View Full Version : Infected Wound-Need Advice

09-22-2013, 12:25 PM
Bart was wounded approximately two weeks ago. He was released approximately three months ago but returns to my house at least twice a day. He often comes to me outside when I call. I had been feeding Bart and many of the area squirrels in a safe location away from the street. At first the feeding was amicable, but a dominant squirrel appeared and began to chase and attack the other squirrels Many of them sustained wounds, which were quite visible. Bart, too, was bitten. Although Bart's visits inside my house are quick, I have been able to check his injury daily and have sporadically been able to apply Neosporine ointment (when the wound was closed) and cream (now, since the wound is open and draining). I realize the cream probably doesn't stay on very long and is probably not very effective. Hopefully, I have uploaded a picture that you can view. I have 500 mg Cipro (ciproflaxcin) on hand. Is this something that I can give to Bart? If so, in what form and how much? Bart darts outside when I attempt to apply the Neosporin. My concern is that a large pocket of infection is clearly visible at the wound site (behind left front arm). My vet's office will be open tomorrow and if an antibiotic ointment (prescription) is needed, I am confident that I can have the vet give me some to apply. What do you recommend? Because there is a pocket of infection that has not diminished in size, I am worried that the infection will enter his bloodstream. I don't know how to make him ingest something, so I would appreciate your advice about that, too. At the moment, he remains active and continues to eat and cache nuts Thank you for your assistance. Sheryl (Bart's Mom)

09-22-2013, 01:03 PM
That looks like it might be a bot fly larva rather than a wound. If it is then you really don't do anything except wait for it to come out on its own. Can you get a more straight on picture of it?

09-22-2013, 01:06 PM
Take a look at this link that Maura put up about bots.

09-22-2013, 01:11 PM
That looks like it might be a bot fly larva rather than a wound. If it is then you really don't do anything except wait for it to come out on its own. Can you get a more straight on picture of it?

I will try to get a better picture of the wound. When this first occurred, Bart had scratches on his belly and there was a small tear in the left shoulder. As time has passed, the wound sealed for a time and looked as if it was healing. Then it began to swell and open. Over the last few days, the opening has enlarged and begun to drain. I have called Bart this morning but as yet he hasn't appeared. I will take a straight on picture as soon as I can and will upload it to you. Many thanks. Sheryl

09-22-2013, 01:13 PM
Take a look at this link that Maura put up about bots.

Will take a look. Thanks. Sheryl

09-22-2013, 01:25 PM
What your boy has is a Bot fly warble. That is not an infection from a bite. There is the story of another tiny squirrel with Bot fly in the ailments section.

09-22-2013, 02:08 PM
What your boy has is a Bot fly warble. That is not an infection from a bite. There is the story of another tiny squirrel with Bot fly in the ailments section.

I have been reading about bot flies since it was suggested. I am actually relieved if it is a bot fly. Because so many of the squirrels exhibited the same injuries (on their sides just behind their front feet) the same day, (as Bart had), I assumed that Bart had been involved in the fight I witnessed with the larger, more dominant male. Initially, it appeared to be a tear or wound that was healing. Then it began to swell and ooze. As I understand it, the best thing for me to do is nothing. I appreciate your valuable time. Sheryl

09-22-2013, 02:26 PM
I will bet that all of them had warbles. THey are disgusting, but not dangerous...:eek :grin3

Sweet Simon's Mommy
09-22-2013, 02:44 PM
scratches are probably him scratching, Bot flies dont feel good, poor baby.