09-02-2013, 08:17 PM
We have one of our babies who is in trouble. He's 5 weeks old, weighs only 60 gr and sleeps all the time, says the squammy, although his siblings are quite active. He does eat his 5 to 7%, is on FV 32/40, has been with our volunteer for 4 or 5 days. Was overfed last few days - white pasty poop - and squammy was preparing formula before each feeding. This has been corrected since yesterday.

The problem is that huge bump on its rear end and that baby has not gained weight in the last 3 days.

Any advice... poor squammy is very worried.


09-02-2013, 08:24 PM
How long has that bump been there? Is there any way you can get a closer picture? So we can better see what that bump look like?

09-02-2013, 08:25 PM
Posted that in non-life threatening... this IS life threatening.

We have one of our babies who is in trouble. He's 5 weeks old, weighs only 60 gr and sleeps all the time, says the squammy, although his siblings are quite active and weigh respectively 105 and 85 gr. He does eat his 5 to 7%, is on FV 32/40, has been with our volunteer for 4 or 5 days. Was overfed last few days - white pasty poop - and squammy was preparing formula before each feeding. This has been corrected since yesterday.

The problem is that huge bump on its rear end and that baby has not gained weight in the last 3 days.

Any advice... poor squammy is very worried. So are we :(


09-02-2013, 08:29 PM
That baby needs a vet ASAP.

09-02-2013, 08:30 PM
Where on his bottom is that bump in reference to his anus? A closer picture might be helpful to try and see what the lump is.

Nancy in New York
09-02-2013, 08:31 PM
Posted that in non-life threatening... this IS life threatening.

We have one of our babies who is in trouble. He's 5 weeks old, weighs only 60 gr and sleeps all the time, says the squammy, although his siblings are quite active and weigh respectively 105 and 85 gr. He does eat his 5 to 7%, is on FV 32/40, has been with our volunteer for 4 or 5 days. Was overfed last few days - white pasty poop - and squammy was preparing formula before each feeding. This has been corrected since yesterday.

The problem is that huge bump on its rear end and that baby has not gained weight in the last 3 days.

Any advice... poor squammy is very worried. So are we :(


Is it possible to get another shot with the belly and rectum facing the camera?
We need to see his underside.

09-02-2013, 08:34 PM
I wish I could see a better, closer picture. From what I think I see here now, this baby will need surgery to put the tissue back up where it should be inside of his anus. A closer picture would help. Not totally sure.

Nancy in New York
09-02-2013, 08:37 PM
I wish I could see a better, closer picture. From what I think I see here now, this baby will need surgery to put the tissue back up where it should be inside of his anus. A closer picture would help. Not totally sure.

UDoWhat, are you thinking prolapse?
Here is an interesting post that Loopy made, with photos
of the operation.

09-02-2013, 08:55 PM
Is it on the anus, or next to it, the actual lump? If on the side, can you see a hole, like a bite or something? We need a pic from the bottom, so we can get a better idea exactly where it is in relation to his anus.

09-03-2013, 03:27 AM
Guys I'm awfully sorry I didn't respond sooner. :hidechair My puter is acting up something fierce - I constantly have to reboot, so now I'm on the laptop. Between that and the phone which is turning red by now... here I am with the late report. tinfoil

So, GOOD NEWS at least: the baby is now witth Iwonka, and he's resting. What the trouble was?

Not an abscess, no impacted bowels, no prolapse... that poor baby was FILTHY!!!! :eek Iwonka said she had never seen a filthier baby. The poop was all stuck to his rear end, all dried up and formed a crust - which by now was preventing him from pooping. Even his face was full of milk, his paws all sticky with milk and poop. :madd

Some people I swear .... Squammy said she didn't know she was "supposed to clean him"...!!!!!!!! :gun2

Anyway... At least now he's in good hands, staying with Iwonka - who has cleaned him up thoroughly, and has rehydrated him (he was also dehydrated) and has applied some vaseline to his swollen little rectum - in case he has a bowel movement tonite. If the swelling is still there by morning she will use a dab of Preparation -H (externally only) to help shrink the membrane.

So :thankyou all for ofering help... again sorry if I had not returned sooner.

09-03-2013, 06:21 AM
Thank you for the good update! What is wrong with people?

09-03-2013, 08:29 AM
That poor baby! Hope he is feeling much better today. Being a good squammy requires dealing with the good, the bad, and the dirty. Glad he is in capable hands now!

09-03-2013, 08:37 AM
If this person does any more rescue, they must have training. I can not stand to see this happen because of poor training, NO training, or the wrong info being passed around. I understand that most try their best but ... :shakehead
Poor little baby one...:thankyouIWONKA, bless you :thankyouScooterzmom for getting the proper attention focused on this baby.

island rehabber
09-03-2013, 08:43 AM
If this person does any more rescue, they must have training. I can not stand to see this happen because of poor training, NO training, or the wrong info being passed around. I understand that most try their best but ... :shakehead
Poor little baby one...:thankyouIWONKA, bless you :thankyouScooterzmom for getting the proper attention focused on this baby.


Charley Chuckles
09-03-2013, 08:48 AM
Not sure if this is any help or not however Charley Chuckles was older, stopped pooping, he had to have both of his anal glands removed, they were enlarged.they looked like marbles and white like chicken cartilage, sorry for the visual :tilt ...this may be a whole different issue however :dono

Charley Chuckles
09-03-2013, 08:50 AM
OK just went back and read the filthy issue :sanp3