View Full Version : HBV Adult Squirrel

06-19-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi all,

I'm a rehabber located in NC. Yesterday my boss (also a rehabber, though not currently taking) called me to let me know that a neighbor had dropped off an adult male squirrel that had been clipped by a car. I went to pick him up and took him to a vet. He has no broken bones or swelling, just a few small scrapes that are already scabbed over. He is neurological. His left eye is blank, but his right is very alert. I'm wondering if the left might have gone blind.

All he want to do is curl up and rest. I can pick him up and scritch him under the chin and rub his ears, which is not good as an adult male should be trying to destroy me. However, he does lift up his arm so I can scritch him in the sweet squirrel spot just under his chin. He can move around, but seems very dizzy and disoriented. I have a neurological sugar glider who sometimes spins in circles, but he is not doing so.

He's on Metacam for pain. I discussed it with another rehabber I work closely with and she said she would have suggested Dex if he had swelling, but because he doesn't, to stick with Metacam.

He is happy to drink water from a syringe if I tip his head back and rest it against his mouth. We got about 8ccs in around 12pm today. He also took about 4 ccs of 'gruel' - a mash of rodent block, cereals, pecans, peanuts, and some vitamins. He wasn't sure what he thought of it - he would nibble at the syringe like he wanted more, then stick his tongue out and spit it out.

Because he was hit yesterday, I of course want to give him time to rest and see if anything changes and reevaluate later. I'm posting just to see if anyone thinks I should be doing anything else as well. Any help would be appreciated!

06-19-2013, 03:45 PM
Thank you for helping this big guy! Are you offering him a spot in the container with a heating pad under it? It might sooth his aches and pains from his accident. Keeping him hydrated is most important. Warm, dark and quiet.:grouphug

06-19-2013, 03:55 PM
Sounds like you have things pretty covered. Just putting it out there, but I wonder if he could have been someone's 'pet' and released (as although I have seen neuro squirrels who were easy to handle, I can't remember one reacting, at least initially to being rubbed like that, so it just makes me wonder.) Prayers going out.

06-19-2013, 04:04 PM
Thank you for helping this big guy! Are you offering him a spot in the container with a heating pad under it? It might sooth his aches and pains from his accident. Keeping him hydrated is most important. Warm, dark and quiet.:grouphug

Hi SammysMom,

I haven't put a heating pad on just because it's so warm in my house, but will offer it! Thanks for the suggestion!

06-19-2013, 04:12 PM
Well hello there! Privyet!

(I think the spam filter needs some tweaking.)

06-19-2013, 04:19 PM
Well hello there! Privyet!

(I think the spam filter needs some tweaking.)


06-19-2013, 04:55 PM
Hi SammysMom,

I haven't put a heating pad on just because it's so warm in my house, but will offer it! Thanks for the suggestion!

Heat is not good for head injuries
with swelling.
I've had quite a few adults with severe
injuries allow me to do.anything I want with

Best wishes

06-20-2013, 05:12 PM
Heat is not good for head injuries
with swelling.
I've had quite a few adults with severe
injuries allow me to do.anything I want with

Best wishes

Hi Lilidukes,

Interestingly enough, he has no swelling! Just a few scrapes.

06-20-2013, 06:07 PM
Hi Lilidukes,

Interestingly enough, he has no swelling! Just a few scrapes.

I'm thinking she means the swelling might be on the inside.

Charley Chuckles
06-20-2013, 07:33 PM
I read this, I think yesterday, please forgive my ignorance, but, what is an HBV squirrel :dono

06-24-2013, 10:16 PM
I read this, I think yesterday, please forgive my ignorance, but, what is an HBV squirrel :dono

Hi Charley Chuckles,

Hit by vehicle! I used to work at a rehab clinic (it unfortunately closed), and we used similar acronyms for everything. It just stuck with me! :)

Charley Chuckles
06-25-2013, 06:18 AM
:thankyou Now I have a new term for my list :thumbsup how is the little patient doing, any improvement :dono sending out GV (good vibes :D) :grouphug