View Full Version : Need release help in Denver, Colorado, PLEASE

07-07-2013, 05:51 PM
Rehabbers are rare here; the few I can find don't slow release; one rehab place wasn't familiar with the term. Sammy and Rocky were supposed to go to a friend of the friend who gave them to me last fall, but after repeated inquiries to my friend, nothing ever came of it. I guess he changed his mind. Butchie and Joey are going to take really long I think, and I also have Jasmine, Max, and Scooter ready to go. Squirrel train from here to?? I don't know; I am so overwhelmed and want what's best for these guys. I know my other five are ready to go. Sammy and Rocky are fall 2012 babies; awesome boys. Both are more of the reddish color phase of foxers. . They have never seen cats or dogs. I am their only caretaker so think they will do well avoiding others once released. Jasmine, Max and Scooter are spring 2013 babies, pretty shy even with me. Jasmine is a very lucky cat attack survivor; her Mommy was chasing and jumping the cat who grabbed her. Max (boy) and Scooter (girl) are Star's babies who survived a freak April snow storm; I found them half frozen in the snow one morning. Tracks indicated that Star had tried to get both of them out. They are redder then Jazzy and both have white throats; Scooter also has a white tummy :). These three have also never seen cats or dogs.

I have extremely limited finances and don't drive. I am already using cages that I know are too small. I have been searching in state for help but have't gotten anywhere. I would love to find a more squirrel friendly neighborhood for as many of these guys as possible; even though it will be hard to not see them everyday, their safety means more to me. Our neighbors are, to put it mildly, extremely anti squirrel. A recent non squirrel related conflict with one family has made me even more paranoid they may retaliate; I do fear for my wild buddies at times....

07-07-2013, 09:23 PM

I am trying to think of a way to help you. Will keep following your tread to see how it is going.


07-07-2013, 10:14 PM
I can't believe we don't have anyone in here near Colorado??

07-08-2013, 12:12 AM
thank you both!! All the squirreliest peoples seem to be east of me :squirrel1 :squirrel1

07-08-2013, 01:24 AM
I have a suggestion as far as your cage issues go. You would be surprised how many people hold onto cages and don't mind donating them. Run an ad in a local Craigslist and/or other free classified sites. State that you're in need of large cages for small animals for wildlife rehab work. (or however you need to state it according to your laws, I ran one well before I got my permit with no issues and got 1 free cage and one really nice one for $35).

Is there anywhere near enough for you to walk for that is relatively safe for squirrels? Or anywhere close that a friend wouldn't mind driving you to daily for a week or so?!? Have you started acclimating them to the outdoors so that you can transition them more quickly when you do find a release spot? Do you know any farmers in your area? They're usually quite pleased to offer their land for such purposes and normally do not allow hunting. I'm just trying to throw some ideas out that might help. I hope they do!! I'll keep thinking on it! Are you 'handy' at all? I do know a couple of ways to build some fairly inexpensive cages that will suffice if need be, especially for a RC. Sturdy of course.

I'm sorry that we don't have anyone closer to offer you any face-to-face help!!

Jackie in Tampa
07-08-2013, 05:30 AM
I do have a few contacts in my book...
can you give a general area/location?
I may not check back until later...
if you are location shy, send in a PM, ty and good luck..

07-08-2013, 08:59 PM
::wave123Hey Dream,

You mentioned that you were going to release Joey tomorrow. Is that still the case? I agree that having squirrel haters for neighbors really sucks. It is hard enough to see our babies go free, without worrying about mean people.

Joey has been outside 24/7 for about 4 weeks now. I have set a release for July 9th

You have a lot of releases still to go this season. Wish I were closer to help you build another release cage. Do you have a paypal site or a way that I could send you some money to help with materials?


07-20-2013, 11:03 PM
::wave123Hey Dream,

You mentioned that you were going to release Joey tomorrow. Is that still the case? I agree that having squirrel haters for neighbors really sucks. It is hard enough to see our babies go free, without worrying about mean people.

You have a lot of releases still to go this season. Wish I were closer to help you build another release cage. Do you have a paypal site or a way that I could send you some money to help with materials?


I have yet to release Joey; I am worried about even trying at this point. I was hoping someone knew someone who lived around here or who may be travelling through. I have no issues building my own cages; just lack funds. I do have a paypal account; I think it is still active.

Have you started acclimating them to the outdoors so that you can transition them more quickly when you do find a release spot? Do you know any farmers in your area? They're usually quite pleased to offer their land for such purposes and normally do not allow hunting. I'm just trying to throw some ideas out that might help. I hope they do!! I'll keep thinking on it! Are you 'handy' at all? I do know a couple of ways to build some fairly inexpensive cages that will suffice if need be, especially for a RC. Sturdy of course.!

Butchie and Joey are being acclimated right now. The others haven't been started outside yet. I will look into your suggestions, thank you :).

I do have a few contacts in my book...
can you give a general area/location?
I may not check back until later...
if you are location shy, send in a PM, ty and good luck..

That would be most appreciated, Jackie :) I can PM you....

07-21-2013, 01:21 AM
Peeking in...see, Jackie rocks :rockin :brock :grouphug

07-31-2013, 06:47 PM
If anyone, anywhere can help relocate these 7 squirrels, PLEASE contact me. My mom does not understand it will take longer for Butchie and Joey because I kept them too long, and I have no caging options to start the others on pre release. Add to that my Mom has threatened to open the cage doors herself, and I have neighbors who would harm them. I am running out of time.

It kills me to think I have to give up my older two boys. But it would kill me more if my mistakes cost them their lives. I don't want them screwed up because I can't manage to figure this out....