View Full Version : Canadian Reds

06-15-2013, 03:36 AM
Bonnie and Clyde are moved into their release cage... Its almost time for them to be free :( I know that reds like pine trees, and we do have several of those in the neighborhood, but I havent seen any other reds around here. Can they still release here? They were found in the same town I live in, but out in the country...Im in town. Will they be ok here ??

06-15-2013, 12:08 PM
I was hoping for pics! :D
For them to have the best chance, they should really be released where there are a lot of pines. Most of their diet is pine cones, pine buds and pine needles. I don't know how many pines you've got in your neighbourhood, but make sure they aren't just sporadic, here and there. Know what I mean?

Why not release where there are other reds? I'd personally choose a country release site over a town/city site. :tilt So if you can do that, I'd go for it! Being among their own kind is important for so many reasons, too.
If your release site is all you have, well, then it's all you have. But releasing is just as important as rehabbing, so if you can try to find a better place for them that would probably be best. Could you move the release cage to where they were found (original finder's property?) and hold off releasing for another week or so? Just a thought. :)

Sorry, it's probably not the answer you wanted to hear. But there's a reason you aren't seeing reds around. So it's probably not the best place to release them. :dono I'm sure you can still release, but will they have a good chance, I'm not sure. :grouphug

06-15-2013, 12:52 PM
Good Luck with the release--
Having plenty of their NATURAL diet is key to survival...
Do you have access to any Private Property for your release cage??
I added steel loops to my cage to chain it to a tree...

06-15-2013, 12:56 PM
Are you sure you don't? I lived here for YEARS and saw NO red squirrels...but now I have a bunch of them, and it turns out they were always there. What I assumed were birds for YEARS were actually red squirrels peeping. It takes a while for them to come up and be obvious like the grays - they are more reserved.

These little reds live in the woods behind my house which is mostly beech, oak and maple with a few hemlocks sprinkled about.

"City" reds are particularly adept at bird feeders. I love watching mine on my squirrel proof feeders that close when weight is put on them - they grab something stationary and pull up, opening the seed hoppers. Squirrel proof. Snort!

So I think you need to start listening. If there are reds in other areas near you, you may have them and not know it.

06-15-2013, 01:05 PM
What I assumed were birds for YEARS were actually red squirrels peeping

These little reds live in the woods behind my house which is mostly beech, oak and maple with a few hemlocks sprinkled about.
:thumbsup I wonder if they moved closer because people were feeding the birds? Or squirrels. :dono Just curious.

06-15-2013, 01:12 PM
I live in a mixed area of ocean, these sort of semi-boggy woods like I have with mostly hardwoods, and areas with lots of pines. I think they may have started in the piney areas but have been encroaching on the other areas for years. In addition, LOTS of people up here have those ginormous spruce trees in their yards.

In the spring when the boys were chasing the girls across the semi snow covered ground, I counted 14 at one time back in the woods behind my house. I have two that OWN the property itself, Nubbin and Burt Campbell, but I will often be watching those two and another one will run by with a mazuri block in it's mouth!

06-15-2013, 01:23 PM
I live in a mixed area of ocean, these sort of semi-boggy woods like I have with mostly hardwoods, and areas with lots of pines. I think they may have started in the piney areas but have been encroaching on the other areas for years. In addition, LOTS of people up here have those ginormous spruce trees in their yards.

Ah, the spruce was calling! AND the mazuri and bird seed. :rotfl
Where I live the reds only live in Spruce. I should've been more clear: Spruce and Pine are the preferred trees.

I'm really curious if they are living and thriving in other trees besides pines or spruce. And I wonder why. Are they being pushed out of the pine/spruce areas? Or are they being lured by other trees/feeders,etc. :dono

06-15-2013, 01:49 PM
I should've been more clear: Spruce and Pine are the preferred trees.
And to be even more clear (:o) I should've said, Spruce and Pine and other cone-bearing trees (conifers).

Ay. :tilt

Maybe you have more conifers than just Pines, SM?

06-15-2013, 02:01 PM
Yes, absolutely. I watch Nubbin wake up, stretch, and climb down from her hole in a beech on the edge of the woods! I am almost sure there is a nest inside my next door neighbor's tool shed!

06-15-2013, 02:12 PM
Yes, absolutely. I watch Nubbin wake up, stretch, and climb down from her hole in a beech on the edge of the woods! I am almost sure there is a nest inside my next door neighbor's tool shed!

I just hope people don't release squirrels based on the number of tool shed's around. :D
I see reds here, living in aspens or poplar, but that's only when they are being pushed out of a territory and can't gain access to the better trees. They don't choose aspen or poplar unless they have to, it seems. Which is why I am curious.

06-15-2013, 04:02 PM
And I don't think reds should be released in an area where there are no reds either, but I DO think that some more observation is warranted. I have been observing the wildlife around my house VERY attentively for years - it is one of the things I love about living where I do - and I missed the little suckers for years!! They can easily be mistaken for chippies from a distance as their movements on the ground are so similar. It would be nice if there is a (shh, secret) population that would allow these guys to be released from home.

06-15-2013, 04:10 PM
And I don't think reds should be released in an area where there are no reds either, but I DO think that some more observation is warranted. I have been observing the wildlife around my house VERY attentively for years - it is one of the things I love about living where I do - and I missed the little suckers for years!! They can easily be mistaken for chippies from a distance as their movements on the ground are so similar. It would be nice if there is a (shh, secret) population that would allow these guys to be released from home.

06-15-2013, 05:11 PM
What I assumed were birds for YEARS were actually red squirrels peeping.
The easiest way I find to notice red squirrels is to recgonize their alarm/I'm-annoyed-becaused-your-in-my-terrority call. They tend to be very vocal compared to the gray squirrels. (And if you've been caring for little ones, perhaps you're already famaliar with the sound. It sounds a bit like an aircraft machine gun.)

Fox squirrels range a few miles at least. I would guess the reds do too. And juveniles often have to look around to find new terrority once they are weaned. But if possible I suppose it would be easier if Bonnie and Clyde didn't have to search very far for a suitable place to live.

In any case, good luck with release, sid'smommy. :)

canada red
06-15-2013, 07:36 PM
I know Fireweed has some excellent videos of Meemor alarming, but here is one of my backyard squirrrels chattering...if you listen for this, you know reds are around defending their turf. :tilt


They will eat birdseed and many other things but spruce and pine are the staples...:thumbsup

06-16-2013, 10:26 AM
I DO think they are here, but I cannot see them. The other day , they were outside just chirpin up a storm... then eventually went to bed. My friend and I were sitting on the porch and heard it start up again, but it wasnt my babies. Im positive it was the same chirp, but not sure if it could of been a bird mimicking. My mom lives in the country and has been sending me iphone pics of all the little guys coming up on her deck to eat the helicopters that have fallen from the maple trees. I am so tempted to release them there, but my selfish self wants to see them grow up. (even tho its not likely that I would see that anyway) . I will send some pics and video now :)

06-16-2013, 10:32 AM


06-16-2013, 11:00 AM
OMGoodness...Sooo cute!!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :thumbsup

06-16-2013, 11:06 AM
just hangin out

06-16-2013, 11:09 AM
I know Fireweed has some excellent videos of Meemor alarming, but here is one of my backyard squirrrels chattering...if you listen for this, you know reds are around defending their turf. :tilt


They will eat birdseed and many other things but spruce and pine are the staples...:thumbsup

whoa! Ive never heard that sound... lol

Squirrel Girls Mom
06-16-2013, 06:34 PM
Love the cheeps!!! I wanna red!!! Work on that will ya, Marcia?! :poke

06-16-2013, 07:14 PM
Love the cheeps!!! I wanna red!!! Work on that will ya, Marcia?! :poke
There may be a few in the package of bing cherries :) open slowly......