View Full Version : Lots of questions as the babies grow

08-23-2013, 08:31 PM
Chipette and Dale are doing very well, we had a little issue with constipation but I think I have that under control..now I am looking ahead to what they need.

As previously stated in another thread, I do birds LOL this is my first squirrels..

SO i know to get henrys healthy blocks (they are on the way) what about toys? or things to chew on? vitamins or supplements to go with the blocks?

Also what type of cage? I do have one here , but not sure if it is too big. How far apart should the bars be? This cage is three stories with stairs etc for climbing it is approximately 3 x 3 x 4 when do i put them in the cage?

Do i put bedding in the cage? what kind?

When do I start offering them water?

When do I stop feeding them at 3 Am? (I am wearing out!)

When can I turn off the heating pad?

I know some of this stuff is premature since the babies dont even have their eyes open yet but I really want to be ready and educated as their needs change and grow.


08-23-2013, 11:40 PM
Sorry no one's addressed any of your questions yet. I'm in a rush so I'll be brief.

Toys are great, stuffed animals their size or smaller without any kind of eyes or anyhting that they can bite off and choke on are best. They love to wrestle. Not filled with beans either.

Cages should have plenty of fleece and/or t-shirt material for them to burrow into. People generally put branches in them along with various furnishings for them to sleep/hide in. Here's a place to order it:


Here's a whole area on cages, you can find info on bar spacing there, if not, ask again:


If they get 2-3 HHBs a day, they don't need vitamins. Deer antler or cuttle bone are great to have so that they can keep their teeth filed down (they grow for their whole life).

The heating pad should remain under half the cage for as long as they use it. Once they start staying off of it full time, even at night, time to go.

You will need to either get a glass water bottle or keep the plastic ones outside their cage so that they don't chew them.

As they get older, feedings are spaced out more and you can start sleeping through the night. I don't know how old your are.

08-24-2013, 07:38 PM
Thanks so much for answering my questions!! We think they are between 2 and 3 weeks old now, eyes still closed so we have a ways to go yet..:)

08-24-2013, 08:00 PM
Yeah, at their age they can be in a sterlite container with fleece or tee shirts, with air holes punched in it, half on a heating pad on low. They have a way to go before they need something bigger, but good that you are already thinking ahead! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug

08-25-2013, 12:34 AM
Just saw that you are Lakeland...... I too am in Lakeland and have been rehabbing for 7 years, so let
me know if you need any help or have more questions. I presently have 2 babies that are around
the same age as your squirrels, 3-4 weeks old with eyes still closed. :)

08-25-2013, 10:18 AM
Just saw that you are Lakeland...... I too am in Lakeland and have been rehabbing for 7 years, so let
me know if you need any help or have more questions. I presently have 2 babies that are around
the same age as your squirrels, 3-4 weeks old with eyes still closed. :)

I replied to your private message nice to meet you!! I will have question..:) as they grow and get bigger, I am planning so far ahead LOl this morning I was talking to hubby about releasing them and what enclosure we will put them in and where on the property etc ( we have 9 acres that back onto saddle creek) and releasing them is still MONTHS away. He is worried that we will have birds in all the outside enclosures but said if need be He can build the squirrels something.

So all is good..:)

08-25-2013, 06:15 PM
( we have 9 acres that back onto saddle creek) KEWL!! --not to far from Me..... I am located over by Lake Parker. :)