View Full Version : releasing questions?

06-20-2013, 12:13 PM
So as you all know I lost one of my babies about 2 weeks ago. Still don't know why.....tear....But my other two are thriving. They are 14 weeks now and full of energy. I can not hold them anymore, always biting and drawing blood. I am wondering when do I release? They play with each other a lot but when they are not eating or sleeping they just pase their cage back and forth up and down. They have toys but are not interested. When do I start the process?

06-20-2013, 12:20 PM
Awww motherofthree....sorry for the loss :dono sometimes we lose them and there just isn't a reason why...but it is hard wondering ....you just need to remember that you did all you could...and the others are thriving:thumbsup. From what I've learned 14 wks is a good time to start...and they sound like they are telling you they're ready to spread their wings :peace there are some good threads describing release...I'll see if I can find one and post it for you :thumbsup

06-20-2013, 12:22 PM
Thank you Shewhosweptforest:D

06-20-2013, 12:25 PM
Here's the site it covers a lot of the questions...and has a few pretty elaborate cages to look at but you do what you can:thumbsup But some great ideas!!
