View Full Version : Cold baby

08-12-2013, 01:52 AM
I just found my baby squirrel on the side of box with no heating pad. She was very cold. Acting kind of sluggish. I didn't feed her because she was cold. I put the heating pad under the whole box and I am going to sleep for a couple hours.

Why would she do that? Not feeling well maybe? They are eating and going to the bathroom fine.

island rehabber
08-12-2013, 02:01 AM
I have one who did this a lot during her first week, and still does every once in awhile. You may have to move more of the box on the heat and see if you can keep her from the very cold side. If the heated side is too hot, put another layer of fleece or cotton between the heating pad and the container and maybe she'll stay there. You are absolutely right NOT to feed her when she is cold. Let her warm up at least 20-30mins before feeding.

08-12-2013, 05:08 AM
The point of putting the heating pad under half of the container is so that they can move to the cooler side if they get to hot. The baby may be getting to hot so I wouldn't put it under the whole container, I would add more material/cloth/fleece between her and the heating pad and on top of her (As IR suggested). She needs to be able to wiggle off of the heat still if too hot. Sluggish is normal when they're cold. If she was getting too hot, she may have also gotten dehydrated so watch for that pleaseee... :thumbsup

08-12-2013, 06:56 AM
What temp is your heating pad at? Can you check that it's functioning properly?


08-12-2013, 09:44 AM
Baby is okay. She was warm when I woke up at 4:00 am and she ate 2.5 ml. I also weighed them and they both gained 3 grams since yesterday. Moved the box back over and added more blankies. Just freaked out a little, thanks for the advice.

08-12-2013, 09:46 AM
What temp is your heating pad at? Can you check that it's functioning properly?


Heating pad is okay. It's really not too hot in the box. The babies feel warm when I pick them up to feed them, not hot. I hope adding more fleece will solve the problem.

island rehabber
08-12-2013, 11:03 PM
:thumbsup sounds like you're right on track. Good job!