View Full Version : HELP need, home abandoned, white rabbit, central FL:/

Charley Chuckles
06-26-2013, 02:25 PM
SOS SOS !!!!!!!!!! HELP PLEASE :grouphugJust had a call from a friend, her husband went to re-key locks on a home, apparently the !@#@# who moved, left this beautiful white pet rabbit, in a cage, no food no water :soapbox:Cry They have it at there shop in Orange City, but can not bring it home as they have dogs, so they can not take it. They called various places, no one will take it :shakehead she doesn't want to call the county but it can only live at their place of business for so long :osnap Maybe customers would enjoy that :D Now I am getting ready to leave on my CC Memorial Rail Tour in a matter of days, so I can't take in the BUN BUN :nono:sanp3 Is there anyone out there who might want the sweet white rabbit :dono For some reason the song from 'Jefferson Airplane' "WHITE RABBIT" keeps coming to mind :thinking guess I will call BUN BUN Alice :) have no idea if it is male or female :dono but then again there is always Alice Cooper :tilt
Here is the deal, PM me if you want Alice, or can find a home FAST :D You can also let me know here on this thread :thumbsup I am packing, but will be back and forth to check in :thumbsup A MILLION :thankyou:thankyou:thankyou:thankyou:thankyou in advance for any help and prayers for sweet Alice :bowdown

06-26-2013, 07:51 PM
SOS SOS !!!!!!!!!! HELP PLEASE :grouphugJust had a call from a friend, her husband went to re-key locks on a home, apparently the !@#@# who moved, left this beautiful white pet rabbit, in a cage, no food no water :soapbox:Cry They have it at there shop in Orange City, but can not bring it home as they have dogs, so they can not take it. They called various places, no one will take it :shakehead she doesn't want to call the county but it can only live at their place of business for so long :osnap Maybe customers would enjoy that :D Now I am getting ready to leave on my CC Memorial Rail Tour in a matter of days, so I can't take in the BUN BUN :nono:sanp3 Is there anyone out there who might want the sweet white rabbit :dono For some reason the song from 'Jefferson Airplane' "WHITE RABBIT" keeps coming to mind :thinking guess I will call BUN BUN Alice :) have no idea if it is male or female :dono but then again there is always Alice Cooper :tilt
Here is the deal, PM me if you want Alice, or can find a home FAST :D You can also let me know here on this thread :thumbsup I am packing, but will be back and forth to check in :thumbsup A MILLION :thankyou:thankyou:thankyou:thankyou:thankyou in advance for any help and prayers for sweet Alice :bowdown

Have you found this little guy/girl a home? I am too far but otherwise would be glad to take it.
Good luck! And thanks for saving Alice :)

Charley Chuckles
06-26-2013, 08:08 PM
No nothing yet :shakehead sure am wishing :thumbsup:thankyou

Charley Chuckles
06-26-2013, 09:15 PM

Charley Chuckles
06-27-2013, 08:11 AM
I am so sad for Alice, I don't think they will be able to keep her much longer and then county will take her :Cry I have called everywhere I can think of, but no luck, too many precious abandoned animals, and they pay the price :shakehead If anyone can come up with any ideas I sure appreciate it :thankyou I hate to let this one down :thumbsup

06-27-2013, 09:04 AM
I would love to help but I am about 2 hours away. If nothing else pops up let me know.

Charley Chuckles
06-27-2013, 09:26 PM
:grouphug :thankyou
I would love to help but I am about 2 hours away. If nothing else pops up let me know.

Charley Chuckles
06-27-2013, 09:38 PM
207533207534I just got a couple pics of her, she is sweet :) found out she was left in this abandon home in a cage, with a bunch of birds :Cry fortunately the birds got homes right away:thumbsup But Bun Bun Alice has not been so fortunate :shakehead just makes me sick...I hate people who could do this, I know I was taught not to hate anyone.....BUT I would love to :soapbox:soapbox:soapbox:soapbox at whoever did this, leave precious animals, in a cage, in a house, with no food no water and no air in Florida :soapbox I want to puke, it has totally killed my excitement for my trip :osnap I just want to cancel,. I can't see me being happy, when this poor bun bun is facing a horrible death :shakehead This so sucks, I was trying to go away to help me get over CC death, now this, I swear I just want to die too, I guess life really does suck ...then you die :osnap

06-27-2013, 10:01 PM
Volusia County - Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Animal Rescue,
Need, and Intervention 386-267-0277 ... Please link to Florida
Rabbit Rescue from your website.


Why not give them a try? :dono

06-27-2013, 10:23 PM
Hope you find a home for Alice! Crossing my fingers for a happy ending for her! Curse people who could do this to animals!! :frustratedx

06-27-2013, 11:31 PM
207533207534I just got a couple pics of her, she is sweet :) found out she was left in this abandon home in a cage, with a bunch of birds :Cry fortunately the birds got homes right away:thumbsup But Bun Bun Alice has not been so fortunate :shakehead just makes me sick...I hate people who could do this, I know I was taught not to hate anyone.....BUT I would love to :soapbox:soapbox:soapbox:soapbox at whoever did this, leave precious animals, in a cage, in a house, with no food no water and no air in Florida :soapbox I want to puke, it has totally killed my excitement for my trip :osnap I just want to cancel,. I can't see me being happy, when this poor bun bun is facing a horrible death :shakehead This so sucks, I was trying to go away to help me get over CC death, now this, I swear I just want to die too, I guess life really does suck ...then you die :osnap

:nono:nono Ok Miss Priss Tail! There will be no talk like THIS, do you hear me?!? The critters need you. Let them give you purpose and hope. I do!!! People in general SUCK and we know this. Why don't you hit people up along the line of your trip and see if you can find someone that wants her! Chin up, be a big grrl ;) We all love you XOXOXOXO :grouphug:grouphug

island rehabber
06-28-2013, 06:35 AM
Abby have you tried these folks????

Luv-A-Bun Rabbit Rescue
Palm Beach County
Lake Worth, FL
(561) 596-8175

Charley Chuckles
06-28-2013, 06:57 AM
:thankyou everyone :thumbsup I will call, but the one that the county takes them to is in Daytona, they are not exactly a place that will just put them down immediately, but if they find no homes, I am afraid they will :osnap I will check into both, or if I could arrange for transportation to ques96's, Citrus County , that would be great :thumbsup I have to look at a map, not sure where that is

Jackie in Tampa
06-28-2013, 08:09 AM
I am even further than ques...still have bad tires.
can bun bun be trained to ques?
did anyone call Gina or Djar? maybe they can foster until a forever home is found, they maybe closest...
abby...karma is here... it's gonna be good...just how it is!
how can I help?? what can we do to expedite?

06-28-2013, 11:22 AM
posted this on a bunny site I am a member of. Here is the link. I will watch and see if anyone replies that is close.


06-28-2013, 01:46 PM
CHARLEY CHUCKLES- DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!! :grouphug You are honoring your beloved's life by continuing to fight the good fight! YOU make a Difference!

The things that go through my mind when I hear about animal abusers.....well......let's just say I might get put away in a jail or mental hospital if others knew. :injail :carzy2 (we need a straightjacket smilie)

Good shall prevail! And I KNOW that if I were to see you on your trip, and hear about Mr. Chuckles, that it would make my world a lot more sunny :sunshine

I'm pretty sensitive to these things as well, allow yourself some time to be melancholy. Then get off yer tush and spread some L O V E

Charley Chuckles
06-29-2013, 07:22 AM
:thankyou I did try Gina, but never heard from her, I didn't try Karen, figured she has her hands full, but whats one more :hidechair I got hold of the wild life hospital in Deland, they gave me a number of someone who does help resue, so gave her the number of my friend who has the rabbit, hope to find a home, and hope before I go :thumbsup I did mention that if we did a rabbit train that you might take her/him, but now I have to tell you, my friend noticed now that the rabbits back leg may be injured, that is all the info I got, she said the bunny is so very loving and loves to be petted :grouphug I am praying for the best. Also I had said, they must know who lived there, who did this, I suggested they call authorities and report them, this is abuse of the horrific kind, if my friend waited a week or so to go re-key that home, there would have been many dead birds, and a poor dead or dying rabbit :shakehead:soapbox
posted this on a bunny site I am a member of. Here is the link. I will watch and see if anyone replies that is close.


Charley Chuckles
06-29-2013, 07:33 AM
:thankyou MS, I know I have been so emotional lately, and this was the straw, I can not tolerate abuse to innocent animals, children or old people, guess that leaves very few out :tilt I can't understand what monster could do this :soapbox But all we can do is try to find a loving home and hope they report them :alright.gif let me be on that trial, I would wind up in jail, but I would feel totally justified at my actions :thumbsup:thumbsup Thanks for the kind words, I have always been an optimistic person, always find the laughter in so many situations (sometimes in non appropriate situations, which even in school caused me so much trouble :hidechair:rofl4:rofl4:rofl4) but I see humor in most everything, just can't help myself :) it seemed like forever before I laughed or even smiled after I lost the love of my life, but I am slowly coming back, and I know CC would want that of his mommy :grouphug OH lord I just :threadjack my own thread :osnap:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl now no one needs to take it personally when I do that to their thread :skwredup
CHARLEY CHUCKLES- DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!! :grouphug You are honoring your beloved's life by continuing to fight the good fight! YOU make a Difference!

The things that go through my mind when I hear about animal abusers.....well......let's just say I might get put away in a jail or mental hospital if others knew. :injail :carzy2 (we need a straightjacket smilie)

Good shall prevail! And I KNOW that if I were to see you on your trip, and hear about Mr. Chuckles, that it would make my world a lot more sunny :sunshine

I'm pretty sensitive to these things as well, allow yourself some time to be melancholy. Then get off yer tush and spread some L O V E

06-29-2013, 11:25 AM
Any luck? One option I have would be to meet someone to pick her/him up if no home has been found. I will be in Mount Dora (Mount Dora bible high school) tomorrow for about an hour 5pm- 6pm. If someone can meet me we can get vet care and offer a home until we can find a forever home. Just let me know.

06-29-2013, 11:40 AM
You rock Ques!!! You are trying so hard to help. I hope this bunny finds his way to you...:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

06-29-2013, 05:15 PM
You rock Ques!!! You are trying so hard to help. I hope this bunny finds his way to you...:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug

Just trying to help when there is need. I tend to like animals more than people. Still haven't heard anything. So not sure what the status on Alice is.

06-30-2013, 04:49 PM
Since I never heard anything on this I will just assume this had a happy ending!

06-30-2013, 07:10 PM
Bump..... any news?

07-01-2013, 01:18 PM
Abby is packing to head out on her trip but the bunny still does not have a home!
She asked me to fill in and help out with this matter.

I unfortunately can't take the bunny.
I have a pair that free-roams and they do not like intruder bunnies. :nono
Trust me, I tried! :rotfl

I am also in the middle of helping rescue two bunnies a friend was able to catch,
that are part of a group of feral bunnies in her neighborhood.

Irresponsible owners + unaltered bunnies = a mess of feral bunnies living in deplorable conditions :shakehead

I am helping get them to the vet for an exam and spay and once healthy we have to find homes.

If ques96 is serious about the offer I can find a way to get the white bunny transported though. :wave123

07-01-2013, 07:12 PM

Sweet Simon's Mommy
07-01-2013, 07:20 PM
:wave123 Hi DJ

07-01-2013, 10:40 PM
OK Abby, what route are you taking? I am willing to try and meet, take bunny then possibly take to ques96. I am in Pasco county so I believe you are heading north and ??? Lets see if we can do something. I am willing to foster and transport but can not keep as a forever pet.