View Full Version : Hi everyone!

09-16-2013, 08:23 AM
I don't currently have a squirrel or problem needing solved, I was actually googling some info for my raccoon kit, but I was pretty psyched to find a squirrel forum. 'My' squirrel is currently out running around with his new family, but he still comes for snacks and company sometimes. I found him April 26th, 2012 while I was working, I heard some little critter screaming it's head off and he was trying to climb a pile of rubble to get back to his nest, which was in the attic on the 3rd story and the homeowner wanted them all gone, but agreed to wait until the babies were moved out to try eradicating them.. Either way, I had to take this little boy.

He's the first wild animal I raised all the way, I've kept and fostered plenty until I could find a good rehabber with others of their kind to prep them for release, but after calling one of them I was pretty dismayed to hear that they use the small common critters, like squirrels, bunnies, etc, to feed the raptors and raccoons and such they rehab. Well I was already pretty attached at that point and didn't call anyone else.

He did very well, he was such a sweet boy, he'd slip and fall off of me rather than use his claws to hold on once he was large enough to do harm. I got him adjusted to living outdoors and at first he was here every day for most of his food, but eventually I wouldn't see him for a week or so, then he came home in Sept. Last year and was chewed up pretty badly by something. It was the last time I saw him.
And on July 12th this year, I saw his familiar face, completely healed and robust, he's not big on being held and loved on anymore, which is fine with me. He still comes by for treats sometimes, but he definitely doesn't need me. Which I think is great, it's the best possible outcome. There is no cage I could build for him that would be as fulfilling as him living like a wild animal should.

I'm sure I'll end up with another one day, I already had a female pinky since him, but at the time I didn't have the ability to care for her and I found private, local woman to take her where I was pretty darn sure she wouldn't be a snack.

Anyhow, this is Bonzai.

And most of my gang.

Batman, his brother Elliot is here too, not pictured. They were adopted (more like rescued) by us a few months back.
http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b524/sparkles1321/BatmanPC1_zps2d13610b.jpg (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/sparkles1321/media/BatmanPC1_zps2d13610b.jpg.html)

Jaeger and Dahlia (the kitty). Jaeger is my nutty GSD and Dahlia adopted me a while ago, she was a neighborhood stray who moved herself right in.
http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b524/sparkles1321/JDahliaPier04_zps2a0dd579.jpg (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/sparkles1321/media/JDahliaPier04_zps2a0dd579.jpg.html)

And then there is little old Sparkles, 12 this year.
http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b524/sparkles1321/Jsparklesfeelgood7_zps4dcf5f4a.jpg (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/sparkles1321/media/Jsparklesfeelgood7_zps4dcf5f4a.jpg.html)

I have 19 rats, 11 are fosters. I'll be getting three new from a breeder later in the month.
Here are Tonks (black hood), and Luna, Blue Dumbo.

I have the 19 rats, two dogs, three cats, a crazy chinchilla, a G. Rosea(tarantula), and the foster raccoon as of right now.
I simply don't have room to post everyone! lol
So, hi everyone.

Squirrel Girls Mom
09-16-2013, 08:34 AM
:Welcome Good grief, that's quite the houseful. Sounds like it could be a little crazy at breakfast . . . :thumbsup

09-16-2013, 09:38 AM
:Welcome your little squirrel is so cute. I like the rats too! Never saw rats that cute before. makes me want a rat. lol

09-16-2013, 01:19 PM
He's very cute. If you ever find another squirrel, please come here first. There's lots to know and first time parents often make a lot of mistakes. We can help you through it.

09-16-2013, 02:35 PM
We do raccoons too! Take a look down the board to find where we put our other than squirrel rescues and pets! Just released my two boy coons from this spring, I really love those coonies!

09-16-2013, 02:37 PM
I plan on it. I might get my license with the state to help with squirrels, I just met up with another lady who took the raccoon kit (she had two others to raise him with and prep for release)and unfortunately we don't have very many licensed rehabilitators here. She's one of the VERY few permitted to handle rabies risk babies, like the coons. They sure are awesome little guys. But with the number of other animals here it was hard to keep him QT'd until I could find someone for him.

And I never thought I'd be a rat person either, but they are very cool smart little things, not (IME) as personable or quick to learn as a squirrel, though.

Charley Chuckles
09-16-2013, 05:08 PM
OMG I just love you and :thankyou :grouphug

09-17-2013, 11:29 AM
What a great story! Bonzai is super cute! Great job raising and releasing him! :thumbsup