View Full Version : Need a Rehab-er in Portland, Oregon or near for 3 week old squirrel!

08-18-2013, 01:31 AM
We just found a baby squirrel that seems about 3 weeks old...not sure.
We tried to reunite it with it's mother but no one ever came after a few hours and it was gettign dark and cold.
We have it in a tupperwear with a woolen blanket to keep it warm.
It has been in shock mode for over 3 hours now after falling from a tree. But is breathing normally.
It seems to be slowly waking up.
I am going out to get it some goats milk and a syringe to feel it.

My question is:
Does anyone know of a good rehab person near Portland, Oregon?

08-18-2013, 02:44 AM
We just found a baby squirrel that seems about 3 weeks old...not sure.
We tried to reunite it with it's mother but no one ever came after a few hours and it was gettign dark and cold.
We have it in a tupperwear with a woolen blanket to keep it warm.
It has been in shock mode for over 3 hours now after falling from a tree. But is breathing normally.
It seems to be slowly waking up.
I am going out to get it some goats milk and a syringe to feel it.

My question is:
Does anyone know of a good rehab person near Portland, Oregon?

Just read more on your site and when he woke up fed him some home made pedialite and he drank 2 cc's full and fell asleep.
I put a warm sock next to him to keep him warmer, but he seems like his body is warm.
I bought goats milk and was wondering if I should feed it to him.
I'm hopefully goiing ot find the contact info for someone who rehabs baby squirrels and bring him there tomorrow.
If I can't, what next? Order that Squirrel formula I read about? OR can I just give him the goats milk? Thanks!

08-18-2013, 02:48 AM
You should have your own thread, but for tonight I'll post here. I think tomorrow an admin will move this to your own area.

Anyway, if he's warm and hydrated, you can go ahead and feed the GM. You have the ingredients? Is it ready? DO you have a syringe with which to feed? If all the boxes are checked, go to it, but first watch the following video. Proper technique is a must. Syringe pointed up, head pointed down, slow and steady, 5-7% of body weight, very warm formula, like 102 degrees warm, almost hot.

08-18-2013, 02:52 AM
Btw, you might want to skip the cream for the first few feedings. If you don't know his weight and therefore how much to feed, is his tummy bare? If so, you can see the milk line. You don;t want to over feed and you don't want to feed before the line disappears.

Lastly, GM goes bad after about 72 hours, so it's advised to pout it into an ice cube tray and freeze it, thawing cubes as you need them.

08-18-2013, 06:02 AM
Btw, you might want to skip the cream for the first few feedings. If you don't know his weight and therefore how much to feed, is his tummy bare? If so, you can see the milk line. You don;t want to over feed and you don't want to feed before the line disappears.

Lastly, GM goes bad after about 72 hours, so it's advised to pout it into an ice cube tray and freeze it, thawing cubes as you need them.

His stomach is pretty bare with some lite fuzz. Should I feed him goat milk in the morning?
It's not raw goats milk, does it matter? Do I have to buy that formula if I'm unable to find someone tomorrow to take him and rehab?

Would it be very unlikely that his mother would come back tomorrow looking for him and be able to get him up into a tree?

Know anyone in Portland, Oregon or close? I'm not sure where to take him.

Thanks for the great info!

08-18-2013, 06:13 AM
Reposting this here as it's own thread.
We just found this poor guy today, we're pretty sure he's a squirrel.
He seems to be in shock but slowly coming out of it.
I'm hoping to find someone who can help rehab him so he can have a good life.
I have no experience with squirrels or I'd try myself.

Anyone know of anyone or place I can take him to be taken care of.
I called a local place and they told me to put him back outside. Luckily, my son convinced me he would die if we didn't bring him in before dark.
My husband tried to rope his way up the tree to find the nest and put him back in but couldn't get up.
He's inside, in a tupperwear, curled up next to a warm sock and getting hydrated now.

Anyone know of anyone who can care for him?

Thanks so much!

Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2013, 07:39 AM
hang tight...bumping this to the top... thank you for taking in the little guy...we will find someone, may take a while...keep him warm...
I will ask admin to push your membership forward so we have open avenues to help... hang tight cartwright!:thankyou:Welcome

08-18-2013, 08:25 AM
His stomach is pretty bare with some lite fuzz. Should I feed him goat milk in the morning?
It's not raw goats milk, does it matter? Do I have to buy that formula if I'm unable to find someone tomorrow to take him and rehab?
Would it be very unlikely that his mother would come back tomorrow looking for him and be able to get him up into a tree?

Know anyone in Portland, Oregon or close? I'm not sure where to take him.
Thanks for the great info!

It is not unlikely at all and very possible, mom's have been known to retreive their babies even after 4 days. Make sure he is warm and please don't just place him and leave him but watch from a secluded distance so no predators can get him. The earlier you can try when the squirrels are out the better it will be.

Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2013, 08:44 AM
I have PMed winky2, hoping she comes on soon.
also PMing Jackie at SquirrelRefuge.com she is minutes away....
please try to reach her with this email addy, she is going to know how to help you.
I will also send her a PM.
I will PM you her phone number!~

08-18-2013, 11:28 AM
I have someone to take your baby. Please PM me your phone number. Thank you for saving this precious baby:grouphug

08-18-2013, 04:46 PM
Has anyone been able to get in touch with this member?

08-18-2013, 06:15 PM
Sorry. I was out building a new squirrelarium and just saw the message. I can help. Call me at 360-713-1143. Our website is www.squirrelrefuge.org.


08-22-2013, 01:20 PM
I have PMed winky2, hoping she comes on soon.
also PMing Jackie at SquirrelRefuge.com she is minutes away....
please try to reach her with this email addy, she is going to know how to help you.
I will also send her a PM.
I will PM you her phone number!~

Jackie was wonderful! The little guy is now with her and she says he's gonna be okay. Thanks so much for everyone's help.