View Full Version : Squirts Teeth - HELP!!

07-02-2013, 11:12 AM
Hi everyone,

So my little Squirt has been quite the biter lately. He's been gnawing on anything or anyone that he can find. I never thought his bottom teeth could been overgrowing because I give him wood, wood chews, cuttlebones, anything I can find that is safe for him to chew on. Well I just checked his bottom teeth and they are insanely long. I think they can actually touch the top of his mouth. He is approaching 6 months old. He hates the cuttlebone (he actually throws it out of the cage). Can I clip them with something? Any help would be appreciated. I attached a picture in case I am over reacting :). I tend to do that when it comes to my baby boy. 207963

07-02-2013, 11:23 AM
You can clip them and we have people who can help if you don't have a vet. Are they rubbing the roof of his mouth or causing any sores?

07-02-2013, 11:26 AM
Btw, I see that you're in FL, so would going to a vet be an option? If not, where are you? Perhaps we'll have someone near with experience. Lots of people are shy about doing it because if you do it wrong you can cause the teeth to splinter or even pull them out. I think we have a tutorial somewhere if a vet isn't an option and we don't have someone close.

07-02-2013, 12:20 PM
Hi Farrelli, and thank you so much for replying. I have been in search for a vet for quite a while. I did hear about a wildlife class that could be taken in Gainesville Florida, to become a squirrel rehabber (primarily because everyone is always searching for one) but I was gone on a business trip that week (literally the only one I have had to go on in 2 years!). I do plan on becoming a rehabber for our area when I can get to a class because it is appalling what they do to poor squirrels that are injured around here :(. (If you have any info on a class I would be more than happy to receive that information). I am trying to find a vet now, even if I have to travel. But the two we had are shut down. I live in Wellborn Florida (32094). I have called our local wildlife rescue center and they put me in touch with a lady in the area, but she lost her entire set up to flooding a few years back. Do you know of another?

Also I do not see any sores on the roof of his mouth but he's not very compliant to allow me to look thoroughly.

Kelly Brady
07-02-2013, 12:29 PM
Hi squirts Mom,:wave123

I can't tell from the picture how much further up those bottom teeth go towards the roof of the mouth.

They don't look that bad to me, I believe you are retracting the bottom lip quite a bit, however maybe they go up past the top teeth more than I can see from the pic.

I have to trim my Richards teeth every two to three weeks. He has no top teeth at all, a severe malocclusion caused us to have them surgically removed.

We can help you to learn to trim them if need be, Jackie in Tampa has a video I think. Can you get another picture showing us the full length of the bottoms?

07-02-2013, 12:54 PM
A video would be GREAT! I just found a vet who is willing to see him, but he said that unless Squirt cannot eat he doesn't feel comfortable doing it. And honestly I don't feel comfortable with his uncomfortableness handling my baby!!! (I know I sound like a crazy squirrel lady right now)! Also, I don't want to wait until he is starving to death to handle this. OK, I have another picture, and this time they don't look so bad. I think your right. I think I was pulling his lip down. Man, he really dislikes this LOL.207964

07-02-2013, 01:04 PM

Here is another picture of him eating. It's a peanut treat from Henry's and he appears to be eating just fine.

07-02-2013, 01:05 PM
A video would be GREAT! I just found a vet who is willing to see him, but he said that unless Squirt cannot eat he doesn't feel comfortable doing it. And honestly I don't feel comfortable with his uncomfortableness handling my baby!!! (I know I sound like a crazy squirrel lady right now)! Also, I don't want to wait until he is starving to death to handle this. OK, I have another picture, and this time they don't look so bad. I think your right. I think I was pulling his lip down. Man, he really dislikes this LOL.207964

That looks fine to me.:thumbsup

Kelly Brady
07-02-2013, 02:12 PM
Why those chompers are the most beautiful chompers I have seen in a long while.

Teeth look absolutely perfect. :alright.gif No need for a vet for those teeth.

Still finding a good vet for future use would be nice.

Perhaps you could start a thread asking for help with a good vet in your area to just have one established in case you need one later.
I am not familiar with your area but in Florida, we have some great squirrelly vets.

Squirt is adorable with a capital A:rotfl

Jackie in Tampa
07-02-2013, 02:36 PM
have to agree with KB..
Squirts teeth look good and he is a cutie!

07-02-2013, 03:42 PM
Awe, thanks everyone. I think he is pretty cute too. :D
It's funny because my friends say he has a "condo" for a home. He has 2 hanging houses, a upper level and lower level hammock, a extra large nylon hanging ring, a toy box with pine cones, cuttlebones, his stuffed baby doll (all scary parts removed), a glass bottle water bottle complete with little duck inside to let everyone know when he is running low, you name it and this kid has it. Not to mention he has a new 4 tier cage that is 7.5 foot high and 5.5 feet wide and 4 feet deep.

But the best thing he has is all of you and your kindness and willingness to help. I appreciate all of you and your help more than you know. :grouphug

island rehabber
07-02-2013, 05:05 PM
Let me chime in and say -- his toofies look perfect. :thumbsup:thumbsup

07-05-2013, 11:39 AM
I see you are fairly close to Jacksonville. if you run into any problems you could PM Anne Miller she is a rehabber with years of experience and can help you with most anything. The Exotic Bird Hospital here in Jacksonville will treat squirrels, the Vet's name who does is Marnie and we have personal experience with her via our prairie dogs. I specifically asked her about squirrels and she said she would see them. We have two, one with severe maloclussion and one not so bad. We took these little guys on about two or three months ago and clip them two weeks on one and was able to go four on the other this last time. Your boy's teeth look great though!!!