View Full Version : Need help with Mercy, What is going on with his leg?

06-25-2013, 06:36 PM
1st let me describe the pics:
The pics of the abcess on Mercy's leg that are reddish pink and filled were from his abcess on 4/28/2013 due to cat or another animal that attacked him. In these pics Mercy was approximately 7 weeks old.
With the help from Stepnstone we were able to drain the abcess, clean & flush the site and started him on Baytril orally. I gave Mercy the baytril 2x day for 22 days. Mercy's abcess healed perfectly and the hair grew back over the site of wound.

Aproximately 2 weeks ago, Mercy had jumped from my husbands shoulder to the branch by his house. When Mercy landed on the branch he let out a little squeel and began to favor that right leg again. (Not putting any pressure on it) 3 days later we noticed he had a scab on his right leg. The scab was not raised and I kept a good eye on it. Over the past week and a half the scab would get bigger and he would end up chewing it off by the end of the day and than the next day the scab would come back a little bigger and everyday he would chew it off. The rest of the 3 pics are from today (6/25/2013). Yesterday evening he chewed scab off. Today, he didnt have a scab (which I'm not sure if he chewed it before I saw it this morning). Also for the past week and a half he has not favored his right leg and has been very active and doesnt show any signs of distress. He is eating, drinking & going to the bathroom normal. However, it seems like this thing just keeps getting bigger in size??? It is not filling up (that is just how it appears and I'm guessing it is not filling up) like his 1st abcess and is flat against his skin. As you can see in the pic, Mercy lost all of his hair around that area.

I'm not sure if his right leg is broken (from the initial attack in April) and if that would have anything to do with this. Or if it is something else. I have been researching and trying to find out what this could be and I'm just not sure. I have called lots of vets in Maryland and as of today I have not found one vet that would treat him. Also, I really need to find someone or someplace where I can purchase medicines and keep them on hand for him for just in case times. Mercy is my very 1st squirrel and I Thank God for all of you on the Squirrel board and STEPNSTONE because if I didn't have you guys, Mercy probably would not be here today. My husband and I are EXTREMELY attached to him and he has became a SUPER SPECIAL being in our lives. I just don't want anything to happen to him and that is why I'm a little freaked about this scabbing/wound thing going on.

Please, any help, suggestions, anything...so that I know what to do to be able to treat him.

(p.s.) sorry this sooooo long...just trying to get all info in and not leave anything out.

Thank you guys,


Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-25-2013, 07:46 PM
I am resizing, give me a minute

Sweet Simon's Mommy
06-25-2013, 07:56 PM
Well I hate this new format, I re sized the pictures for you and I can't find them they way it works now, I give up Goodbye

06-25-2013, 08:16 PM
Ok I'm a little confused at your comment. Is there something wrong with the size of the pictures? If so, please let me know and I can resize and attach to this message...

06-25-2013, 09:06 PM
Here are the pics resized...I'm hoping these will work better...

06-25-2013, 09:06 PM
The first 3 pics are from today. The last 2 pics are from April 28th...

06-25-2013, 09:11 PM
This looks like another abscess has popped up. Have you spoken to Russel about it? I am wondering about a different antibiotic, or perhaps combining the baytril with another abx.

06-25-2013, 09:16 PM
I was afraid of that. I just emailed him & hoping he sees it soon. I'm wondering if its too late to call him. If I don't get email back from him I think I'm going to call him.

How do people get their baytril? I'm not sure if StepnStone got anymore from Marty or not? Can I purchase baytril online?

06-25-2013, 09:55 PM
Yeah, this is disturbing, going to be calling you in a while...

06-25-2013, 09:58 PM
I know that you can buy cipro (exactly the same as the ones prescribed for humans) for fish without a prescription... (just google cipro for fish) and cipro and baytril are very similar.. There are folks here who can help you with dosages and such.. you usually only need a pill or 2 for a complete course for a squirrel.. If you have or know anyone who might have a few spare cipro you would be good to go..(they prescribe it to people for urinary and other infections).. Other antibiotics prescribed for people can work also (metronidazole, amoxicillin, sulfasoxazole, etc).. While you wait for the real experts to see this, you could call around and see if any one you know has any spare antibiotics left over from a prescription, etc. I agree with the other posts- it looks like infection cropping up again. If he had baytril for 22 days, he might need a different antibiotic anyway..

Hoping some heavyweight experts weigh in here soon- and praying for your poor little guy!!

06-27-2013, 07:31 AM
Thank you for the info Liza. I talked to Stepnstone yesterday. They are working on finding a medicine to treat Mercy.
I hope to hear from him today. :)

Jackie in Tampa
06-27-2013, 07:43 AM
sometimes abscesses do reoccur, usually at a lower place on the body...
SS...if you need anything..I am here...ty for helping...
are we sure the baytril was fresh?
10 days should have kicked this ...

sending good vibes:grouphug

06-27-2013, 08:16 AM
sometimes abscesses do reoccur, usually at a lower place on the body...
SS...if you need anything..I am here...ty for helping...
are we sure the baytril was fresh?
10 days should have kicked this ...

sending good vibes:grouphug

Just to answer your ?... yes the Baytril was fresh. I got it from my Vet and it is good until Feb. 2014 or so it said on the unopened bottle. I also gave them the flavored kind that I had picked up that week . Again good until April of 2014. I think an additional ab may be needed?? What do you think?


06-27-2013, 08:20 AM
MERCY is a Beauty
Praying for a QUICK healing...

06-27-2013, 08:51 AM
Thank u all for helping with Mercy ♥
Yes, the baytril Marty gave me didnt expire until 2/2014.
I gave it to Mercy 2x / day once in morning, once in evening.
Mercy was on baytril for 23 days.
I'm wondering if the bacteria was still in his system because it took
Awhile for abcess to show up again?
Please let me know what you guys think I should do. The day before yesterday, the scab was off (not sure if he chewed it before coming out of his house (in the morning). Yesterday the scab was off. Yesterday evening there was no sign of scab and first thing this morning he has scab on left and right side of abcess.
I think Mercy may be chewing scab off before he comes out of his house in the morning.
I have seen him licking and nibbling at it. It has a hole in the center of wound currently which all that has healed up after his abcess in april. In April, we stuck needle in so that we can release all the infection from the abcess.
This morning, the abcess is still not filling but you can see the hole in the middle but he still has 2 tiny scabs on the left & right of the abcess.
Marty, whatever antibiotic you think i should be giving him & if you have any available, I can come to you & pay you for it. I'm gtting a little nervous since he hasnt had any antibiotic. What do you think we should do?
Thank u for your help :) ♥
Stosh, thank u for your prayers :) ♥

Jackie in Tampa
06-27-2013, 09:00 AM
keflex/cephlexin or amoxy would be exactly what I used concurrently with the baytril this round...
what is the mgs per ml in the suspension you are using?

so glad to have marty there to help out!!! and step... awesome!!!

06-27-2013, 09:18 AM
Thanks Jackie, I messgaed Marty my phone #. I'm waiting to hear from her so i can find out if she has antibiotics and if I can come to her and get them.
Yes, everybody is awesome on this board!

06-27-2013, 09:31 AM

MERCY-- be strong...

island rehabber
06-27-2013, 10:04 AM
What a beautiful squirrel! Hoping stepnstone and Marty can get more ABX to you.....

06-27-2013, 11:03 AM
Stosh you are a trip! I needed that! lol!!! That is tooooooooo cute! I'm in the process of washing all of his bedding and his stuffed animal babies and disinfecting the room and whew, he was getting so upset with me
when he saw me pulling his bedding out and even worse when I started picking up his babies and taking them out of the room. Oh he was mad! He jumped on me and ran up and down, up and down and up and down! I had a hard time getting out of the room because everytime I got him down, I just about made it to the door when he would jump back on me again. If Mercy could talk he would be yelling at me saying "Mom, you are NOT going to take my babies! And what are you doing with all my snuggle blankets? I don't think so! I won't let you take them!!!"

Who would have known that Mercy would feel like my son? I mean, I'm an animal lover for sure but I never thought that I would have this much love for this little guy. He is my world! (My husbands too) Shoot, I think my husband loves Mercy more than he does me! LOL (Just playing, ....I think??? LOL)

Within the past 2 hours his scab reappeared and he has already chewed half of it off. (Ew, I know that sounds gross, but atleast he is keeping it clean)

So..... I'm patiently awaiting for either Marty or Step to call me about getting some antibioitics. I'm praying between the 2 of them they will be able to help me out with something :) His abcess has grew in size since yesterday, however, it is still not filling up with infection so I am thankful for that.

Island Rehabber, Thank you for the compliment :) He is the most gorgeous squirrel I think in the whole wide world!!! LOL (But I think all Mom's feel the same about their children!!!)

06-27-2013, 12:07 PM
He is absolutely adorable!!! That pic is perfect.

I hope you guys find the right combo of ABs. Let us know what you choose, just for my own records.

Love and Prayers to Mercy and family

Jackie in Tampa
06-27-2013, 12:19 PM
Got your PM Julia...
let me know what Antibiotic you get... I will try to help with dosing.
UDoWhats PM box is full, not sure what you are getting??
are you able to weigh your sq in grams?

06-27-2013, 12:45 PM
What a cute squirrel! I hope he gets better soon! :wave123

06-27-2013, 01:00 PM
Vet just called... will have fresh meds tonight. Start on what Jackie says. Not sure I can meet until Friday. Good thing my hubby is my boss. I would be fired by now!! Whew.................tinfoil

06-27-2013, 01:05 PM
Hi All,

I got a message from Marty but she is not able to get the meds until tomorrow (hopefully the vet will give them to her). She will call me later to let me know. Marty did not indicate in her message which medicince
she is trying to get. She said if I can in the meantime to get the Fish Flox. I looked on Walmarts site and they have fish flox 500 mg so I'm guessing that is the right one? I'm getting ready to call Walmart now to make sure they have
in stock and it's not something that has to be ordered and shipped to the store or to my house. If Walmart has it, I will go and pick it up.

Jackie, after I get the fish flox would you be able to help me with dosing? I'm not sure what I would need to mix the fish flox with to make it a liquid either?

Mercy weighed 299 grams as of a couple weeks ago. I'm also going to get a gram scale today so I can re-weigh him just to make sure.

Also, is Cipro the same as Baytril?

Hopefully I will hear back from Marty after she gets off work to let me know if she is able to get the right meds for Mercy...

Thanks again for all of your help...any suggestions or advice would be truly appreciated :)


Nancy in New York
06-27-2013, 01:08 PM
Hi All,

I got a message from Marty but she is not able to get the meds until tomorrow (hopefully the vet will give them to her). She will call me later to let me know. Marty did not indicate in her message which medicince
she is trying to get. She said if I can in the meantime to get the Fish Flox. I looked on Walmarts site and they have fish flox 500 mg so I'm guessing that is the right one? I'm getting ready to call Walmart now to make sure they have
in stock and it's not something that has to be ordered and shipped to the store or to my house. If Walmart has it, I will go and pick it up.

Jackie, after I get the fish flox would you be able to help me with dosing? I'm not sure what I would need to mix the fish flox with to make it a liquid either?

Mercy weighed 299 grams as of a couple weeks ago. I'm also going to get a gram scale today so I can re-weigh him just to make sure.

Also, is Cipro the same as Baytril?

Hopefully I will hear back from Marty after she gets off work to let me know if she is able to get the right meds for Mercy...

Thanks again for all of your help...any suggestions or advice would be truly appreciated :)


Yes Cipro is the "human" form of Baytril. Do you have any Cipro? I can help you dose that.

OK I just googled fish flox and it appears to be the same thing as Cipro.
If your walmart doesn't have it try calling a fish store where they sell tropical fish.

06-27-2013, 01:13 PM
Yes Cipro is the "human" form of Baytril. Do you have any Cipro? I can help you dose that.

OK I just googled fish flox and it appears to be the same thing as Cipro.
If your walmart doesn't have it try calling a fish store where they sell tropical fish.

Nancy, the "fish flox" is actually cipro - they usually sell it as 250 or 500mg tablets.:thumbsup

Nancy in New York
06-27-2013, 01:14 PM
Nancy, the "fish flox" is actually cipro - they usually sell it as 250 or 500mg tablets.:thumbsup

I just found the link that you gave out before CritterMom, thanks.

06-27-2013, 01:16 PM
Hi All,

I got a message from Marty but she is not able to get the meds until tomorrow (hopefully the vet will give them to her). She will call me later to let me know. Marty did not indicate in her message which medicince
she is trying to get. She said if I can in the meantime to get the Fish Flox. I looked on Walmarts site and they have fish flox 500 mg so I'm guessing that is the right one? I'm getting ready to call Walmart now to make sure they have
in stock and it's not something that has to be ordered and shipped to the store or to my house. If Walmart has it, I will go and pick it up.

Jackie, after I get the fish flox would you be able to help me with dosing? I'm not sure what I would need to mix the fish flox with to make it a liquid either?

Mercy weighed 299 grams as of a couple weeks ago. I'm also going to get a gram scale today so I can re-weigh him just to make sure.

Also, is Cipro the same as Baytril?

Hopefully I will hear back from Marty after she gets off work to let me know if she is able to get the right meds for Mercy...

Thanks again for all of your help...any suggestions or advice would be truly appreciated :)


I live pretty close to StepNstone and have fresh 500mg Cipro. If you need this fast, you are welcome to stop by and get some. Just PM me if needed.

Nancy in New York
06-27-2013, 01:19 PM
I live pretty close to StepNstone and have fresh 500mg Cipro. If you need this fast, you are welcome to stop by and get some. Just PM me if needed.

I can break that down for you with a dose and how much water to add to it.

06-27-2013, 01:38 PM
Vet just called... will have fresh meds tonight. Start on what Jackie says. Not sure I can meet until Friday. Good thing my hubby is my boss. I would be fired by now!! Whew.................tinfoil

Sorry... I posted this earlier. But please do what you think is best. I will pick up meds later tonight.

Sorry for the cross in communications. Good people ... great advice.


06-27-2013, 02:27 PM
Hi All,

Just talked to tube driver and I am going to pick up Cipro from him
(Thank u Tube Driver!!!)

Marty, depending on how much cipro he has, i may need to meet u friday.
Just please call me when u get the meds k...

I will keep u all posted



Nancy in New York
06-27-2013, 02:44 PM
Mercy, I sent you a pm with the dose for Cipro and how to break it down.
Remember on the chart that I also included that is for the ENTIRE day.
You break that amount in half if you want to dose twice.

06-27-2013, 02:48 PM
Sorry late coming through the door, been a busy few days...
I have Baytril and Cephalexin.

:poke my phone is always on...

06-27-2013, 03:19 PM
I just got off the phone with Step. He has the baytril & the cephalexin.


I know how to break down the baytril but need help with the cephalexin.

It is cephalexin 500mg capsules.

Also, Step & Martha were talking about doing the baytril & cephalexin stacked.

Can u please explain to me what stacking antibiocs mean? Do i give baytril one dose and cephalexin next dose? Or do i do baytril for couple days and cephalexin for couple days?

06-27-2013, 04:25 PM
Pming you now:)

:poke (Ref: Stacking) Me too, inquiring minds need to know. :)

06-27-2013, 05:00 PM
Marty, :poke Need to clear your PM inbox.

Jackie in Tampa
06-27-2013, 06:06 PM
:poke (Ref: Stacking) Me too, inquiring minds need to know. :)
same time..concurrently:thumbsup
two ABs to treat as a precautionary since we are not doing a culture to identify what AB is actually needed... there are specific ABS used to treat specific bacterias.. all depends on where they grow in the test tube so to speak...aerobic or anaerobic blah blah...however I am so not a microbiologist...
stacking overlaps coverage and this combo is safe in sqs...
however, any treatment is hard on the immune system...ven though the idea is to allow the immune system to bulk back up...
try not to miss any doses...:thumbsup:)

06-27-2013, 07:58 PM
Thanks Jackie. :grouphug

Mercy's folks were just here, picked up meds, supplies & printed instructions.
Hope round 2 solves it, I'll be keeping in touch with them.
Thank everyone who responded, helped or was standing by...

:poke Julia...
Lets see you more active on the board, not just when there's a problem. K?
And always remember... :worthless

06-27-2013, 08:06 PM
Thank-you Step for helping with meds. It's so scary when you aren't sure you can get them...:shakehead
So glad this little one is getting such great care!!!:thankyou:thankyou:thankyou

06-27-2013, 10:53 PM
Keeping fingers crossed that little Mercy get better with this round of treatment. :wave123

Squirrel Girls Mom
06-28-2013, 04:43 PM
same time..concurrently:thumbsup
two ABs to treat as a precautionary since we are not doing a culture to identify what AB is actually needed... there are specific ABS used to treat specific bacterias.. all depends on where they grow in the test tube so to speak...aerobic or anaerobic blah blah...however I am so not a microbiologist...
stacking overlaps coverage and this combo is safe in sqs...
however, any treatment is hard on the immune system...ven though the idea is to allow the immune system to bulk back up...
try not to miss any doses...:thumbsup:)

Jackie, I'm glad you mentioned this. My vet gave me some information that I've wanted to share for a while and this looks like the perfect time to share it. Abscesses are caused by anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria can infect skin, deep wounds, deep tissues, and internal organs where there is little oxygen. Baytril is not very effective against anaerobic bacteria. Baytril is very effective against the Pasteurella bacteria in cat saliva which is why it is the number one chosen antibiotic for cat attack. But if there are deep bite/puncture wounds, another antibiotic will be needed. I found this all out when Cheeky was attacked by a cat or a hawk and I took him to the vet. I did a lot of research on this and found that by vet was indeed correct. Even the makers of Baytril (Bayer) state in their information on Baytril that it is not effective against anaerobic bacteria.

In Mercy's case, the Baytril didn't kill off the anaerobic bacteria that caused the abscess and even after 20+ days of using it the abscess has returned. The cephalexin that Step provided is in one of the classes of antibiotics recommended for abscesses. I hope I don't step on any toes here, but giving Mercy another round of Baytril along with the cephalexin is not going to help and could significantly increase the possibility of GI upset.

island rehabber
06-28-2013, 05:07 PM
SGM you're right on the money and this is very true. Besides cephalexin, my vet actually recommended good old Clavamox for abcesses because it does work on anaerobic bacteria. :thumbsup

06-28-2013, 05:09 PM
SGM you're right on the money and this is very true. Besides cephalexin, my vet actually recommended good old Clavamox for abcesses because it does work on anaerobic bacteria. :thumbsup

HRT4SQRLS posted a REALLY in depth explanation of this a while back!! I miss H4S, don't see her on much :(

06-28-2013, 05:21 PM
Excellent info SGM!!! Thank-you for sharing it!:thumbsup

Nancy in New York
06-28-2013, 05:31 PM
Thanks for posting this SGM
Uni, I do remember that HRT4SQRLS posted something a while back as well,
now that you mention this.
She is one smart woman for sure, and I really hope she is on vacation and comes
back soon with all of her wisdom.
We can always learn, always.

06-28-2013, 05:35 PM
Jackie, I'm glad you mentioned this. My vet gave me some information that I've wanted to share for a while and this looks like the perfect time to share it. Abscesses are caused by anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria can infect skin, deep wounds, deep tissues, and internal organs where there is little oxygen. Baytril is not very effective against anaerobic bacteria. Baytril is very effective against the Pasteurella bacteria in cat saliva which is why it is the number one chosen antibiotic for cat attack. But if there are deep bite/puncture wounds, another antibiotic will be needed. I found this all out when Cheeky was attacked by a cat or a hawk and I took him to the vet. I did a lot of research on this and found that by vet was indeed correct. Even the makers of Baytril (Bayer) state in their information on Baytril that it is not effective against anaerobic bacteria.

In Mercy's case, the Baytril didn't kill off the anaerobic bacteria that caused the abscess and even after 20+ days of using it the abscess has returned. The cephalexin that Step provided is in one of the classes of antibiotics recommended for abscesses. I hope I don't step on any toes here, but giving Mercy another round of Baytril along with the cephalexin is not going to help and could significantly increase the possibility of GI upset.

Would be interested to get some views on this, stopping one or the other wouldn't be a problem.
The real problem is we really don't know what kind of bacteria we are dealing with here.

Putting the pictures together of the earlier abscess and the sore he has now I think confuses the issue.
I'm not even sure the sore he has now is in the same place as the abscess then.

Julia is not even sure how he got the sore except noticed it shortly after he had made a jump to a branch and yelped.
She first thought it was a new injury, now not sure if he indeed re-injured the site he had the original abscess.
The original abscess was completely healed and he has since grown so it's really hard to tell.

The pictures are a bit misleading. The (new) sore is on a bone that makes it look puffy. It's not soft, swollen, puffed out, filled up or draining. It's a sore, not deep and much like a scrape or abrasion that scabs over and he keeps irritating it by pulling the scab off. I believe he pulls the scab off because as it's drying and is uncomfortable it pulls on him and he also will often exhibit a limp, once he removes the scab he does not limp anymore.

The problem of course is stopping an infection or from developing another abscess or even knowing if this is a continuance of the original abscess.
So my question would be: Do we cut out the baytril and just stay with the Cep or continue with stacking w/ baytril?

Nancy in New York
06-28-2013, 05:41 PM
Would be interested to get some views on this, stopping one or the other wouldn't be a problem.
The real problem is we really don't know what kind of bacteria we are dealing with here.

Putting the pictures together of the earlier abscess and the sore he has now I think confuses the issue.
I'm not even sure the sore he has now is in the same place as the abscess then.

Julia is not even sure how he got the sore except noticed it shortly after he had made a jump to a branch and yelped.
She first thought it was a new injury, now not sure if he indeed re-injured the site he had the original abscess.
The original abscess was completely healed and he has since grown so it's really hard to tell.

The pictures are a bit misleading. The (new) sore is on a bone that makes it look puffy. It's not soft, swollen, puffed out, filled up or draining. It's a sore, not deep and much like a scrape or abrasion that scabs over and he keeps irritating it by pulling the scab off. I believe he pulls the scab off because as it's drying and is uncomfortable it pulls on him and he also will often exhibit a limp, once he removes the scab he does not limp anymore.
The problem of course is stopping an infection or from developing another abscess or even knowing if this is a continuance of the original abscess.

I think then ideally a culture would have to be done to know exactly what you are treating.
Since we are on the subject, I hope this isn't a thred jack, but I did want to post what HRTSQRLS posted
that I believe Uni was referring to.
This was in response to Maura's little one Dale.

At some point some of these abscesses need to be cultured to find out if MRSA is involved. Just so you know, MRSA is virtually 100% RESISTANT to the quinolone drugs, including Baytril. Also, as JIT stated if mucous membranes are involved, like the head,neck and mouth infections, anaerobic bacteria are a major player in these infections. Again, quinolone drugs are NOT used for anaerobic infection.

I sited an journal article in the past about wildlife carrying MRSA at higher rates than people. I'm not a rehabber but I am familiar with infections and antibiotics. Baytril alone for this infection is a gamble. It might work, but it is risky. I would definitely ADD another drug to the regime just to be safe. :thumbsup

06-28-2013, 06:07 PM
I think then ideally a culture would have to be done to know exactly what you are treating.
Since we are on the subject, I hope this isn't a thred jack, but I did want to post what HRTSQRLS posted
that I believe Uni was referring to.
This was in response to Maura's little one Dale.

{*-Originally Posted by HRT4SQRLS
At some point some of these abscesses need to be cultured to find out if MRSA is involved. Just so you know, MRSA is virtually 100% RESISTANT to the quinolone drugs, including Baytril. Also, as JIT stated if mucous membranes are involved, like the head,neck and mouth infections, anaerobic bacteria are a major player in these infections. Again, quinolone drugs are NOT used for anaerobic infection.
I sited an journal article in the past about wildlife carrying MRSA at higher rates than people. I'm not a rehabber but I am familiar with infections and antibiotics. Baytril alone for this infection is a gamble. It might work, but it is risky. I would definitely ADD another drug to the regime just to be safe.-*}

I agree "ideally" but I don't always have the opportunity to work with what is ideal, on the other hand another drug has been added to the regime. Probiotics are also being included to help with GI upset.

06-28-2013, 07:42 PM
I would go heavy and hard with both ABs since there was already an unsuccessful trial. We can't use IV ABs or have access to hyperbaric treatment for this little squirrel. MRSA is a series illness and becoming more common. Getting a culture would be ideal.

Nancy in New York
06-28-2013, 08:04 PM
{*-Originally Posted by HRT4SQRLS
At some point some of these abscesses need to be cultured to find out if MRSA is involved. Just so you know, MRSA is virtually 100% RESISTANT to the quinolone drugs, including Baytril. Also, as JIT stated if mucous membranes are involved, like the head,neck and mouth infections, anaerobic bacteria are a major player in these infections. Again, quinolone drugs are NOT used for anaerobic infection.
I sited an journal article in the past about wildlife carrying MRSA at higher rates than people. I'm not a rehabber but I am familiar with infections and antibiotics. Baytril alone for this infection is a gamble. It might work, but it is risky. I would definitely ADD another drug to the regime just to be safe.-*}

I agree "ideally" but I don't always have the opportunity to work with what is ideal.

Oh I hear ya on that one......if only.:shakehead
Could the "parents" get a culture done?

06-28-2013, 08:47 PM
Oh I hear ya on that one......if only.
In a perfect world where everything is in sync
with what could be should be...
That my friend is a fairy tale! :rotfl

Could the "parents" get a culture done?
Through me through Marty, yes. On their own... not likely.
It's not out of the equation, we'll know soon enough if we need to go that route.

Nancy in New York
06-28-2013, 09:10 PM
In a perfect world where everything is in sync
with what could be should be...
That my friend is a fairy tale! :rotfl

Through me through Marty, yes. On their own... not likely.
It's not out of the equation, we'll know soon enough if we need to go that route.

Yeah, give this a try first.....it may just be the cure to what ails her.:dono

06-28-2013, 09:19 PM
Don't mean to butt in but I have a young possum with a nasty abscess that's still oozing after 10 days on Baytril. It's better but if I can switch to Clavamox and beat this thing I'd love some dosing help. She weighs about 250 grams. I have Clavamox. I'll take her back to the vet if I can get an appointment for the morning but if Clavamox is the drug of choice I'd just as soon get it started. Would it be OK for a possum? I just saw the info re Clavamox and all sorts of sparks started flying in my brain. I have a wonderful compassionate vet but she admits she doesn't really know possums. Any info is appreciated.

06-28-2013, 09:39 PM
How many mg is the Clavamox?

06-28-2013, 09:47 PM
Don't mean to butt in but I have a young possum with a nasty abscess that's still oozing after 10 days on Baytril. It's better but if I can switch to Clavamox and beat this thing I'd love some dosing help. She weighs about 250 grams. I have Clavamox. I'll take her back to the vet if I can get an appointment for the morning but if Clavamox is the drug of choice I'd just as soon get it started. Would it be OK for a possum? I just saw the info re Clavamox and all sorts of sparks started flying in my brain. I have a wonderful compassionate vet but she admits she doesn't really know possums. Any info is appreciated.

Only reference I see is Clavamox is not to be used on lagomorphs.
250 grams would dose @ 0.08 twice daily, for strength 62.5mg/ml of Clavamox
Recommend giving probiotics 2 hours before or after to control GI upset.

06-29-2013, 02:17 PM
Hi everyone,

Thank you for all of the helpful information :) I have a question though...
If Mercy does have MRSA, is that contagious to humans or dogs?
I did some research yesterday about MRSA in squirrels and I don't think
that is what Mercy has. I could be wrong? The pictures of the infected squirrels
showed numerous sores all over the body. Mercy only has one sore on his leg.
What confuses me is that MRSA can be on thr inside of the body as well (sores that we
can't see). So that had me a little worried...

Mercy had his 1st dose of cephalexin @ 9 pm (thanks to Step & Jackie!!!) and his next dose was Thurs
morning with the baytril @ 9 am. Than cephalexin @ 9pm and baytril following morning
@ 9 am.(I hope that I followed the right instructions that Step gave to me). Step, can
u please confirm? And is Cephalexin & Baytril the best combo or should Clavomax be

As of today, the sore looks the same (no worse, no better). After talking with my husband last
night he reminded me of what he went through with staff infection he had in his arm. They had to
dig the core out and drained the infection. It took a long time to heal even with antibiotics but it did
heal. I do agree about having him tested just to see what we are dealing with. Or should I just wait and
see how he reacts to antibiotics and hopefully clears up. The only other idea I can think of is even if both antibiotics
clear this up only to come back weeks or month later than i woulf definately want to test him if possible.
Thr only problem is finding a vet to do that. Or Step or Marty has a way of doing it...

Just wanted to update u and thank u all again for giving me the needed advice! I couldnt
do this without the support from everyone here!!! After tonights 9pm dosing, I will take current pics
of Mercys leg and upload them to this thread.

This morning he woke me up by cleaning my hair! Lol! Harry & I are almost finished building his home
and i cant wait to show u guys the pics!!!!

06-29-2013, 03:55 PM
You asked me (pm) to come here and tell you what I think so here it is...
Your over thinking this.

Your also doing the meds wrong unless Jackie told you something different which I don't think she did?? Stacked, concurrently means together at the same time, not separate!

You were given a plan of treatment, you were given the correct meds. Your not going to see results overnight.
If in the future Mercy needs to see a vet, be tested, whatever, Marty and I can take care of that.

You need to call me!

06-30-2013, 03:11 AM
I want to apologize if I contributed to any of the confusion surrounding the treatment of this squirrel. At one point, the squirrel's owner asked about getting an AB as soon as possible. I had some fresh AB on hand so I offered it. But Stepnstone has been on top of this case from the start, a difficult case since the squirrel "Mercy" has not responded to the initial AB treatment. Stepnstone has the expertise to help this squirrel. I'll hope Mercy gets better.

PS. Mercy's owner asked about MRSA and possible threats to her or her family. MRSA is common and a significant portion of the population already carries MRSA. For example, A substantial portion of health care providers have active MRSA in their nose etc .

It is generally not an issue unless you are immuno compromised or received treatment that affects immune system such as cancer chemo or Radiation treatment.

06-30-2013, 04:57 AM
You did not contribute to any "confusion." :nono
I was aware of your offer and do appreciate it,
fortunately I had both AB's that were needed.