View Full Version : Feral cats

06-25-2013, 04:56 PM
I'm faced with a little problem. My release pen is almost done and I have been trying to get some of my kids ready for release.
I have been putting the kids cages out side giving them time to get used to the sounds and smells of being free.
But now over the last month I have seen cats roaming my back yard. I thought they belonged to a neighbor but come to find out this weekend they are Farrel cats. We found 1 on Sunday that was hit by a car and I thought one down and one to go but this morning I found 3 cats in my back yard!!!:nono
I have a small have a heart trap but I don't think that is big enough for cats. I will probably go and buy a large one. but what is a good bait for cats :thinking
Has any one ever had to deal with this problem?
I don't want to release and squirrels with cats roaming around.

06-25-2013, 05:02 PM
Tuna or in this heat sometimes catnip holds up better. Go to Harbor Freight if you have one. They have great trap prices!

I'm faced with a little problem. My release pen is almost done and I have been trying to get some of my kids ready for release.
I have been putting the kids cages out side giving them time to get used to the sounds and smells of being free.
But now over the last month I have seen cats roaming my back yard. I thought they belonged to a neighbor but come to find out this weekend they are Farrel cats. We found 1 on Sunday that was hit by a car and I thought one down and one to go but this morning I found 3 cats in my back yard!!!:nono
I have a small have a heart trap but I don't think that is big enough for cats. I will probably go and buy a large one. but what is a good bait for cats :thinking
Has any one ever had to deal with this problem?
I don't want to release and squirrels with cats roaming around.

Nancy in New York
06-25-2013, 05:06 PM
I'm faced with a little problem. My release pen is almost done and I have been trying to get some of my kids ready for release.
I have been putting the kids cages out side giving them time to get used to the sounds and smells of being free.
But now over the last month I have seen cats roaming my back yard. I thought they belonged to a neighbor but come to find out this weekend they are Farrel cats. We found 1 on Sunday that was hit by a car and I thought one down and one to go but this morning I found 3 cats in my back yard!!!:nono
I have a small have a heart trap but I don't think that is big enough for cats. I will probably go and buy a large one. but what is a good bait for cats :thinking
Has any one ever had to deal with this problem?
I don't want to release and squirrels with cats roaming around.

pappy had one heck of a time trying to trap a feral in her yard last year.
That thing never got close to the trap, just prayed on her squirrels and even got her
little three legged one.
I will direct her to this thread.

06-25-2013, 05:27 PM
Oh no! NINY is correct. I tried EVERYTHING. Never caught it. It killed Expresso (Bean's little 3 legged daughter, and I have my suspicions it got Ella, too, although I never found her to confirm). It had no interest in any type of food I put out (even put some just out in the yard, not even near the trap to get it used to being fed...nope, only wanted to kill my babies.) What finally stopped it from coming in my yard (although I still see it across the road from time to time, watched it trying to catch birds about a week ago), is having my dogs outside ALOT. They chased it a few times and I am assuming it finally figured there were other places to hunt. If you do try trapping get a big havahart (for raccoons) and cover the bottom with leaves, grass, etc. and set it a few times making sure the door stays open, I stuck a branch in the mechanism so it wouldn't go off. The reason being so it will get comfortable going in for the food, you will have a better chance catching it. Put a food trail leading up and inside it, too. Ferals are smart (they have to be to survive), and can be very hard to trap. Also, there are many organizations that will come out and trap, so check with your local vets, they may know of some. Wish you luck. If you cannot remove them, I would be very concerned about releasing, as ferals seem to really have a taste for squirrel from what I have seen (around here, we don't generally have them...may be the other wildlife that actually eats THEM. You need a fischer cat to take up residence...lol)

06-25-2013, 05:45 PM
Here are some other ways...
:ali_abduct or even better :overkill
I know Home Depot has traps and probably any home improvement stores.
Sorry wish you the best getting rid of them and your little ones stay SAFE.

Squirrel Girls Mom
06-25-2013, 05:50 PM
Really, really stinky canned cat food. Put just a bit inside the trap every night for about 4 nights blocking the mechanism, just like pappy said, then leave some with the trap set. I caught two just a few weeks ago. :thumbsup

06-25-2013, 06:08 PM
Thanks for the information. I will try the trapping first. I don't want to hurt them and If I can get them to some one who will find homes for them than that is great. BUT I DON'T WANT THEM GOING AFTER MY RELEASES!!! I have worked to hard to keep healthy squirrels and want them to go live in the trees. I realize once they are released I my never know how they faired but I don't want to see them as cat food. If the traps don't work :gun2

06-25-2013, 11:53 PM
Hi Rocky.

My heart is very torn on this subject, as I am a squirrel mom, and also I have cared for feral cats in the past. So I wanted to share a couple bits of info in case it helps find a solution that is in the best interest of all involved.

Even though the cats appear to be ferals, if they are arriving in groups like this, it is very likely that they are being cared for by someone in your area. Not necessarily your next door neighbors but within the boundaries of the cats roaming area.

If this is the case, then sadly someone may wait for these cats everyday just as many here wait for their squirrels. If they disappear another's heart may be broken. They may drive to shelters, look on the side of the roads, and put flyers out at vet offices, etc. Basically just go crazy like we do over a missing squirrel.

But I understand the dilemma. So just a few thoughts... feral cats that are being cared for sometimes have their ears tipped, to show that they have been spayed/neutered and probably vaccinated also. This may be hard to spot unless you are close. Not everyone does this however. The cats also may be tame to the caretaker if there is someone local feeding them. Also, if you trap the cats and cant find a caretaker, please check with your local shelters first - because often they will just euthanize them without working with them to try to socialize. They do this because they do not have time or space with so many surrendered animals.

But... there are often groups who help people trap and s/n and release animals. You can see a site such as Alley Cat Allies (a big organization with some local links) But do a search in your area for TNR, barn cats, ferals, inquire with your vet, etc. There are often small groups out there. Some of these may be able to help relocate the cats, or might have resources available to actually take the time to see if they can become socialized. .

I just wanted to share this info. I wish the best for all involved.

06-26-2013, 12:02 AM
If you need any help, let me know. I'm big on animal rights, but when it comes to predators I have little concern for their welfare, especially cats who I think might be the only animal that kills for fun, even more than for food. I don't want LillyBrooke released into those conditions. She'd do better in the pond behind my complex. How is she anyway? :poke

Jackie in Tampa
06-26-2013, 04:58 AM
Thanks for the information. I will try the trapping first. I don't want to hurt them and If I can get them to some one who will find homes for them than that is great. BUT I DON'T WANT THEM GOING AFTER MY RELEASES!!! I have worked to hard to keep healthy squirrels and want them to go live in the trees. I realize once they are released I my never know how they faired but I don't want to see them as cat food. If the traps don't work :gun2

cats are domestic pets...a luxury for us humans...so keep them inside with all the luxury items...
if they are preditors they need to be removed..period.
I trap...and my sqs are not missing anymore...period.
I love cats...inside.
ferels are not happy campers...they are disease carriers and flea ridden..they are hungry.
they do deserve a chance and trapping them is their best option to love and live.
I know few are adopted out...but they cannot run the streets poopin and killing...
it's not fair to life in general....
people who do not nueter and take care are to blame...not the sqs!
Do not haul away, call animal control so these cats get help if it's possible...
taking them else where gives new problems to new areas...

my neighbor, the fricken drunk, has not missed any of the cats I trapped and now there are baby kitties..
I am going to sneak them off his porch so they may have a cnance at being adopted ...
before they become killers, unloved and in jeapoardy 24/7...

in 6 months I have made a difference...
we are sq people...we need to let the cat people do their thing while we do ours...
the inner city children have their saviors, the ethiopian children have theirs, the endangered animals have theirs activists also...
save the sqs!!!! It' our job....
long live the sqs!
off my soapbox..... good morning!:wave123

island rehabber
06-26-2013, 06:29 AM

i am certified in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) and have 'done' 18 cats in my waterfront colony. The 18 became 10, then 8, now a very manageable 6, who have been with me for 9 years. Unless someone dumps a pregnant female, as happened a few weeks ago, I do not see kittens anymore, ever. I can afford to leave the 6 old-timers in place because I have no trees around here and therefore no squirrels for them to attack. If I were inland, with a backyard and squirrel friends there, I would trap and remove the cats.

06-26-2013, 12:21 PM
cats are domestic pets...a luxury for us humans...so keep them inside with all the luxury items...
if they are preditors they need to be removed..period.
I trap...and my sqs are not missing anymore...period.
I love cats...inside.
ferels are not happy campers...they are disease carriers and flea ridden..they are hungry.
they do deserve a chance and trapping them is their best option to love and live.
I know few are adopted out...but they cannot run the streets poopin and killing...
it's not fair to life in general....
people who do not nueter and take care are to blame...not the sqs!
Do not haul away, call animal control so these cats get help if it's possible...
taking them else where gives new problems to new areas...

my neighbor, the fricken drunk, has not missed any of the cats I trapped and now there are baby kitties..
I am going to sneak them off his porch so they may have a cnance at being adopted ...
before they become killers, unloved and in jeapoardy 24/7...
:goodpost I agree :).

Animal control will usually put the cats down, though. Rocky, you can definitely take the cats to a rescue or no-kill shelter if you really want to do no harm. This way they will more likely get an indoor home or at least have a chance at a good life in a feral cat rescue. I have had very wild ferals over the years, and still have one, so I know they can be rehomed and live good, happy lives indoors. If these guys are roaming cats or strays then they will have an even better chance at a new, indoor home. No-kills and rescues will spay/neuter and adopt-out solely to indoor-only homes, usually. Make sure this is the case before bringing them to one.

Trapping the cats and bringing them to a no-kill shelter/rescue is caring about the cats. Even though we are squirrel people, it is possible to have compassion for a sentient being who has been left to fend for himself or allowed to roam because people are too lazy or ignorant to spay/neuter and keep their cats indoors.

06-26-2013, 03:48 PM
Thanks for all the advice. I have not seen any cats today but that does not mean they are gone.
I will update once I have the trap set and hopefully catch them.

Ferrelli, don't worry I won't release LilyBrooke until I know she will be safe. she is doing great :multi

06-26-2013, 04:15 PM

i am certified in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) and have 'done' 18 cats in my waterfront colony. The 18 became 10, then 8, now a very manageable 6, who have been with me for 9 years. Unless someone dumps a pregnant female, as happened a few weeks ago, I do not see kittens anymore, ever. I can afford to leave the 6 old-timers in place because I have no trees around here and therefore no squirrels for them to attack. If I were inland, with a backyard and squirrel friends there, I would trap and remove the cats.

:thankyou Island Rehabber... You keep on amazing me. Personally I love TNR and we had the same experience as you. A large colony of ferals in the area of a family member. In this case, the area once country, began development, and families moved away some apparently left behind cats not s/n or cared for. It does not take long for the numbers to grow. It was over 10 years ago and TNR was not even so popular then. The cats slowly went down in number, many, many became tame over time (months and years) and were then adopted out to family members and friends, coworkers - as indoor cats. A few still remain as outdoor cats who are well cared for and happy. My current 3 legged kitty is a former feral. He rocks ! I have a friend who is involved in TNR and will spend weekends helping trapping for s/n especially before breeding time. NOW many places in our area support the program and offer free or low cost s/n and vaccinations . It saves cats, wildlife, and helps people too.

Another :flash3 for Rocky for opting for the trapping route.

06-27-2013, 04:00 PM
Ugh! My neighborhood is crawling with cats and my neighbors behind me and next door feed these guys. Just found three kittens with their mom behind my pool. I so feel sorry for them but I so don't want them here either. Torn.

06-27-2013, 10:56 PM
Really, really stinky canned cat food. Put just a bit inside the trap every night for about 4 nights blocking the mechanism, just like pappy said, then leave some with the trap set. I caught two just a few weeks ago. :thumbsup

SGM is right. If you're going to bait it, this is the bait to use. Most cats, even feral cannot resist it. :thumbsup:thumbsup Good luck!!

06-27-2013, 10:58 PM
Ugh! My neighborhood is crawling with cats and my neighbors behind me and next door feed these guys. Just found three kittens with their mom behind my pool. I so feel sorry for them but I so don't want them here either. Torn.

Humane Society!!!!

07-03-2013, 10:55 PM
Felt I had to add to this; feral cats normally go after easier prey, mice mostly, not so much birds or squirrels. Tame domestic neighbor cats kill far more squirrels and birds then ferals. I know, we have had ferals and they go for easy handouts and mice. I trapped one and had him 16 months, he was older, and I knew the shelters would kill him. He never actively hunted any of the mice who came into our house, just wiped out his food every feeding. Now, the neighbors horrible cats roam day and night. They kill baby birds. They have killed wild orphan babies. They tried to kill Jasmine and they have killed Star's babies in the pAST. Horrible creatures. WE have 4 cats. Now only 3, we lost 21 year old Crystal June 13th. ALL our cats are INSIDE only. Blue was neglected by these same neighbors; they claimed she wouldn't come in, so I took her one cold winter day. She is the cat who grabbed two baby squirrels the day I found this site. She has NO Interest in the outdoors. Her son disappeared two years ago -- most likely a fox or coyote or raccoon got him. He was ALWAYS hunting; took out pretty much every baby robin the year before he disappeared. He stalked the only survivor and snagged that baby off a fence 6 days before all the robins migrated out of the neighborhood. I arrived too late to save the baby but did chase that cat away from area, so he couldn't have his "prize".

Here we have a feral rescue. IF you trap, have their contact info handy; they SHOULD take whatever cats you catch. If they can be placed, they will be. If they are too wild, they may be able to relocate. TNR is a wonderful humane alternative to a very horrible human caused issue. My feral was named Mister Mittens; I would not trade a day with him for anything. I had fed him for two years prior to trapping and wish I had not waited so long. But he was so will, so scared of people, even me. He had 16 months inside with all the food water and toys he could want. He was safe from predators who took most of the other strays we had around here.

I love my wild squirrels; I have 8 to release. We have foxers so only babies have much to worry about. But if I see a cat who is not familar, then yeah I will catch and rehome. The neighbor cats I would LOVE to trap and rehome to indoor only homes, if I ever find takers. I am over the neighbor cats (and the neighbors)....