View Full Version : Hello, My name is Honey and i just found a baby squirrel on the 14th of July <3

08-03-2013, 05:44 PM
I found my little baby below a nest one day along with 2 other little babys. It was raining all day and 70 degrees out. I work at a college and their were kids playing out by the tree where the mother squirrel had built her nest in a tree. Im not sure but i think the nest filled up with water and washed the babies out and they fell about 2 stories down and were all 3 laying on the ground by the tree. I knew that the mother would probably not try to retrieve them due to the amount of kids playing in the grass right next to the tree. And it was 70 degrees and raining and they were starting to go into shock from cold. So i gathered up all three took them inside and immediately put a space heater on them to get their body temp back up. The one was not breathing well at all and i attempted cpr on the little fellow trying not to blow to hard into his little tiny lungs and using my finger to try and get his heart started but sadly enough he passed away. I kept a close eye on the other two trying to warm them. The one hung on for about 2 hours until she stopped moving the one baby squirrel moved over to the one in trouble and appeared to put its hand on the other ones hand and then moved its hand across the others eye and then the little one stopped breathing. and i again tried cpr to no avail. I feel horrible about this and cried and cried:( i did my best to save them. However the other little baby girl has been hanging on and growing and doing very well thank GOD! I am doing everything i know to help this little baby girl survive. I love this little squirrel so much and i pray every day she makes it. I never knew how much i could love a little baby squirrel but she has touched my heart in a way that words cannot express. And any help would be greatly greatly appreciated<3

Charley Chuckles
08-03-2013, 05:56 PM
:Welcome the feeling you have will stay with you through eternity :grouphug
I will let the ones who do this more than I respond :thumbsup

08-03-2013, 05:57 PM
:Welcometo TSB...What have you been feeding, how much and how often?

Charley Chuckles
08-03-2013, 06:01 PM
:Welcometo TSB...What have you been feeding, how much and how often?

Thank you Gayle :thumbsup

08-03-2013, 06:51 PM
:Welcometo TSB...What have you been feeding, how much and how often?

esbilac one part powder two parts water and half the day when i am home i add heavy whipping cream one part

she eats 6 times a day and almost 3 cc's every time she feeds

08-03-2013, 06:54 PM
How much does she weigh?

08-03-2013, 07:59 PM
How much does she weigh?

i have no ideal how much she weighs. on my next day off i can go to walmart and get a tiny scale to see

08-03-2013, 08:21 PM
Could you post a picture or two? If you are not sure how, you can email them to me or if you want to text them let me know and I will give you my phone number.

08-03-2013, 08:54 PM
Has anyone told you that Esbilac is bad yet? It causes all kinds of problems. You should immediately switch to the temporary goat's milk formula and order Fox Valley. Please see the following link:


flyer girl
08-04-2013, 04:34 AM
:wave123 and :Welcome toTSB... At some point a squirrel has touched all of our hearts and that is why we are all here..:Welcome