View Full Version : Four/Five week old with very little hair

09-06-2013, 06:36 AM
My neighbor brought me a newborn on August 4. There was no apparent nest or mother nearby. I've been feeding her esbilac. She's up to 2cc 6x per day. I have ordered the FV formula. I have no pictures or scale yet but will work on that today so I can provide you with more info.

I'm glad I've found this forum. The advice here is very helpful and I feel I can trust what I've read is true.

She seems otherwise healthy but does not have much hair. She started to grow hair on her snout and eyelids (still closed) a couple weeks ago. She has a white tuft on the tip of her tail. Very, very short dark hair on her body. I can feel it better than I can see it. Yes, she is a squirrel.

Any idea why she doesn't have hair?

09-06-2013, 06:40 AM
Could you post a picture? It sounds like it may be genetic, but may be nutritional. Esbilac isnt great, but should have enough nutrients not to cause this sort of thing. Did you order the fv already? Also, whar part of new york are you in? We might be able to find simeone to help you.

09-06-2013, 09:49 AM
This picture was taken this morning. It's all I have for now. I think she is very small, still trying to get a scale. She is thin but not skinny, no ribs sticking out.

I live in Onondaga county and am not a rehabilitaor. I do plan to release her when she is old enough and the weather is good. I am not going to keep her as a pet. If you know of someone to help will they be okay with my plans?

Thanks. again.

Could you post a picture? It sounds like it may be genetic, but may be nutritional. Esbilac isnt great, but should have enough nutrients not to cause this sort of thing. Did you order the fv already? Also, whar part of new york are you in? We might be able to find simeone to help you.

09-06-2013, 11:02 AM
Looks to be between 3-4 weeks old with normal fur growth for it's age.
Really need to get a weight so you will know how much she requires to
be fed to maintain 5-7% of her body weight in formula.

edit: Just saw date found listed, she may be stunted as far as growth due to
circumstances and very well could be from the esbalac. The FV can improve
the development by proving better source of formula.

09-06-2013, 11:09 AM
Eyes open approx. @ 5 weeks of age.
Babies taken in now will have to be over wintered as
one can not/ should not release in winter months.
Are you prepared to do this? We do have rehabbers in
your area that may be able to assist you if you desire.

09-06-2013, 12:31 PM
I will get a scale today and the FV formula is in the mail and coming Tuesday. I thought she looked more like three weeks old too.

I have the means to winter her over but I'm thinking she would be better off if raised with other squirrels. I would appreciate a contact nearby in case I need support, although you have proved to be good at that!

09-06-2013, 01:15 PM
I will get a scale today and the FV formula is in the mail and coming Tuesday. I thought she looked more like three weeks old too.

I have the means to winter her over but I'm thinking she would be better off if raised with other squirrels. I would appreciate a contact nearby in case I need support, although you have proved to be good at that!

I have sent a couple pm's out to some New Yorker's that may be able to assist.

This is a pretty good reference for aging: http://www.squirrelsandmore.com/how-to-determine-the-age-of-a-baby-squirrel?___store=default

In the meantime, ask any and all questions. TSB has many members that can help guide you and our forums are full of information for successful rearing.
BTW... :Welcome to TSB! :grin3

Nancy in New York
09-06-2013, 04:58 PM
I have sent a pm to a member/rehabber that is nearby. Hopefully she will know of someone close to you that can help.
What a little doll you have there! :grouphug