View Full Version : My little girl is having..

07-29-2013, 05:16 PM
diarrhea is this because she is strictly on gm from puppy formula? how do you guys heat your formula maybe you have some better ways than what I'm doing. I stimulated her and it was very runny and bubbled with a few little yellow pellets...what can I do?

07-29-2013, 05:21 PM
Use Pedialyte or homemade Pedialye for the next feeding. It may be that she is overeating. We really need to get a weight on her so we can figure out the correct amount.
Homemade Pedialyte
1 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)

07-29-2013, 05:24 PM
Use Pedialyte or homemade Pedialye for the next feeding. It may be that she is overeating. We really need to get a weight on her so we can figure out the correct amount.
Homemade Pedialyte
1 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)

Okay I will try that.....how do you heat your babies food?

07-29-2013, 05:33 PM
small jar of formula in a cup on a cup warmer or something else to keep it hot. Although for you, you only need one syringe so put the syringe full of formula in a zzipped bag and put that in the hot water.

07-29-2013, 05:43 PM
small jar of formula in a cup on a cup warmer or something else to keep it hot. Although for you, you only need one syringe so put the syringe full of formula in a zzipped bag and put that in the hot water.

Excellent I think part of the problem was I was putting the syringe in hot water it might be losing its potency...that could be a reason for her diarrhea?

07-29-2013, 05:59 PM
Probably not. That would just cause some to leak out or water to get in. How much are you feeding at each feeding?

07-29-2013, 06:00 PM
Probably not. That would just cause some to leak out or water to get in. How much are you feeding at each feeding?

It varies a little bit...but she can't handle anymore than 1 cc

07-29-2013, 06:01 PM
Any luck finding a scale?

island rehabber
07-29-2013, 06:02 PM
1cc is fine; two of mine still don't take much more than that and they are older than yours. How are you giving the GM -- straight or adding water? Diluted formula will cause runny poops. One feeding of the Pedialyte to "clean her out" should help the situation; if not, we'll be here to go to Plan B with you.

07-29-2013, 06:06 PM
Any luck finding a scale?

no :( that's an issue but it will be fixed as soon as I can

07-29-2013, 06:07 PM
1cc is fine; two of mine still don't take much more than that and they are older than yours. How are you giving the GM -- straight or adding water? Diluted formula will cause runny poops. One feeding of the Pedialyte to "clean her out" should help the situation; if not, we'll be here to go to Plan B with you.

I think because I was heating her gm in a hot cup of water in the syringe that some has been escaping....when I was feeding her it the consistency looked very thin...looked in the cup and I saw some was in there. Definitely going to use the zip lock idea...so smart. Thanks for the responses

07-29-2013, 06:10 PM
Are you adding yogurt to the GM? See is you can find Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt - they come in little 4-packs - vanilla and banana are faves but I would buy ANY flavor. Add 1 part yogurt to 3 parts GM and bring GENTLY to temperature (you don't want to overheat yogurt or you kill the cultures in it which are the things that help settle the tummy).

07-29-2013, 06:14 PM
Are you adding yogurt to the GM? See is you can find Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt - they come in little 4-packs - vanilla and banana are faves but I would buy ANY flavor. Add 1 part yogurt to 3 parts GM and bring GENTLY to temperature (you don't want to overheat yogurt or you kill the cultures in it which are the things that help settle the tummy).

Okay I did 1 cup goats milk to 1/3 vanilla yogourt ....??? you mean bring gently to temperature when your going to feed right...not when you make the combination..than store in the fridge...I know I sound silly I just ask a lot to make sure I know EXACTLY what your saying lol...after all you guys are the pro's

07-29-2013, 06:37 PM
Vera, I don't know the Tobaby rogurt. I'm sure it's amazing. Don't know if we have it in Canada... If you can find, trust them and use it.

If you can't, I can tell you that I use Activia Vanilla (the green container where the bellydance in the adds); full fat. Not saying it's perfect. There may better out there. It has worked for me is all I can say.

Now, if you ARE in the ottawa/Gatineau area, call the Cushing Wildlife Retreat (at least that's what I call it).
197 Ch Fierobin
Ladysmith QC,
(819) 647-3226
Ask for Jo-Ellen.

They are short staffed but if you explain that it's a pink with diarrhea, they may take pity. Beg and plead.

I don't know if they're limited by geographic boundaries or not (e.g., Rideau Wildlife folks only take Ontario squirrels; sick Gatineau ones are out of luck).

Keep in mind, if it has diarrhea, you're number 1 objective is to get it rehydrated. Number 2 is nutrition; so start with home-made pedialyte.

07-29-2013, 06:59 PM
Didn't notice Canada - sorry. ANY yogurt with active cultures that doesn't have chunks of fruit or artificial sweeteners will work. Full fat is best.

I just meant that you never want to add yogurt to something that is really hot, or heat it ot a high temp or you kill the cultures. Mix your cold GM and cold yogurt and then bring it to feeding temp. Don't stick it in the micro, heat it to boiling and then let it cool - you kill the yogurt cultures that way.

07-29-2013, 07:14 PM
Vera, I sent you my number by private message. If you still want to speak to me, call me.

Number one in my books is to keep hydrated while its belly is settling. A tiny guy (it is a pin k isn't it?) like that can become malnourished real fast. However, that will happen much faster if it's dehydrated. do I would say get it stabilized in term of hydration for a couple of hours until introducing formula.

That said, I'm not a certified rehabilitator. Not even close. I do have first aid and experience with children/other animals.

What area of Ontario are you in? (you can be broad for privacy reasons)

07-29-2013, 07:19 PM
Vera, I sent you my number by private message. If you still want to speak to me, call me.

Number one in my books is to keep hydrated while its belly is settling. A tiny guy (it is a pin k isn't it?) like that can become malnourished real fast. However, that will happen much faster if it's dehydrated. do I would say get it stabilized in term of hydration for a couple of hours until introducing formula.

That said, I'm not a certified rehabilitator. Not even close. I do have first aid and experience with children/other animals.

What area of Ontario are you in? (you can be broad for privacy reasons)

I'm from Mississauga. I gave her some hydration fluid. Hoping for the best I will know when I stimulate her again and see what's going on. She is still very active which makes me feel a bit better. thanks for the help

07-29-2013, 07:20 PM
Didn't notice Canada - sorry. ANY yogurt with active cultures that doesn't have chunks of fruit or artificial sweeteners will work. Full fat is best.

I just meant that you never want to add yogurt to something that is really hot, or heat it ot a high temp or you kill the cultures. Mix your cold GM and cold yogurt and then bring it to feeding temp. Don't stick it in the micro, heat it to boiling and then let it cool - you kill the yogurt cultures that way.

Okay I took a ziplock bag with her syringe with gm mixture and put it in hot water in a mug she had a little bit of food to she seemed starving. I gave her hydration first and when I did the pinch test before the hydration she seemed in good shape but always better to be safe and not sorry.

07-29-2013, 07:23 PM
Vera, I sent you my number by private message. If you still want to speak to me, call me.

Number one in my books is to keep hydrated while its belly is settling. A tiny guy (it is a pin k isn't it?) like that can become malnourished real fast. However, that will happen much faster if it's dehydrated. do I would say get it stabilized in term of hydration for a couple of hours until introducing formula.

That said, I'm not a certified rehabilitator. Not even close. I do have first aid and experience with children/other animals.

What area of Ontario are you in? (you can be broad for privacy reasons)

Thank you I just have to give my daughter a bath I will write your number down once I have a second :)

07-29-2013, 07:24 PM
Any more diarrhea?

07-29-2013, 08:13 PM
Mississauga is a great place to be from in case you run into problems. We have a great member there (Squirrelfriend) who's basically the queen of squirrels in the GTA. If you get into a tough spot, she can help you out.

07-29-2013, 08:29 PM
I'm up until at least 11:30 pm tonight so feel free to call in that timeframe. Given you might be feeling a little anxious about the wee one, I'll understand it it stretches a little beyond that point.:thumbsup