View Full Version : When can I introduce new foods?

09-11-2013, 08:59 AM
My baby finally opened up those big brown eyes of his and just melts my heart :)
Hes eating fairly well now, sometimes hard to feed with the syringes but the silicone nipples are on the way! Hes gaining weight slowly but surely now.
My question is at what age do we introduce their "normal" type diet foods to them? And what can I give him? Based on his size, weight and look, Im guesstimating him to be about 5wks? His hair is definately more prominent now. :Love_Icon:grin3

09-11-2013, 09:07 AM
he is too little for solid food yet. When he curls his tail in a "S" shape and can hold it over his back he is ready for solids.

there is a section on good diet in the NUTRITION section.

have you got Henry's Blocks? that is first food you really need to give them.... when they start eating it good, you can try avocado.

www.henryspets.com for yummy blocks.

you will have to keep this squirrel all winter, it is too late in the year to let them go until spring comes.

09-11-2013, 10:54 AM
he is too little for solid food yet. When he curls his tail in a "S" shape and can hold it over his back he is ready for solids.

there is a section on good diet in the NUTRITION section.

have you got Henry's Blocks? that is first food you really need to give them.... when they start eating it good, you can try avocado.

www.henryspets.com for yummy blocks.

you will have to keep this squirrel all winter, it is too late in the year to let them go until spring comes.

I have no problems with keeping him until Spring. Thats a whole other issue on housing and what not. Hes my baby and its helping my maternal instincts :)
He has held his tail up only once that Ive noticed and that was to pee! LOL!
I will keeping feeding him the milk and review again the nutrion boards for updates
Thanks so much for your input :):thankyou

09-11-2013, 11:34 AM
he will shred the squirrel blocks for a few weeks before he actually starts eating them.

holding his tail over his back not the same as holding it in a "S" shape. you will see it. he is little yet.

are you feeding him the fox valley milk? it is the best no diarrhea, haven't lost a baby yet that drinks it. good stuff. :D

09-11-2013, 09:48 PM
Yes hes eating the 20/50 right now and some pedialyte in between. Hes gaining slowly but getting there :)

he will shred the squirrel blocks for a few weeks before he actually starts eating them.

holding his tail over his back not the same as holding it in a "S" shape. you will see it. he is little yet.

are you feeding him the fox valley milk? it is the best no diarrhea, haven't lost a baby yet that drinks it. good stuff. :D

09-11-2013, 09:53 PM
Sorry for the massive pic. I tried to resize it but didnt work when I tried to delete the original file. But at least you can see all his sweetness now :)

09-11-2013, 09:53 PM
He is sweet! How much does he weigh? How much and how often does he eat?

09-11-2013, 11:09 PM
i think pedialyte on;y good for rehydrating new babies

i would not give it to mine this long

09-13-2013, 05:51 PM
He is 87gms now! Its almost as if once his eyes opened he started to gain weight which makes me very happy! Being a new squirrel mommy I was paranoid about his eating and ensuring he had enough. I feed him about 9cc a feeding which is every 2 hrs or so. He eats all of it and falls fast asleep... After a tummy rub and a back rub of course.
That is one SPOILED squirrel! :Love_Icon

He is sweet! How much does he weigh? How much and how often does he eat?

09-13-2013, 05:56 PM
he is old enough now to feed every 4 hours, especially if you get up at nite for one 3 am feeding! i know how you feel girl, i am in the same boat as you. I have one opened eyes yesterday! so sweet. but i am tired aint' you? lol

mine drinks about 7 cc every 4 hours or so, I slack off during nite time with only the one 3 am feeding. I think she is well hydrated with this routine with just fox valley and vanilla yogurt in it,. yum yum she say!