View Full Version : How do I sabotage glue traps?

06-13-2013, 07:59 AM
My workplace has started using glue traps (those indiscriminate, torture devices). Any suggestions for how to disable or sabotage them??

Earth Mama
06-13-2013, 08:08 AM
Oil... it is clear and will render the glue un-sticky. If you can find a way to pour some oil on them ( vegetable, olive, canola), no one should notice for quite a while...

Earth Mama
06-13-2013, 08:09 AM
Oil also works well to un-stick animals from them. It's a pain, but it works.

Squirrel Girls Mom
06-13-2013, 08:22 AM
Oil... it is clear and will render the glue un-sticky. If you can find a way to pour some oil on them ( vegetable, olive, canola), no one should notice for quite a while...


06-13-2013, 08:24 AM
You can spray Pam on them as well.

06-13-2013, 09:08 AM
Thank you!

06-13-2013, 09:18 AM
Oh YAY ! Slip-N-Slides for rodents ! They are gonna have so much fun :thumbsup

06-13-2013, 09:38 PM
Stepping on them works well too 😎

Earth Mama
06-13-2013, 09:42 PM
Oh YAY ! Slip-N-Slides for rodents ! They are gonna have so much fun :thumbsup
Hahaha!!! :banana

Earth Mama
06-13-2013, 09:46 PM
The box "no see" traps are awful too. You can sprinkle cayenne pepper inside the holes of those to scare the critters away- if they are empty, of course (ammonia works too, but is more noticeable). Most of the pest control services use those, they suffer a slow and terrible death.

06-13-2013, 10:21 PM
Baby oil. LOTs of Baby oil on each trap.:D

06-13-2013, 10:23 PM
Baby oil. LOTs of Baby oil on each trap.:D
OR Motor oil.:)

06-13-2013, 10:39 PM
Aim for a clear oil for it to go undetected.

However, you don't want to get caught sabotaging... Why not mention you've heard the glue ones are less effective and offer to pay for a couple of catch and release traps. Depending on size of employer.

It to keep your nose clean and a pay check, perhaps an anonymous tip to a local animal rights group who can pocket might work.

06-13-2013, 10:40 PM
A clear dish soap could also work in a jam. Think carrying a small spray bottle with your product of choice

06-13-2013, 10:51 PM
Glue Traps have an Enticing Scent to attract their targets. So Cooking oil or anything with food smell to deter i wouldn't think to be advisable . baby oil or anything with offensive petroleum odor will do the trick. juz sayin

06-13-2013, 11:19 PM
I hate to ask, but what type of workplace? That could give me some ideas on easy, innocent:devil sabotage(think forklift in a warehouse, or pallet on top:bricks ).

P.S. Live catch repeaters have worked wonders for mice where I'm at. Until they stopped coming into the house, it was rare for a single catch. And once caught, a quick, little one mile trip and they were let lose in a field.

06-15-2013, 02:29 AM
KY jelly .... no smell :D

06-15-2013, 02:36 AM
This might be a joke, but KY might be a bad option. It's designed SPECIFICALLY to not degrade petroleum made products (condoms in particular).

06-15-2013, 02:47 AM
This might be a joke, but KY might be a bad option. It's designed SPECIFICALLY to not degrade petroleum made products (condoms in particular).

Just put it on the outside to lube up thier feet... so the slide thru faster :thumbsup

06-20-2013, 10:13 AM
Maybe WD40. it should have a machine smell, and be easy and quick to affect.

are their surveillance cameras about ?