View Full Version : Thanks! New baby on board
09-07-2013, 03:43 PM
I just wanted to write and thank everyone for their contributions to this site. I've been reading for hours and hope this little guy sleeping in my lap will live and grow because of your help. He is a little grey sweetie about six or so weeks old. So curious he crawled right up my sons leg and adopted him while my son was doing yard work at an abandoned property. My son has had him for two days and today I'm baby sitting and following up to make sure this little guy is raised right and is properly prepared for release. He seems healthy and not injured. Fox valley and blocks... heating pad and proper syringes on the way. Fingers crossed...
09-07-2013, 07:03 PM
:Welcome :Love_Icon Sounds like true love. Pictures please!
Glad you are reading up on care & nutrition.:thumbsup
09-07-2013, 08:31 PM
:wave123 janisse2
:Welcome to TSB
I'm sure your little one will be fine. It sounds like the 2 mom's are doing their homework and you're right on tract. It is actually pretty common for babies that have been orphaned to approach people and crawl right up their leg just like your son.
Until your heating pad arrives you can make your little guy a rice buddy. Put some dry rice in a cotton tube sock. Tie off the end. Microwave it for a minute and then squish the contents around to distribute the heat evenly in the sock. It is important to do this because 'hot spots' can burn the baby. Wrap it in fleece and put it next to the baby. He will LOVE it.
Does the little guy have a name? And yes, pics please! :poke :)
09-08-2013, 11:46 AM
The official name is rocky but I find myself just calling him "Baby." He makes a little sneezing noise frequently like he is clearing his nostrils but he is plenty active and seems okay. Poops are dark and small like rice which are very similar to the pile of squirrel poops at the base of my apple tree. Not sure if that's normal. The first poop on adoption was much runnier and light color.
Baby "Rocky" is adorable!:Welcome to TSB. Hope you have found your way around the different threads and have read all the information you will need for the next 4 months or so of your and Rocky's new adventure. Most important to read is the nutrition section, to keep your baby healthy and growing correctly. Please never hesitate to ask any question-not matter how small.
Pictures are always a plus, thank you for including those great shots of the both of you. I do hope you realize that your life has been changed forever since you found baby Rocky!:grin2
09-08-2013, 01:05 PM
Thanks Anne. Actually, that's my son. My name is Theresa. :). Yep, I've been reading and having lots of talks with my son over the proper care of rocky. Any idea on the poops? I don't want him constipated. Regular pee-er every time he wakes up. But I just don't know what a healthy poop should look like. Also wondering about a better guess on his age given his fuller tail.
I weighed him in yesterday on a food scale. 3.5 ounces. Converting that to grams... 5 to 7 percent food allowance... Math, math, math and I'm coming up with a ridiculously low 5 CFCs of formula. I just don't think that can be right.
Besides formula ...should we offer water or pedyolite (how ever the heck you spell it). I think we should have something, right? Pinching him doesn't seem helpful. Too much fur. I don't think he is dehydrated though. Seems very healthy.
Also I feel we should be offering hard or soft foods. Not clear on that yet. I have more reading to do...
09-08-2013, 01:26 PM
Hi Theresa :wave123
Rocky is adorable and it looks like he has already stolen your heart.
3.5 ounces is 99 grams. 5-7% of 99 grams is 4.95 - 6.93 (Basically 5-7cc or ml)
So yes you are right ... but you can go up to 7cc. Just curious, do you think your scale is accurate. That big fluffy tail made me think he weighed more.
If you don't think he is dehydrated, extra water is not necessary. He wouldn't get any water in the nest if he was with mom. Of course a little water from a syringe wouldn't hurt him if you feel he needs it. He is a big boy so you can order some Henry's Healthy Block (growth formula) from and give him one to start out with. At first, he will mostly play with it and crumble it but he will start eating it.
Are you feeding the goats milk formula?
09-08-2013, 01:30 PM
Thanks Anne. Actually, that's my son. My name is Theresa. :). Yep, I've been reading and having lots of talks with my son over the proper care of rocky. Any idea on the poops? I don't want him constipated. Regular pee-er every time he wakes up. But I just don't know what a healthy poop should look like. Also wondering about a better guess on his age given his fuller tail.
I weighed him in yesterday on a food scale. 3.5 ounces. Converting that to grams... 5 to 7 percent food allowance... Math, math, math and I'm coming up with a ridiculously low 5 CFCs of formula. I just don't think that can be right.
Besides formula ...should we offer water or pedyolite (how ever the heck you spell it). I think we should have something, right? Pinching him doesn't seem helpful. Too much fur. I don't think he is dehydrated though. Seems very healthy.
Also I feel we should be offering hard or soft foods. Not clear on that yet. I have more reading to do...
3.5oz, a little over 99grams so lets just say 100grams and feed at 5-7% .
Eyes open @ 5 weeks, my guess is baby is now around 6 weeks.
Would still be taking formula 8-9cc every 4 hours.
Weight should be around 150-250 grams.
When babies are dehydrated poops will appear dark to black, dry and hard.
Healthy poops light tanish to a golden yellow. Soft but solid pellets.
A dehydrated baby can not process formula so being hydrated first is very important.
09-08-2013, 01:50 PM
Momma squirrel will stimulate baby to potty by licking/cleaning genitals.
Even though at this age baby appears to go on it's own it is recommended
they are stimulated to potty especially after feeding. This not only helps
baby but helps you to keep track of movements and be on top of problems
associated with diarrhea, constipation, or not processing urine.
Stimulation can be done by warm wet finger, cotton ball, q-tip or small paint
brush with a gentle back and forth or up and down motion on the genitals.
The object is to simulate momma squirrels procedure of stimulation.
09-08-2013, 02:11 PM
Okay on stimulation. Will do. Giving kitten formula till fox valley gets here. Blocks were ordered too. Running to the back house for another pow wow.
09-08-2013, 05:30 PM
When is the FV supposed to arrive? Kitten formula is bad. Far too high in protein for a squirrel. If you're not expecting it to arrive tomorrow, I would very strongly suggest that you go out and get the ingredients for the temporary goat milk formula. Here's the instructions:!-**TEMPORARY-Goat-s-Milk-Formula***
OK-here they are---Normal Poops, should be nice and golden on formula!
Charley Chuckles
09-09-2013, 06:56 AM
:Welcome And what a QT Pie :grouphug
Anne only here at TSB are we proud to display our poops :poop:rofl4:rofl4:rofl4
I was thinking of having them bronzed but was worried that would change the patina terribly! God know's I save almost everything, just saved the picture this time :grin3:jump
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