hope!
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 02:29 PM
I got some of the ivermectin, how should I give it to her? she weights 90 grams. should I give her the rice size amount or mix some with water? she ate about two hours ago?
09-23-2013, 02:39 PM
Hope is about 80 grams and I give her .05cc's (please do not confuse that with .5) twice a day at least 1-2 hours before or after food. They can't tolerate the meds on a full stomach. Give it for at least 10 days (2 weeks is ideal). Watch for loose stools and make sure that does not go on for more than a couple of days. If it does, you need to add some yogurt to her formula for extra probiotics.
I meant to ask, how did the ivermectin come? Tablet? I'll have to have someone else dose that for you then because the Doc compounded it for me and I'm not sure what strength he had. I'll direct someone here to figure that out for you.
09-23-2013, 02:55 PM
Just to clarify, you didn't give Ivermectin 2x daily, right? You really have to be careful with that stuff. For an ADULT squirrel, you'd give a dab the size of an UNCOOKED piece of rice once a week for three weeks.
09-23-2013, 02:58 PM
I got some of the ivermectin, how should I give it to her? she weights 90 grams. should I give her the rice size amount or mix some with water? she ate about two hours ago?
What form is the Ivermection in?
09-23-2013, 03:02 PM
Yes farrelli! Twice a day! That's what the vet told me to do! He compounded what he had down to a microscopic dose for Hope. I would have to call him and ask what the concentration is. I'm gonna do that now!
09-23-2013, 03:08 PM
Just called and left a message for the doc to call me back! Hopefully he will soon and we can get you the compounding instructions and dose for her!
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 03:16 PM
I got the ivermectin paste 1.87%. it's Apple flavored. it came in a large looking syringe like horse size without a needle. looks like Apple jelly I think lol
island rehabber
09-23-2013, 03:17 PM
Without having seen Hope or this little girl it's impossible to be sure, but it does seem like demodectic mange again according to what Annie is saying. Much as I hate ivermectin it worked wonders for Hope, and I think it should be used here, as well. You're getting excellent advice from everyone, Annie Vaughn! IF you can get your hands on Baytril I would get is a very important antibiotic to have on hand when you have a squirrel.
09-23-2013, 03:20 PM
Ok! Hopefully that's what he used and I can get the correct dose for you quickly! You're sure that her symptoms match Hope's? I just don't want to jump the gun because of her situation! I would just hate to see this happen again if we can kick it before it gets too bad!
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 03:32 PM
Without having seen Hope or this little girl it's impossible to be sure, but it does seem like demodectic mange again according to what Annie is saying. Much as I hate ivermectin it worked wonders for Hope, and I think it should beyes used here, as well. You're getting excellent advice from everyone, Annie Vaughn! IF you can get your hands on Baytril I would get is a very important antibiotic to have on hand when you have a squirrel.
I am so greatful to all of you. I would give you all a big hug if i could. I am definitely going to get some baytril tomorrow. Still not to sure what to use it for but I'm getting some :) and I'm going to get some fish flox. I will take some more pictures of her to show.
You all are the best!!!
09-23-2013, 03:53 PM
I am so greatful to all of you. I would give you all a big hug if i could. I am definitely going to get some baytril tomorrow. Still not to sure what to use it for but I'm getting some :) and I'm going to get some fish flox. I will take some more pictures of her to show.
You all are the best!!!
Good choice. Just know that Fish Flox (Cipro) and Baytril are essentially the same antibiotic. If you have one, you don't need the other. They call it Cipro when it is given to people and Baytil when it is given to four legged animals. It is good to have around because if your squirrel gets an infection/abscess/wound/pneumonia etc you can start treatment ASAP if you already have it.
09-23-2013, 04:05 PM
The vet still hasn't called me back yet! Does anyone else know how to dose this for her?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 04:08 PM
Good choice. Just know that Fish Flox (Cipro) and Baytril are essentially the same antibiotic. If you have one, you don't need the other. They call it Cipro when it is given to people and Baytil when it is given to four legged animals. It is good to have around because if your squirrel gets an infection/abscess/wound/pneumonia etc you can start treatment ASAP if you already have it.
Oh yeah silly me, ok I'll get the fish fox. Would that work if she got fluid in her lungs? I try to be as careful as I can giving her food. But she does try to suck it all down at once.
I gave her a tiny little rice size bit of the ivermection. Is there anything I should look for? Like maybe throwing up or lack of appetite. Is there anything i can do for the itching?
09-23-2013, 04:12 PM
The book says 0.4-0.5 mg/kg for rodents. It also says that it's usually given once and then repeated in 10-14 days, which is why I'm so interested in your vet's usage.
09-23-2013, 04:12 PM
Oh yeah silly me, ok I'll get the fish fox. Would that work if she got fluid in her lungs? I try to be as careful as I can giving her food. But she does try to suck it all down at once.
I gave her a tiny little rice size bit of the ivermection. Is there anything I should look for? Like maybe throwing up or lack of appetite. Is there anything i can do for the itching?
Cipro is effective for aspiration pneumonia. There is a video on TSB that show proper feeding techniques. Ivermectin should be given on an empty stomach (between meals) to minimize nausea and throwing up.
09-23-2013, 04:14 PM
I think the Baytril or Cipro would be better than the FF seeing that we readily know how to break down and dose those two. FF will work, but it might take some rejigering to figure out how to dose it. I know for a fact that I'd prefer it if you're looking for emergency instructions in the middle of the night.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 04:16 PM
I think the Baytril or Cipro would be better than the FF seeing that we readily know how to break down and dose those two. FF will work, but it might take some rejigering to figure out how to dose it. I know for a fact that I'd prefer it if you're looking for emergency instructions in the middle of the night.
Ill get the baytril i know where to buy that. The cipri i will have to call people i know to see if they have any.
09-23-2013, 04:17 PM
The book says 0.4-0.5 mg/kg for rodents. It also says that it's usually given once and then repeated in 10-14 days, which is why I'm so interested in your vet's usage.
I believe that is the dose for injectable Ivermectin. He said she was too small for that so that's why he went with the oral dose. I'll ask him when he calls me back.
09-23-2013, 04:23 PM
"The Book" says "Form: Injectable (1%, 0.27%) and Paste". It further specifies that the paste is obtainable from farm stores, so they are talking about what we've got here.
09-23-2013, 04:27 PM
It further talks about making a 10% solution from the 1% stuff. I wish I had a photo of the whole page available.
09-23-2013, 04:27 PM
I feel like we are thread jacking :grin2 but I guess it's ok since we are discussing Ivermectin dosing! Should I be concerned? I don't want to be overdosing her! She's doing great tho!
09-23-2013, 04:29 PM
It further talks about making a 10% solution from the 1% stuff. I wish I had a photo of the whole page available.
That sounds like what he did! He seemed pretty confident in what he was doing.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 04:35 PM
she it's really not good at wanting her picture taken lol but I got a couple more shots of her belly. the and lower area. the back looks normal but feels ruff like the front. 215289215290
09-23-2013, 04:40 PM
What about her ears, around her eyes and her tail?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 04:44 PM
ok I have to ask, how contagious is this? I have ferrets, guinea pigs, cats, dogs and chickens. I really don't want anyone else's to get this :) I do wash my hands really good every time I touch her and clean her bedding everyday. I don't let any of the other animals get anywhere near her or her cage. I plan on releasing her when she is old enough and healthy enough, preferably after winter. so I don't want her to think cats and dogs are friends.
09-23-2013, 04:47 PM
From what I've read, it is not contagious from one species to the next but I'm not sure if I believe that or not. I keep Hope completely quarantined from all the rest of my animals.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 04:54 PM
her eyes and ears are doing good so far. I don't see anything wrong with them, under her chin she had some off that stuff on it. and her tail has a lot of that stuff on it to. it's not all the way to the top yet. but around her potty area and legs and a little on her hands. poor little baby. no open site that I can see yet.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 05:11 PM
From what I've read, it is not contagious from one species to the next but I'm not sure if I believe that or not. I keep Hope completely quarantined from all the rest of my animals.
Oh good, my daughter will be very happy to know that. She is always worried about catching something from the animals. Does not take after her mom in that area lol
09-23-2013, 05:23 PM
Just talked to the Doc! What he used for Hope was injectable Ivermectin and from what he is telling me, the paste is almost twice as strong as the injectable! You have to dilute it to a 1 to 20 solution making it 1mg/ml
09-23-2013, 07:00 PM
maybe a second opinion is needed here at least re: ivermectin paste for this baby.
THis baby is severely underweight and malnourished, that means a weak immune system, which is, probably, the reason this mange (if that's what it is) flared up.
Personally, I don't feel very sure about giving such an underweight compromised baby something as strong as ivermectin.
THeoretically, it is possbile to calculate iverm. dosage and dilute it and all that, BUT
have you tried diluting iverm. paste in water?
I have, and it's not working very well.
I just gave up and went for the "uncooked rice grain", but that was for a healthy robust adult wild.
An "grain" dosage is too much for a baby, esp. this baby.
Maybe, there is a way to dilute paste in water completely and someone might have been successful at it, unlike me (if so - please, share your trick :)).
so, i'd rather check with some other very exp. ppl regarding dosing paste for this particular baby first.
How about revolution?...
09-23-2013, 07:03 PM
it might be better to move this thread to Help FOrum - to get more attention from other exp. rehabbers
09-23-2013, 07:12 PM
As I mentioned to her earlier, I am in no way giving a diagnosis, just meerly suggesting the similarities of the 2 cases. I am basing the dose off of what the vet used on my 80 gram squirrel using injectable ivermectin which happens to be working amazingly well. If my knowledge from my own personal experience is not needed, I will stay out of it!
09-23-2013, 07:19 PM
As I mentioned to her earlier, I am in no way giving a diagnosis, just meerly suggesting the similarities of the 2 cases. I am basing the dose off of what the vet used on my 80 gram squirrel using injectable ivermectin which happens to be working amazingly well. If my knowledge from my own personal experience is not needed, I will stay out of it!
this is not about anyone's personal experience.
like I said, the question is about paste iverm. for a very malnourished baby.
This 90g baby may not be the same as your 80g baby simply because this particular baby shold be weighing anywhere between 150g and 250g.
Injectable iverm done by a prof. vet is one story.
Paste ivermectin without any prof. vet. dosage is a different story esp. for such a compromised baby.
That's the point of focus here.
EDIT: i have tried diluting paste in water, but it didn't work very well - there were still clumps and the dilution was overall very uneven. If you draw a dose from such dilution, you may not always know just how much iverm. you got in your syringe.
I know there are diff. pastes, and perhaps, some pastes dissolve better than others (I tried two - white coloured and apple - type something).
Maybe, there is a way to dissolve it and someone knows it.
Besides, again - would like a second opinion on using paste iverm. on such a compromised baby. Iverm. is a very strong drug and should not be taken lightly.
If someone else has done this and can assure its safety - great!
09-23-2013, 07:31 PM
Sorry! I just took it a little personal, saw red and jumped! I get it tho! I am very shocked that they even sell this stuff at a tractor supply store in the first place! When I spoke to the vet and he told me how strong the paste was and that it had to be diluted to a 1 to 20 solution compared to the 1 to 10 solution that he made from the injectable form, I was really worried because she said that she had already given some to her! I haven't seen her back on here since so I hope everything is ok! Again, sorry for the meltdown!
09-23-2013, 07:36 PM
Again, sorry for the meltdown!
no problem - totally understood.
As for it being sold...
WHere I used to live before - you could get it at horse supply stores, and I liked it.
But now I live in the area that prohibits selling paste ivermectin - you can only order it online (and there are some kind of conditions about it, too, if I remember it correctly). It's a pain now - b/c you have to ask someone to buy it for you and send it to you
... Gosh, praying and hoping the baby is ok...
09-23-2013, 07:40 PM
I can see it from both sides. It sucks that knowledgable rehabber a can't easily obtain it but on the same hand, for someone that doesn't know what they are doing, it could be deadly!
09-23-2013, 07:47 PM
Sorry! I just took it a little personal, saw red and jumped! I get it tho! I am very shocked that they even sell this stuff at a tractor supply store in the first place! When I spoke to the vet and he told me how strong the paste was and that it had to be diluted to a 1 to 20 solution compared to the 1 to 10 solution that he made from the injectable form, I was really worried because she said that she had already given some to her! I haven't seen her back on here since so I hope everything is ok! Again, sorry for the meltdown!
I think you have helped a lot here. I also think Astra has a good point. Is this baby strong enough for this? Mange can kill so quick action is important. If this baby can not get to a vet for dosing, I would probably err on the side of giving medication because delaying or not giving meds will eventually kill this baby. Revolution might be a great alternative if it can be started soon.
As far as diluting paste, if water solvable, I would use a sonicator and measure with micro pipettes but most people probably do not have access to this stuff. Heating up the solution may also make it more soluable but I do not know what effect on efficacy this will have?
09-23-2013, 07:54 PM
[QUOTE=TubeDriver;932411]I think you have helped a lot here.
:grin3 Thank you TD!
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 07:54 PM
Sorry i took so long to get back. She is doing fine so far, i gave her some formula and she drank about 11cc. Ive been keeping a eye on her and she seems to be doing a little better. Not sure how fast it works but so far so good. She was even out walking around and seeing whats going on around her cage. She did enjoy me holding her while i rubbed her back. So next time I'm suppose to give this stuff to her would be when?10 days, 14days? How do i store this stuff, maybe in the fridge?
Have I mentioned how awesome you all are :)
Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-23-2013, 07:55 PM
I found this discussion as to why may dont like it
CNS Effects
Side effects in the central nervous system are primarily seen in animals. These can include ataxia, or difficulty maintaining balance, especially while walking; mydriasis, or dilated pupils); tremors; and even death. According to the March 1984 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, dogs and especially collie breeds are particularly vulnerable to these effects. Ivermectin does not cross the blood-brain barrier--which prevents potentially poisonous substances in the blood from reaching the central nervous system--in humans, but it is still recommended that doctors use caution when prescribing ivermectin to patients who may have a damaged blood-brain barrier, such as patients suffering from meningitis.
Fix Thyroid = Lose Weight
"If Diets Fail See Why it May Just Be Your Thyroid to Blame" Says MD!
Sponsored Links
Onchocerca Volvulus-specific Effects
When treating Onchocerca volvulus with ivermectin, the sudden death of large numbers of the parasites may lead to reactions in the host. Typically this manifests as mild itching, redness and swollen lymph nodes. These mild symptoms will disappear in a few days and can be alleviated by aspirin and antihistamines. Rarely, more serious reactions may include tachycardia, or fast heart rate; low blood pressure; dizziness; facial swelling; and diarrhea. These symptoms require a visit to the doctor and the possible prescription of glucocorticoids, which are a more powerful anti-inflammatory than aspirin.
Loa Loa-specific Effects
The sole serious complication of ivermectin therapy in humans only arises when the patient being treated for parasites is also infected with large numbers of the parasite Loa Loa. This can cause very serious brain disabilities called encephalopathies. Most of these cases have been in the African republic of Cameroon, where Loa Loa is endemic. For this reason, treatment of parasitic infections with ivermectin has been suspended there.
Read more:
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 08:24 PM
Oh yeah silly me, ok I'll get the fish fox. Would that work if she got fluid in her lungs? I try to be as careful as I can giving her food. But she does try to suck it all down at once.
I gave her a tiny little rice size bit of the ivermection. Is there anything I should look for? Like maybe throwing up or lack of appetite. Is there anything i can do for the itching?
I got the ivermectin paste 1.87%. it's Apple flavored. it came in a large looking syringe like horse size without a needle. looks like Apple jelly I think lol
Please read post #10. I think your squirrel was overdosed with the ivermectin.
09-23-2013, 08:38 PM
:wave123 and :Welcome to TSB Annie!! We're glad you're here!! Please remember that these tiny guys, though very strong survivors in some ways, can also be very delicate. Dosage is VERY IMPORTANT when you're that tiny. I don't really dose myself, there are only 2-3 things I am comfortable with, but there are tons of members here that will be happy to guide you in the right direction so that you don't harm this precious baby by accident. You are not in an emergent position so please hang in there and let these guys come on and help so we don't do more harm than good :thumbsup Thank you :thankyou so much for helping this little one!!!
09-23-2013, 08:45 PM
Please read post #10. I think your squirrel was overdosed with the ivermectin.
AS it was specified, an uncooked rice grain dose is for ADULT otherwise healthy squirrels.
Not for babies.
Your baby might have gotten overdosed.
Until more exp. rehabbers can offer other suggestions - try to hydrate her actively.
Please keep checking here often and monitor her constantly.
It may be serious
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 08:56 PM
Ok so what should I hydrate her with? Water, lots of water. Oh i hope i didnt make her worse. I will keep a very close eye on her and hydrate her as much as possible.
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 09:07 PM
According to this post from Wonkawillie, and I believe this, the dose given was for a 12.5 POUND squirrel.
I am going on line to look for something that may help, but push fluids without aspirating.
Water with a little sugar is good to start, and also stimulate her, to make her get it out of her body.
Even if she goes on her own, stimulate her to MAKE her pee, every half hour if you have to, at least try.
I have horses so i am familiar with the paste dewormers. They are 1.87% like you said, which is almost double the 1% injectable Ivermectin. it is almost double strength and I think a tiny grain of rice would be way too much to treat a squirrel. I dont want to be argumentative here, just being careful. if a full tube of horse Ivermectin dewormer holds 11cc and deworms 1375 pound of horse, then one 11th of this would be 1cc which would treat 125 pounds. a small grain of uncooked rice is about .1 cc which is 1/10th of the cc. 125 pound divided by 10 to create the grain of rice would treat 12.5 pounds. I have never had a squirrel at 12.5 pounds :D
Again, not trying to be a jerk. Just please be carefull with dosages.
09-23-2013, 09:19 PM
Ok so what should I hydrate her with? Water, lots of water. Oh i hope i didnt make her worse. I will keep a very close eye on her and hydrate her as much as possible.
Keep an eye out for vomiting and tremors. It takes a long time for Ivermectin to metabolize and be excreted (several days) so activated charcoal can help prevent absorbion. If you could get some tomorrow from a pharmacy, it would still be worth administering.
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 09:29 PM
If you can get this tonight, don't wait, this squirrel is already compromised.
Call around and see if a pharmacy near you carries it. ( (
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 09:52 PM
She is pretty thirsty. She drank about 17cc of water in one sitting. Trying to get her to go potty now. I live out in the country all the pharmacies are closed now. I will go first thing in the morning and get some. Do i just ask them for activated charcoal? My husband says that is what we use in our fish filter. I will keep you all up to date on how she is doing. And i will keep giving her lots of water
09-23-2013, 10:01 PM
She is pretty thirsty. She drank about 17cc of water in one sitting. Trying to get her to go potty now. I live out in the country all the pharmacies are closed now. I will go first thing in the morning and get some. Do i just ask them for activated charcoal? My husband says that is what we use in our fish filter. I will keep you all up to date on how she is doing. And i will keep giving her lots of water
Yes, just ask them for activated charcoal. Follow dosing guidelines that Nancy posted. There could be other active ingredients in fish tank charcoal, probably would not use unless you are sure what is in it.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 10:09 PM
The two pictures with words on it, looks like its from a book.I'm sorry but i can't read what they say. I really wish i could but i can't
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 10:11 PM
Yes, just ask them for activated charcoal. Follow dosing guidelines that Nancy posted. There could be other active ingredients in fish tank charcoal, probably would not use unless you are sure what is in it.
Im not going to try the fish filter charcoal. It was just a thought. Who knows whats in there
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 10:12 PM
She is pretty thirsty. She drank about 17cc of water in one sitting. Trying to get her to go potty now. I live out in the country all the pharmacies are closed now. I will go first thing in the morning and get some. Do i just ask them for activated charcoal? My husband says that is what we use in our fish filter. I will keep you all up to date on how she is doing. And i will keep giving her lots of water
Great keep pushing the fluids, and get her to pee.
I'm not sure about the fish tank charcoal.....I will do some investigating.
Actually if you call a pharmacy, ask for Toxiban, or Toxiban suspension with Sorbitol.
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 10:14 PM
The two pictures with words on it, looks like its from a book.I'm sorry but i can't read what they say. I really wish i could but i can't
You can't read this, do you need it larger? Not sure I can do that, but I could try.
Can you save it as a picture, and then try to blow it up yourself? That may work.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 10:51 PM
You can't read this, do you need it larger? Not sure I can do that, but I could try.
Can you save it as a picture, and then try to blow it up yourself? That may work.
ok I got it, so a little bit over .75 milligrams.
I'm so sorry everyone, I really appreciate everyone's help.I'm going to do anything I can to help this little girl
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 11:24 PM
ok I got it, so a little bit over .75 milligrams.
I'm so sorry everyone, I really appreciate everyone's help.I'm going to do anything I can to help this little girl
First you have to let us know what you get, it all depends on that.
It will have a strength on it, and we can help from there.
Please do not dose without the help of someone on the board, we usually
also double check our math with another member. So let us know when
you get the Toxiban. :thumbsup
09-23-2013, 11:37 PM
Good luck with your little girl tonight! Keep flushing her out and keep us posted!
Annie Vaughn 22
09-23-2013, 11:41 PM
First you have to let us know what you get, it all depends on that.
It will have a strength on it, and we can help from there.
Please do not dose without the help of someone on the board, we usually
also double check our math with another member. So let us know when
you get the Toxiban. :thumbsup
don't worry i'm not going to do a thing without asking on here first :)
I'll keep working on her all night and keep you all posted on any news
Nancy in New York
09-23-2013, 11:46 PM
don't worry i'm not going to do a thing without asking on here first :)
I'll keep working on her all night and keep you all posted on any news
Thanks, we worry.
I know you do too.
How is she doing?
Sending tons of prayers for this little one. :grouphug
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 12:01 AM
thank you, she is doing good, not to happy I keep waking her up. but is still drinking. I haven't got her to go potty yet. I've tried messaging her potty area and put a warm washcloth on it. I'm not giving up on it yet. I don't see anything clogging it or in the way. is there any tricks that I may not know about? I'm going to keep trying. should I give her some formula to?
09-24-2013, 12:23 AM
Yes, you can give formula. If she's not peeping, just make sure her abdomen doesn't get hard and round. You want to make sure it stays soft and that the bladder doesn't swell.
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 12:28 AM
Oh yes you can definitely give formula, she may be hungry.
As farrelli said, just watch that her tummy doesn't get hard and bloated.
IF that happens you can actually give infant simethicone, (gas X) a couple of drops.
AND if she gets hard do not continue to give her anything by mouth.
Can you post a photo of her?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 12:31 AM
Yes, you can give formula. If she's not peeping, just make sure her abdomen doesn't get hard and round. You want to make sure it stays soft and that the bladder doesn't swell.
ok I'll keep a close eye on that. she is still pooping and it looks normal, golden color and pretty firm
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 12:34 AM
Oh yes you can definitely give formula, she may be hungry.
As farrelli said, just watch that her tummy doesn't get hard and bloated.
IF that happens you can actually give infant simethicone, (gas X) a couple of drops.
AND if she gets hard do not continue to give her anything by mouth.
Can you post a photo of her?
oh I really hope she doesn't get bloated cause I don't have any of that, another thing I'm adding to my list of things to buy :)
yeap I sure can, hopefully she will hold still lol
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 12:48 AM
oh I really hope she doesn't get bloated cause I don't have any of that, another thing I'm adding to my list of things to buy :)
yeap I sure can, hopefully she will hold still lol
Sounds good. Unfortunately I am calling it a night, but I will see her beautiful face first thing in the morning.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 12:49 AM
she says" I'm trying to sleep here" lol
09-24-2013, 12:54 AM
I'm calling it a night too but there are a lot of wonderful knowledgable folks that are night owls on here! If you need anything, someone will always be here! Be back first thing in the morning to check on you! Oh, the potty thing... It's always helped when I use a q-tip and dip it in warm water and then kind of tickle the area "so to speak". You'll feel her clinch up and then they usually start to go after that. Try it and see if that works! You're doing great! :grouphug
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 01:00 AM
Sounds good. Unfortunately I am calling it a night, but I will see her beautiful face first thing in the morning.
thank you so much Nancy, sleep good :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 01:01 AM
I'm calling it a night too but there are a lot of wonderful knowledgable folks that are night owls on here! If you need anything, someone will always be here! Be back first thing in the morning to check on you! Oh, the potty thing... It's always helped when I use a q-tip and dip it in warm water and then kind of tickle the area "so to speak". You'll feel her clinch up and then they usually start to go after that. Try it and see if that works! You're doing great! :grouphug
thank you so much also, I'll try that. sleep good :)
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 06:56 AM
How are things going with your little one. :grouphug
09-24-2013, 07:02 AM
Just checking in too!
09-24-2013, 07:24 AM
That makes 3! Hoping for good news!
09-24-2013, 07:57 AM
don't worry i'm not going to do a thing without asking on here first :)
I'll keep working on her all night and keep you all posted on any news
Good luck! Nancy or another rehabber can help with dosing amounts once you have the charcoal.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 08:23 AM
Good morning, everything is going good still. she drank lots of water and formula a couple times. I still haven't seen her potty to much yet, just a little but. her belly it's still soft and not hard. she has pooped a good amount. she is moving around good also, no tremors or vomiting
09-24-2013, 08:30 AM
Happy to hear that she's doing well! I am a little concerned about her not peeing tho! With all of that water, she is bound to have a full bladder! Does anyone else have any ideas on how to get this little one to go?!
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 08:48 AM
You can try expressing her bladder.
Just do this fairly gently, not overly firm while applying pressure, more on the gentle side.
You will see in the video. :thumbsup
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 08:50 AM
Happy to hear that she's doing well! I am a little concerned about her not peeing tho! With all of that water, she is bound to have a full bladder! Does anyone else have any ideas on how to get this little one to go?!
you don't think she would have a bladder infection do you? she was wiggling a lot more and trying to get away while I was" tickling" her potty area.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 08:52 AM
You can try expressing her bladder.
Just do this fairly gently, not overly firm while applying pressure, more on the gentle side.
You will see in the video. :thumbsup
aww she's cute, I'll try that
09-24-2013, 08:57 AM
you don't think she would have a bladder infection do you? she was wiggling a lot more and trying to get away while I was" tickling" her potty area.
Haha! No, I just think it just tickles :grin2 I think I would squirm if someone was doing that to me too! LOL :grin3
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 08:59 AM
Haha! No, I just think it just tickles :grin2 I think I would squirm if someone was doing that to me too! LOL :grin3
Lol ok just checking. I'll give her more water
09-24-2013, 09:25 AM
I know many people use qtips and cotton balls and that's perfectly acceptable/normal. I have found that baby wipes work better for me with less irritation. I cut one into 6 pieces (I actually do a stack at a time) and fold one piece until it's sturdy enough to make like a Mommy tongue. Then I flick top to bottom, and if that doesn't work, side to side. (Genital area only, not the rectum) Just one more idea. Expressing works too!
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 10:01 AM
I finally found a pharmacy that sells the toxiban. And im headed out the door to go get it. She said it comes in pills. I will be back in about 40 minutes. And i will not give it to her until you all say i can and how much :)
09-24-2013, 10:55 AM
I finally found a pharmacy that sells the toxiban. And im headed out the door to go get it. She said it comes in pills. I will be back in about 40 minutes. And i will not give it to her until you all say i can and how much :)
Great! :thumbsup
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 10:59 AM
ok I'm back, she is still doing good, moving around and stuff. I git some charco caps activated charcoal capsules 260 mg. and I also got done infants gas relief drops, anti gas
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 11:02 AM
09-24-2013, 11:24 AM
Bump for charcoal dosing help! How much does this squirrel weigh?
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 11:26 AM
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 11:37 AM
I just weighed her and she is 100g.or 4 oz. she gained some weight :)
the box says.... take 2 capsules with water preferably after meals. repeat after 2 hours if necessary. do not exceed 16 capsules per day
09-24-2013, 11:37 AM
Maybe post what the ingredients are? Some of these have additional stuff, some are just pure activated charcoal.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 11:39 AM
Maybe post what the ingredients are? Some of these have additional stuff, some are just pure activated charcoal.
ok, oh I forgot to mention... she did go potty
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 11:45 AM
ok, oh I forgot to mention... she did go potty
I took a picture, I hope that helps
09-24-2013, 11:48 AM
I took a picture, I hope that helps
That is pure charcoal 260mg per pill. I am sure nancy will be back shortly with dosage amounts.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 11:51 AM
I'm sorry I just realised this is not toxiban, do you want me to call around some more and see if anyone has any?
09-24-2013, 12:02 PM
I'm sorry I just realised this is not toxiban, do you want me to call around some more and see if anyone has any?
You could but Nancy may be able to figure out the dosage. What you have is pure charcoal 260 mg per pill.
Toxiban Granuals are 48% charcoal
Toxiban suspension is 8.7% charcoal
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 12:07 PM
You could but Nancy may be able to figure out the dosage. What you have is pure charcoal 260 mg per pill.
Toxiban Granuals are 48% charcoal
Toxiban suspension is 8.7% charcoal
Yeah, I was reading up on the toxiban. I noticed that it wasn't pure but I didn't know if that's what we wanted. :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 01:21 PM
my little baby is still doing good, she's still drinking water and drinking her formula and moving around :)
09-24-2013, 01:34 PM
Has she peed?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 01:46 PM
Has she peed?
yes, she has, not as much as I think she should but she did go potty
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 02:07 PM
Was just now able to get back on.
Unfortunately I don't know how to break this down, but I sent out an
SOS to another member who is excellent at dosing, hope to hear back from
her soon.
I am so glad that your little one is doing so well, and hoping that all the
fluids that were pushed has been the answer.
If I hear anything, I will post immediately. :grouphug
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 02:13 PM
Was just now able to get back on.
Unfortunately I don't know how to break this down, but I sent out an
SOS to another member who is excellent at dosing, hope to hear back from
her soon.
I am so glad that your little one is doing so well, and hoping that all the
fluids that were pushed has been the answer.
If I hear anything, I will post immediately. :grouphug
thank you Nancy :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 04:28 PM
ok I can do that, this may sound silly but do I feed her first? after? how about giving her water after?
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 04:32 PM
ok I can do that, this may sound silly but do I feed her first? after? how about giving her water after?
I sent you a pm.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 04:56 PM
got it, thank you. ok I have it to her just like you said. she seems fine, nothing new. she ate I gave her the charcoal and she took it with no problem. so far so good
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 05:01 PM
I gave it to her. about ten minutes ago. she says her tummy hurts, she is curled in a little ball trying to sleep it off
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 05:12 PM
I gave it to her. about ten minutes ago. she says her tummy hurts, she is curled in a little ball trying to sleep it off
You mean this upset her tummy?
09-24-2013, 05:20 PM
Is charcoal useful at this point? I would assume that the Ivermectin has been absorbed out of the GI tract at this point, so how does this help? I'm just curious as to the mechanism.
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 05:41 PM
Is charcoal useful at this point? I would assume that the Ivermectin has been absorbed out of the GI tract at this point, so how does this help? I'm just curious as to the mechanism.
Keep an eye out for vomiting and tremors. It takes a long time for Ivermectin to metabolize and be excreted (several days) so activated charcoal can help prevent absorbion. If you could get some tomorrow from a pharmacy, it would still be worth administering.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 05:46 PM
Yeah I think it made it upset, not sure how that affected her and the other stuff didn't seem to bother her any. it's weird. I have got her to drink more water. I did notice that some of that scabby stuff that's around her private parts is coming off, so I think that's good :) she could be just tired of me bugging her all day lol I'll keep you up to date. let me know if I should give her more.
thank you so much for helping my baby
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 05:52 PM
she does seem to be doing a little better, moving around a little more
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 06:02 PM
Let's see how she does for a while, before giving her anything else. Has she had formula? Is she peeing?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 06:22 PM
Let's see how she does for a while, before giving her anything else. Has she had formula? Is she peeing?
I gave her formula before I gave her the charcoal, she hasn't went potty yet well for awhile and she has pooped a little bit after
09-24-2013, 07:37 PM
The charcoal should not hurt her in any way. It is completely inactive (can not be digested or absorbed) so it just absorbs chemicals and then is flushed out as waste/poop. In theory, the more charcoal you can get in her the better. I would probably continue to give small amounts of the next 48 hours at which point the Ivermectin is probably out of her system and the charcoal will not do anything. If she has a tummy ache or nausea, it is probably from the Ivermectin (these are known side effects of the drug).
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 08:05 PM
ok I can do that. how often should I give it to her, like every 4 to 6 hours? I can't remember how many times it said on the box. she did eat some more, and pooped really well after
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 08:45 PM
ok I can do that. how often should I give it to her, like every 4 to 6 hours? I can't remember how many times it said on the box. she did eat some more, and pooped really well after
The picture of the box is in your thread :poke:grin:poke.....and it said you can give again after two hours, it also said preferably after meals.
Post #113
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 09:29 PM
The picture of the box is in your thread :poke:grin:poke.....and it said you can give again after two hours, it also said preferably after meals.
Post #113
Yeah but that's for humans, I just want to make sure. shall I let her relax and rest for the night or do the same like last night? which I don't mind but she sure didn't like it lol
sorry to ask lots of questions but it's there some kind of soothing bath I can give her for her itching? she keeps biting at herself and I'm afraid she will give herself sores.
I'm going to feed her in a bit and give her another dose of charcoal.
oh and does anyone know if I should keep her in her little cat carrier cage and rest or let her do some running around with my supervision? let her stretch her legs a bit.
Nancy in New York
09-24-2013, 09:32 PM
Yeah but that's for humans, I just want to make sure. shall I let her relax and rest for the night or do the same like last night? which I don't mind but she sure didn't like it lol
sorry to ask lots of questions but it's there some kind of soothing bath I can give her for her itching? she keeps biting at herself and I'm afraid she will give herself sores.
I'm going to feed her in a bit and give her another dose of charcoal.
oh and does anyone know if I should keep her in her little cat carrier cage and rest or let her do some running around with my supervision? let her stretch her legs a bit.
Was she itching before any of this?
Does she seem to have dry skin? I mean other than those spots on her little belly....:tilt
How old is she again, and where does she run, I mean does she climb up and jump onto things?
09-24-2013, 10:13 PM
Yeah but that's for humans, I just want to make sure. shall I let her relax and rest for the night or do the same like last night? which I don't mind but she sure didn't like it lol
sorry to ask lots of questions but it's there some kind of soothing bath I can give her for her itching? she keeps biting at herself and I'm afraid she will give herself sores.
I'm going to feed her in a bit and give her another dose of charcoal.
oh and does anyone know if I should keep her in her little cat carrier cage and rest or let her do some running around with my supervision? let her stretch her legs a bit.
I am not sure. I would feed her and give more charcoal tonight. Perhaps another treatment in the middle of the night? Certainly, more charcoal in the morning. She will poop the charcoal out.
The half life of orally administered ivermectin in humans is about 12 hours, in rats about 1 day, in cattle about 2.7 days. Since she got a pretty large overdose, figure it may take 2-3 days before metabolized down to safe levels. I would continue the charcoal treatment for at least 48 hours. Also, Ivermectin levels will be highest in the liver so keep on pushing liquids. The more hydration the better!
Lastly, if she is biting on herself, I would keep a very close eye on her to make sure she does not injure herself. It will be a tough next couple days. I hope you can help her through this, you obviously care a lot for her. :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 10:21 PM
Was she itching before any of this?
Does she seem to have dry skin? I mean other than those spots on her little belly....:tilt
How old is she again, and where does she run, I mean does she climb up and jump onto things?
She doesnt jump or run mostly just climbs my arms and around me on the couch, she doesnt go anywhere. I did have her on my lap outside for about 5 minutes. She loved the sun. Just sprawled out on my lap and fell asleep. Very cute.
she is about six and a half weeks, her whole lower back side feels like really bad dried skin. I dont know how to explain it, like her skin is drying up and coming off in chunks. All i can think of are like scabs i guess. And her tail is pretty itchy to. Its becoming bald on the bottom and looks smooth but pink.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 10:29 PM
I am not sure. I would feed her and give more charcoal tonight. Perhaps another treatment in the middle of the night? Certainly, more charcoal in the morning. She will poop the charcoal out.
The half life of orally administered ivermectin in humans is about 12 hours, in rats about 1 day, in cattle about 2.7 days. Since she got a pretty large overdose, figure it may take 2-3 days before metabolized down to safe levels. I would continue the charcoal treatment for at least 48 hours. Also, Ivermectin levels will be highest in the liver so keep on pushing liquids. The more hydration the better!
Lastly, if she is biting on herself, I would keep a very close eye on her to make sure she does not injure herself. It will be a tough next couple days. I hope you can help her through this, you obviously care a lot for her. :)
Ok I'll do that. I want to help her best and much as i can.
When i see her biting and itching i gently message the tips of my fingers in little circles around her little body, she really likes that. She holds her little chin up so I dont miss that part either. Its cute
09-24-2013, 10:29 PM
about itching: did she tich before? if she did, then, probably, it has to do with her skin condition.
And it could be mange.
Revolution is a safe med for mange, but you can't use both Rev and Iverm. So, you have to wait till iverm leaves her system (which, hopefully, should be about 7 days min).
Iverm. such a "difficult" med - cannot be combined with some other things (another drawback of it, although, when administered correctly it is very potent).
So, in the meantime, perhaps you could start looking for Rev. Did you say that you have a dog and a cat? (sorry, if it wasn't you).
Since you have a dog and a cat, perhaps, you vet could give you Rev. for cats? Just don't tell him about the squirrel unless he is 100% reliable.
If you don't have cats and dogs, ask friends who do - usually, cat and dog people have Revolution.
In the meantime, perhaps, if you massage her gently that might relieve some of the itchiness, at least temporarily.
I wonder if you should add some probiotic stuff to her meals, because ivermectin affects liver... but will let experts advise.
I am sure other ppl who dealt with itchiness will suggest.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-24-2013, 10:40 PM
about itching: did she tich before? if she did, then, probably, it has to do with her skin condition.
And it could be mange.
Revolution is a safe med for mange, but you can't use both Rev and Iverm. So, you have to wait till iverm leaves her system (which, hopefully, should be about 7 days min).
Iverm. such a "difficult" med - cannot be combined with some other things (another drawback of it, although, when administered correctly it is very potent).
So, in the meantime, perhaps you could start looking for Rev. Did you say that you have a dog and a cat? (sorry, if it wasn't you).
Since you have a dog and a cat, perhaps, you vet could give you Rev. for cats? Just don't tell him about the squirrel unless he is 100% r
If you don't have cats and dogs, ask friends who do - usually, cat and dog people have Revolution.
In the meantime, perhaps, if you massage her gently that might relieve some of the itchiness, at least temporarily.
I wonder if you should add some probiotic stuff to her meals, because ivermectin affects liver... but will let experts advise.
I am sure other ppl who dealt with itchiness will suggest.
Yeah she was itchy, for about a week now.
I do have cats and a dog, I have lots of pets. I have ferrets and guinea pigs to. Maybe i could say they have it. It would be smaller so i wouldn't get to much of it. Just a thought.
She loves getting massaged, thats what i do for the itching now. :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-25-2013, 12:37 AM
she is still doing good, she's eaten and had more charcoal. this time she did much better after. no tummy ache. I'll give her some water in a bit, she just wants to sleep right now :)
Nancy in New York
09-25-2013, 12:51 AM
she is still doing good, she's eaten and had more charcoal. this time she did much better after. no tummy ache. I'll give her some water in a bit, she just wants to sleep right now :)
She's such a little trooper, just like her mama. :grouphug
Annie Vaughn 22
09-25-2013, 06:29 AM
She's such a little trooper, just like her mama. :grouphug
thank you, I really hope she makes it through all this and grows up to be a big girl and healthy :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-25-2013, 07:36 AM
Good morning everyone, can some one tell me what these two bumps are above her potty area? they look pretty full but she did just eat. Just curious. she is doing good so far this morning, she ate and had some more charcoal and drank water. She pooped really good and went potty.
09-25-2013, 03:10 PM
Don't know about the bumps. Hopefully someone will. However, we STONGLY advise people to not allow squirrels who have not been prepared for release time outside. We have seen just so many instances of squirrels who wouldn't leave someone's side getting spooked for some reason, getting lost, getting taken by predators, running up trees and not being able to get down, etc. It so frequently ends in heatbreak.
09-25-2013, 03:27 PM
Bump for an expert needed to look at the above pic.
Not sure what is going on. You say she pooped and peed just recently (before that pic was taken)?
Her skin condition looks worse to me but perhaps I can just see it better in this picture?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-25-2013, 05:26 PM
Don't know about the bumps. Hopefully someone will. However, we STONGLY advise people to not allow squirrels who have not been prepared for release time outside. We have seen just so many instances of squirrels who wouldn't leave someone's side getting spooked for some reason, getting lost, getting taken by predators, running up trees and not being able to get down, etc. It so frequently ends in heatbreak.
I would never take her outside and let her run around. We were in a screened in room outside and i didnt let her off my lap kept a hand on her the whole time.
It was before she pottied but after she pooped some. She did poop more after the picture. Could it be her kidneys?
Annie Vaughn 22
09-25-2013, 05:30 PM
Those scabby things are about the same. They are not worse i think its just trying to peel off away from the skin. The rest of her body is doing the samething. She has scratched a couple spots on her body and one by her eye that is becoming a sore or wound
09-25-2013, 09:20 PM
Those scabby things are about the same. They are not worse i think its just trying to peel off away from the skin. The rest of her body is doing the samething. She has scratched a couple spots on her body and one by her eye that is becoming a sore or wound
Hopefully Nancy or another rehabber will comment on that last pic. Bumping for advice.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-25-2013, 09:26 PM
Hopefully Nancy or another rehabber will comment on that last pic. Bumping for advice.
Thank you
09-25-2013, 10:49 PM
Nancy in New York
09-26-2013, 10:45 AM
I saw these and am not sure what they could be, sorry.
09-26-2013, 11:53 AM
Looking back at the first pic you posted and comparing it to the last pic you posted, I think this condition (whatever it is) looks much worse. I think you need a vet involved. If you cant find one, I guess you should probably continue to treat with Revolution or Ivermectin (adhering to proper dosage!!!). Perhaps wait a couple days for the initial dose of Ivermectin to work its way out of this little girl. I am no expert but her condition is worsening and Mange (if that is what this is) can kill. It would be great if anyone with experience can chime in to agree or disagree but I am afraid that doing nothing will harm this little one.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-26-2013, 12:30 PM
Looking back at the first pic you posted and comparing it to the last pic you posted, I think this condition (whatever it is) looks much worse. I think you need a vet involved. If you cant find one, I guess you should probably continue to treat with Revolution or Ivermectin (adhering to proper dosage!!!). Perhaps wait a couple days for the initial dose of Ivermectin to work its way out of this little girl. I am no expert but her condition is worsening and Mange (if that is what this is) can kill. It would be great if anyone with experience can chime in to agree or disagree but I am afraid that doing nothing will harm this little one.
Wouldn't the ivermectin kill the mange or is the for mites only? How do you get rid of mange? Its not the same as mites? I dont to do nothing and have her die, that would be awful
09-26-2013, 12:40 PM
Wouldn't the ivermectin kill the mange or is the for mites only? How do you get rid of mange? Its not the same as mites? I dont to do nothing and have her die, that would be awful
The ivermectin will kill Demodectic Mange. But the dosage has to be correct otherwise it can hurt the squirrel.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-26-2013, 01:28 PM
The ivermectin will kill Demodectic Mange. But the dosage has to be correct otherwise it can hurt the squirrel.
We dont want a hurt squirrel :)
The amount i gave should kill everything right, so it wouldnt get worse would it? Oh gosh i hope not. I still need to wait until next week before i can give her more, with the right dosage this time
Annie Vaughn 22
09-26-2013, 01:39 PM
I finally got some ultra boost in the mail today, im going to mix it in with her formula. Hopefully it will help her put some weight on. I weighted her today and she weights about 115g. So she is gaining some weight, yay!!!
09-26-2013, 01:47 PM
We dont want a hurt squirrel :)
The amount i gave should kill everything right, so it wouldnt get worse would it? Oh gosh i hope not. I still need to wait until next week before i can give her more, with the right dosage this time
09-26-2013, 07:30 PM
The amount i gave should kill everything right,
no, actually, it shouldn't.
The course of ivermectin (at least that's how the paste works) is three doses, spaced 7-10days apart.
The reason behind it has to do with how ivermectin kills. If i remember it correctly, it affects only "adult" mites, but not the unhatched mites.
That's why three doses are needed - so as to kill ALL generations of mites laid on the animal, until ALL mites hatch and get killed.
So, if everything goes well, she will need to go through the entire course.
BUT it will be safer if she had topical Revolution:
same three doses, but administered topically - much safer.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-26-2013, 08:44 PM
I can order the pfizer revolution for cats 5-15lbs for $45.95 on amazon
Annie Vaughn 22
09-27-2013, 11:55 AM
Would that work?
Charley Chuckles
09-27-2013, 01:33 PM
Try this it is in another thread with same is cheaper, order for kittens and puppies...REMEMBER JUST 1 DROP back of neck :thumbsup
Charley Chuckles
09-27-2013, 01:35 PM
Sorry posted before I read about the ivermectin, I have used both with good results :thumbsup
Annie Vaughn 22
09-27-2013, 03:08 PM
Sorry posted before I read about the ivermectin, I have used both with good results :thumbsup
Thank you!! :) :) :)
Annie Vaughn 22
09-27-2013, 04:28 PM
a couple of pictures of my baby twitchy :)
09-27-2013, 05:15 PM
Is this getting worse? The pic on the 25th shows some hair on the abdomen, but this looks like none.
Annie Vaughn 22
09-27-2013, 10:06 PM
Is this getting worse? The pic on the 25th shows some hair on the abdomen, but this looks like none.
I think it might be just the picture cause I was checking her over right now and there is hair on her belly and chest its a very light color, almost like a blonde. I think she will probably loose her hair on her tail and the bottom part of her body due to the mange. I may have to crochet her some pants lol
Annie Vaughn 22
09-27-2013, 10:12 PM
Oh i know, its because she was a little wet. I had just wiped her down with a wet washcloth because she ate. Thats what im thinking
10-06-2013, 11:52 AM
Are there any updates? Haven't heard anything since the 27th! :dono
Annie Vaughn 22
10-07-2013, 08:00 AM
Are there any updates? Haven't heard anything since the 27th! :dono
she is doing good, gaining weight just fine, starting to eat the block things. I gave her one drop of the revolution stuff between her shoulder blades. she losing her fur where the mange was. Her skin where there is no fur looks good. she's a very happy girl and has lots of energy. :)
10-07-2013, 08:17 AM
she is doing good, gaining weight just fine, starting to eat the block things. I gave her one drop of the revolution stuff between her shoulder blades. she losing her fur where the mange was. Her skin where there is no fur looks good. she's a very happy girl and has lots of energy. :)
Hope she continues to get better! :)
10-07-2013, 08:36 AM
So happy to hear it! :grin2
Annie Vaughn 22
10-07-2013, 08:13 PM
thank you all so much for all your help, I know she will not be here right now if it wasn't for everyone. thank you, thank you :)
Annie Vaughn 22
10-29-2013, 08:18 AM
hello, I just thought I'd give you a up date on my little twitchy. she is doing great!! She is very healthy and happy. she's very active to. Sharp little nails but she lives running around on us we have her in a tall ferret cage and she loves climbing around, lots of room for her, so far. All of her fur is coming in great and she eats great. she is almost done winging herself off the formula. Here is a picture of her with one of my daughters, she's taking a snack break from playing :) sorry if the picture is sideways I haven't figured out how to fix that yet. 217779
10-29-2013, 08:22 AM
So happy to hear that she is doing so well! :grouphug She looks great :thumbsup
10-29-2013, 08:26 AM
Great news! Good job helping her. She looks healthy and happy! :)
10-29-2013, 10:28 AM
Yay! Great update. :) And a very cute picture too! You can tell she is happy and loved.:Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
10-29-2013, 11:53 AM
WOW, for a little squirrel that was in so much trouble and being overdosed with ivermectin,
you sure did an excellent job getting that out of her system and looking like this....she is beautiful! :Love_Icon
And so is your daughter!
Annie Vaughn 22
10-29-2013, 03:14 PM
aww thank you all, yeah we love her so much. she is such a joy to have around. she was having fun yesterday trying to hide a nut in my daughters sweatshirt it was so fun to watch. it will be hard to release her in the spring but hopefully she will stick around and visit lots. :)
thank you for fixing my picture :thankyou:thankyou
Annie Vaughn 22
04-28-2014, 03:08 PM
I wanted to up date everyone on twitchy. She is doing great. I released her into the yard and set her all up with a house, food, water and all her blankets and toys. She really is enjoying climbing trees and finding nuts, and she comes to say hi and visit with me while I'm outside.
Thank you all for all your help. If it wasn't for you all she wouldn't be here today :)
04-28-2014, 03:43 PM
So glad she's doing so well!
Annie Vaughn 22
04-29-2014, 03:10 PM
Here she is hanging out on the wood pile :)
08-26-2020, 06:27 PM
How do you get to the Hope for Hope thread? I'm new to this. My baby girl has similar bumps like pics in this thread only on her belly though.
08-28-2020, 10:13 PM
she has 5 of the eye dropper full of formula. I think that measured up to 11cc's. she potties and poops really well. her poop is a nice golden color not mushy and it's pretty firm like little balls almost. I posted a couple pictures, hopefully they will show. can't really see the dry kind of crusty parts but you can feel them.
thank you all for all your help :)
What did you give your baby to heal those
08-28-2020, 10:26 PM
Squirrelgirl87, this is a very old thread. If your squirrel is having skin issues start a new thread and post a picture so folks can see what is going on with your squirrel.
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