View Full Version : Complete change after Baytril- Candidate fo release?

Earth Mama
06-26-2013, 06:59 AM
So after Luna finished her run on Baytril, she is doing soo much better- She is like a brand new baby. She is full of life and spunk and acting totally different. For the weeks leading up to her pneumonia, I always thought there was some type of head injury going on because of how she acted. I had my sister check her out ( she is a rehabber at a wildlife center) and she felt the same way. Now I am wondering if she may have had some type of low grade lingering infection in her body that was holding her back. Has anyone ever seen a situation like this? I had always planned on release, but had pretty much thrown that idea out when realizing that she was " different". Now I am having second thoughts... Last night she was running around like a wild woman! As much as I love them, if possible, I want them to be free, in the trees. I will have no problem keeping them both inside as NR but I would feel much better about releasing if Luna is o.k. with it (Lucy is just fine). Any advice on this?

Jackie in Tampa
06-26-2013, 07:14 AM
happy to hear she feels better...
ya never know about her having bacterials issues before the pnuemonia..
amen for baytril!

06-26-2013, 07:28 AM
So after Luna finished her run on Baytril, she is doing soo much better- She is like a brand new baby. She is full of life and spunk and acting totally different. For the weeks leading up to her pneumonia, I always thought there was some type of head injury going on because of how she acted. I had my sister check her out ( she is a rehabber at a wildlife center) and she felt the same way. Now I am wondering if she may have had some type of low grade lingering infection in her body that was holding her back. Has anyone ever seen a situation like this? I had always planned on release, but had pretty much thrown that idea out when realizing that she was " different". Now I am having second thoughts... Last night she was running around like a wild woman! As much as I love them, if possible, I want them to be free, in the trees. I will have no problem keeping them both inside as NR but I would feel much better about releasing if Luna is o.k. with it (Lucy is just fine). Any advice on this?

Yes, Laz is greased lightening too. I have, however, decided he is NR due to excessive cuteness. I mean he rolls on his back and stretches out when I put my hand in the cage to better facilitate the tummy rubs...

If you decide to do this I would suggest one of the two following options: Releasing 2 flyers into an area where they don't have their peeps is not good - they are communal creatures. Can you put up a release cage in the exact area they were found? They would need to stay in it for a while and hopefully their mama's band is still around and will find them while they are still locked in. Once that happens, you would open a portal in the cage - a door with a little hole only big enough for a flyer to come and go.

The second option is to call all the bigger rehabplaces - you have an in at Ctr for Wildlife; you might try Sparks Ark - call areound and see if you can find any places that have a group of them that are going to be released that the girls could join.

Earth Mama
06-26-2013, 07:56 AM
There are tons of flyers around here, the lady in the house we are moving into said she see's them at night. It's 1/8 of a mile down the street from where we are now. I'm so torn up about it and my sister said the center doesn't do "soft release", so it makes me very uncomfortable. It kills me to think of anything happening to them!

Earth Mama
06-26-2013, 07:56 AM
happy to hear she feels better...
ya never know about her having bacterials issues before the pnuemonia..
amen for baytril!

Amen for Baytril is right!!! :)