View Full Version : Great Job on the New Forum

07-02-2013, 07:15 AM
Hey IR,

I keep meaning to tell you, finally getting to it (lots of releases the past two weeks :))

I LOVE the new forum. Crisp, clean and great fonts.

Thank you for all you and the other Mod's do, it is so appreciated and I'm so happy to have this forum to come to for support, answers and camaraderie!

You Rock.

Kim Cassidy

island rehabber
07-02-2013, 07:23 AM
Kim, thank you for such nice words! It was a looooong time coming but I know it's worth it, already. There are still many tweaks that have to be worked on and it's just a matter of me and the VBulletin folks communicating so that we can learn how to tweak them. The part that none of us can see is that TSB is now far more stable and crash-proof than it ever was in the old version, and that's ok by me. :thumbsup

PS: I hear ya about releasing. I started last Monday, and already the laundry is halfway to the ceiling, the bills are unpaid and my TSB time has been cut down to a half an hour at night...:sanp3