View Full Version : Sensitive Skin Tips for the Squirrel Caregiver?

06-21-2013, 04:58 PM
My little Gatineau squirrels are always happy to see me an jump all over me. Which is cute but.... they're claws are becoming quite long and can go throuh my jeans. They seem to scratch my neck more and more when they jump on my neck. They really irritated my neck during this evening's feeding. Broken skin, little spots of blood and a rash (dermatitis) I'm hoping the rash will go down over night. But it's itchy. Does anybody else get rashes like this? How do you deal with it? I naturally have extremely sensitive skin so I'm not freaking out over the rash but I'd love to find so solutions.


06-21-2013, 05:14 PM
Try using a little Dickinson Witch Haze. It's a liitle more expensive but worth it.:thumbsup

06-21-2013, 05:14 PM
If it's clean and the rash doesn't spread, usually it'll go down. I'm covered in scratches from my three. I keep forgetting to wear long sleeves!

OTC antihistamines can usually help if it's too much for you to deal with. I don't take any unless something is really bothering me, including creams.

06-21-2013, 05:15 PM
Oh, and try something with Jewelweed/Touch-Me-Not extract. It's great.

06-21-2013, 05:33 PM
I'm a redhead with naturally extremely sensitive skin. I've had the same issue with Remy. I wear a sweat shirt while she's out (all day) and put a pillow case around my neck when she's on me. I had the same thing with my skin, I just put Neosporin on it and the little 'rash' went away and all is healing well.

My skin is sensitive enough that I can't even use witch hazel etc... I'll break out worse from that. Dunno if this helps, just what I've been doing. Good luck!

Charley Chuckles
06-21-2013, 05:38 PM
[QUOTE=Unikorngrrl;897376]I'm a redhead with naturally extremely sensitive skin. I've had the same issue with Remy. I wear a sweat shirt while she's out (all day) and put a pillow case around my neck when she's on me. I had the same thing with my skin, I just put Neosporin on it and the little 'rash' went away and all is healing well.

My skin is sensitive enough that I can't even use witch hazel etc... I'll break out worse from that. Dunno if this helps, just what I've been doing. Good luck![/QUOTE
Yes I see your a redhead by your avatar:poke:D Sorry just had ta :D:grouphug ]

Charley Chuckles
06-21-2013, 05:42 PM
OK here is my protocol, I use to rehab iguanas and man did they do a major infection on my skin :osnap I wash with soap. pour peroxide on, let sit for a few seconds wash with soap, the put neosporine on, all better :thumbsup

06-21-2013, 05:45 PM
I'm a redhead with naturally extremely sensitive skin. I've had the same issue with Remy. I wear a sweat shirt while she's out (all day) and put a pillow case around my neck when she's on me. I had the same thing with my skin, I just put Neosporin on it and the little 'rash' went away and all is healing well.

My skin is sensitive enough that I can't even use witch hazel etc... I'll break out worse from that. Dunno if this helps, just what I've been doing. Good luck!

Yes! Thank you everyone for all the great advice but I have a feeling this one is most useful for my princess skin.

06-21-2013, 06:02 PM
I can't use Witch Hazel either, makes me rash out. The Jewelweed stuff is wonderful. I have a Jewelweed soap that is for Poison Ivy, but I use it if I have any minor rash or stuff and it works really well to reduce the swelling. Easy stuff to grow too.

06-21-2013, 06:12 PM
Yes! Thank you everyone for all the great advice but I have a feeling this one is most useful for my princess skin.

Glad I don't have sensitive skin, maybe a little thinner now but always been like rawhide.
Now with all the squirrel tracks it's "seasoned" rawhide.
The downside is, a Loofah sponge gets caught up about mid stroke... :rotfl

06-21-2013, 06:17 PM
Glad I don't have sensitive skin, maybe a little thinner now but always been like rawhide.
Now with all the squirrel tracks it's "seasoned" rawhide.
The downside is, a Loofah sponge gets caught up about mid stroke... :rotfl

You should start a new thread for this :sanp3 :rotfl

06-21-2013, 06:24 PM
I can't use Witch Hazel either, makes me rash out. The Jewelweed stuff is wonderful. I have a Jewelweed soap that is for Poison Ivy, but I use it if I have any minor rash or stuff and it works really well to reduce the swelling. Easy stuff to grow too.

Hmm...maybe have to give the Jewelweed a try then. Certainly can't hurt!!! ;)

Charley Chuckles
06-21-2013, 06:28 PM
:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl stepnstone and David I just spit my sweet tea out my nose :poke:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl but stepnstone I am so saying yes I was agreeing with you :poke:rofl4:rofl4:rofl4

06-21-2013, 06:56 PM
Abby are you sure it was from reading the post of from a little to much "sweet" in the tea. :thinking:Drink

06-21-2013, 08:02 PM
I know folks that get all sorts of itchy rashes from doing things (plant dermatitis, sunburn, etc.) and they keep a pot of Jewelweed growing so they can just use the juice. I'm sure you can find extract online, as well as seeds. They take off like wildfire from seed, but it's a native so that's okay. Plus Hummingbirds and other pollinators love it. I use it as an emergency treatment if I start getting poison ivy, stinging nettle, mild sunburn, scratches from Raspberries/brambles and bugbites when I'm out hiking or camping. Stuff works pretty well. Not GREAT, but it reduces some of the inflammation and itching.

The other name "Touch-Me-Not" is about the seed pods and their habit of exploding, so don't be put off by the name.

06-21-2013, 08:44 PM
[QUOTE=Unikorngrrl;897376]I'm a redhead with naturally extremely sensitive skin. I've had the same issue with Remy. I wear a sweat shirt while she's out (all day) and put a pillow case around my neck when she's on me. I had the same thing with my skin, I just put Neosporin on it and the little 'rash' went away and all is healing well.

My skin is sensitive enough that I can't even use witch hazel etc... I'll break out worse from that. Dunno if this helps, just what I've been doing. Good luck![/QUOTE
Yes I see your a redhead by your avatar:poke:D Sorry just had ta :D:grouphug ]

:rotfl:rotfl It's all good. NiNY made the avatar for me!! LOVE HER!! Had to show it off for a while!!! Jax will be back up soon ;) :D:wave123

06-22-2013, 06:31 AM
I know folks that get all sorts of itchy rashes from doing things (plant dermatitis, sunburn, etc.) and they keep a pot of Jewelweed growing so they can just use the juice. I'm sure you can find extract online, as well as seeds. They take off like wildfire from seed, but it's a native so that's okay. Plus Hummingbirds and other pollinators love it. I use it as an emergency treatment if I start getting poison ivy, stinging nettle, mild sunburn, scratches from Raspberries/brambles and bugbites when I'm out hiking or camping. Stuff works pretty well. Not GREAT, but it reduces some of the inflammation and itching.

The other name "Touch-Me-Not" is about the seed pods and their habit of exploding, so don't be put off by the name.

Really good information. thank you. very much appreciated.