View Full Version : Found Tiny Pinkie

08-03-2013, 08:00 AM
Hello and good morning to everyone. My name is Nora and I live in Missouri. I have always loved squirrels and enjoy having them living in my yard. Monday my grandson found a little pinkie beside his tree house. We have greys and fox squirrels and not sure which this baby is. He was afraid to touch it so I went out and brought him into the house so our dog could not hurt him and put him on the heating pad since he was cold. The only injury I found is a skinned spot on his back leg. I have raised raccoons and bunnies but this is the first squirrel I have found. I immediately researched for formula to feed as well as the proper way to feed and put him on the goat milk recipe from the start. He was not dehydrated so am sure he had not been on the ground for a long time. I ordered from FV and received my formula yesterday and am now feeding 50/50 with the goat milk but may back off the Fv some as stools have gotten little soft. His weight as of yesterday was 16 grams. I am feeding around the clock every two hours and he is eating around 0.7 cc's at this time.
My only concern with him at this time is after eating sometimes he will breath through his mouth like he is panting and I know I am keeping the formula warm but not hot. He will also breath like that if the formula cools before I change to another warm one. I am only giving him one drop at a time and in the proper position so he doesn't get the milk in his lungs. I listen to his breathing and he does not have the clicking sound and he eats really good. His nose seems to be clear and fine so don't think he has pneumonia. I am not sure if I should put him on an antibiotic as safety or wait to see if this works itself out. The only antibiotic I have on hand is clavamox 250mg and not sure if this would be good for him and need the proper dosage to give him if needed.


Jackie in Tampa
08-03-2013, 08:14 AM
:Welcomehello NJJ...
sounds like you are on the right track...I love to hear that research was first!! makes a difference..
unless you hear clicking I would not give the ABs...if you see a decline in appetite I would rethink that.
lethagy, appetite and clicking/pooping are signs that need to be watched.. babies make alot of noises and mouth actions..

.. there are videos on TSB to show pnuemonia

please look for more babies.. just in case.
others will be here to welcome you soon!
we love pics!!:poke:grin
and pinkies:Love_Icon

soft poops are normal with formula change...

Loopy Squirrel
08-03-2013, 08:52 AM
Welcome and congrats. It sounds like your doing a great job so far. I wonder if what you are describing is what I call "fish gasping". My little ones will do this when they get very excited over eating. Some call it a feeding seizure. It isn't truly a seizure it's just that they kind of go into a little trance and continually hold their mouth open trying to swallow. It is a normal. I used to have one that did this the entire feeding session. Needless to say the feeding were very long with that little one. I usually stop feeding and let the baby regroup for a minute and start again. Good luck with this little one.

08-03-2013, 09:07 AM
I think you are right it could be fish gasping....he is very active and eating great. Just scared me as he seems to be doing really well for me and I didn't want to lose him since he is such a fighter and deserves to live. Thank you all for your help! Glad this forum is here!

08-03-2013, 09:25 AM
:Welcome NJJ and Lil pinkie:Love_Icon Great save...awesome that your grandson was "johnie on the spot" :Love_Icon I'll be rooting for y'all! Keep up the good fight:thumbsup:grouphug

08-03-2013, 03:11 PM
Oh Nora! GREAT save and you're doing everything right. You got a visit from the squirrel gods and they are well pleased! You have a tiny miracle in your hand. Welcome to a place where loving hearts and kindness reign supreme :Welcome