View Full Version : Imp has a skin problem

07-08-2013, 11:08 AM
Hello everyone,

I havent posted in a while, which I suppose is a good thing since Imp has been very well. However he seems to have developed some kind of skin probelm. Im not sure if its related but a very youn (two weeks) kitten we have been nurssing to health lost some hait on her neck as well but it seems to be coming back and she didnt have the red spots. We think that mayhave been a nutrition issue with her formula that has been resolved.

This is what his new bald spot looks like:


07-08-2013, 11:31 AM
What's the diet like? Have you tried Revolution or other mange/mite treatment?

Jackie in Tampa
07-08-2013, 11:31 AM
Hi...could be way off here, so hard to try to diagnose these type things over the net......
the red spots are probably Imp scratching... so thinking itchy, so probably a bug issue...

when bald spots from nutritional issue, no excessive itching ...

I would use Revolution as a first attempt... try to get the kitten Revolution, two drops between the shoulder blades. It is Rx...
keep us in the loop please..
others may think differently and advise differently...

sqs get fleas, mange mites etc...wash all bedding...especially if mange.
If you have a vet, a skin scrap will identify any mange mites...
good luck..
I am itchy now...:)

07-08-2013, 12:09 PM
Jackie and farrelli gave you a great place to start. If the Revolution doesn't help, we'll need to entertain the idea that the kitten may have been carrying ring worm, but from the photos, JIT and farrelli's ideas seem more feasible. :thumbsup

07-08-2013, 02:48 PM
Okay we will try the revolution first. The kitten was found abandoned so i was a bit worried she might have some kind of disease issue.

07-23-2013, 02:28 PM
I forgot to keep you all updated. The hair on the spots started growing back before we even got revolution. I looks a lot like his yearly shedding patches but the red spots are what through me off. Do you think, maybe, he was itchy where the hair was falling out?