View Full Version : Young squirrell in my tree question

08-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Ok I have noticed this little guy looks to be around 3 months come to my feeder daily out of the big oak tree in my yard, There use to be a momma squirrel that would come from that tree to eat daily but I havent seen her in a couple weeks, and I noticed this little fellow coming down about a week ago, He looks alittle young to be on his own but he seems healhty. I dont see him searching for food on the ground, he just grabs a treat and runs back up tree. Should I get some HBB and put out there for him? I still have my last releases that come by daily to eat, and he will watch them from up in the tree waiting for them to leave so he can snag a treat. I wonder if the female I was seeing was his mom and she may have gotten killed. So he got hungry and came looking for food. I do not want to trap him, I think that would cause more stress. Any suggestions? Or should I just keep watching him.:dono

08-22-2013, 02:41 PM
Aww he's in a squirrel friendly yard:thumbsup I'd put some food at the bottom of his tree and step back and watch....hopefully he'll eat...you could try the blocks ...my wilds aren't interested but he's still young and if he's hungry he may go for it...he's lucky to have you looking out for him:Love_Icon

08-22-2013, 02:50 PM

08-22-2013, 03:15 PM
Could you get a pic in case he's way too young to be out on his own?

08-22-2013, 03:21 PM
I know he loves the corn cobbs cause I saw one drop from the tree yesterday completely empty, my main concern is what if he is only eating what I am setting out. Peanuts, almonds, hazel nuts, sunflower seeds and corn just dont sound like a good diet for him so young, but it is better than nothing. It is so sweet he carefully scales down the tree, sneaks over the fence to grab a treat then runs back with the speed of light. He is fast little fellow. I will add a water dish and hang if on the fence next to the feeder this afternoon, so he will have easy access to water, I think I have some vitiam stuff to add to water, it was for my hamster. Would that be ok to add to the water?

08-22-2013, 03:41 PM
I will try this afternoon when I get home. I see him up in the tree grooming himself (i am assuming its a boy) I will post picture tomorrow if I can get a good one.

08-22-2013, 08:33 PM
I have waited and looked for him tonight but I have not seen him to get a picture:shakehead Now I am worried. I have seen him daily for about a week. Maybe he will be back tomorrow.

California Squirrel Lover
08-22-2013, 09:40 PM
I hope he is ok and you see him tomorrow, I know how hard the waiting is, not to mention the worry!! :shakehead

I had a similar experience of a little one that I worried was too little to be out on his own, and had success with giving him Henry's Blocks. If he's still around, maybe you could try giving him those? Good luck! :thumbsup

08-22-2013, 10:20 PM
It probably was his mommy. She was probably giving her last instructions for survival before she went off to have her summer babies. Its that time :) Dont worry too much... if he has made his way to the feeder more than once, he will never forget. He also knows that that is the squirrel friendly yard, just in case he needs to find a human :)

08-23-2013, 09:39 AM
It is kinda of strange I only saw one of my releases yesterday, both usually come around. maybe they are just full of allthe good treats. I just ordered some HBB wild bites. Hopefully they will like them, they had been getting the growth blocks. We did have ugly storms come thru yesterday.