06-06-2013, 10:23 PM
Please, any information would help. I have a southern flying squirrel who is almost four years old. I checked on him today after work and he is acting very strange. He was at the bottom of his cage, which he never is, he is very alert as usual but it seems like he has no control over his back legs or tail. He seems ok with his head and front let's but just twitches all over when he tries to crawl. He's sitting in my lap right now all curled up and I just don't know what's wrong with him and I'm afraid he hurt his back somehow. He is eating and driking right on my lap but when he tries to move he just twitches over his whole body and kind of scootches around. Please if anyone has any suggestions let me know. I'm so worried about him :(

06-06-2013, 10:24 PM
Okay, I am not a flyer expert, but to help them, tell us about his diet and what sort of cage he is in.

06-06-2013, 10:30 PM
Please describe what his diet has been. Can you see any sign of injury (cuts, bruises, etc)? When was the last time he ate, that you know and what was it?

06-06-2013, 10:38 PM
He just ate about a half hour ago he had a little bit of a strawberry and drank some water. His diet consists of a variety of things. He loves nuts like peanuts and almonds and I give him fresh greens and fruit and vegtables too. Do you think something like this could be diet related?? I have no idea and I'm so worried. I make sure he gets calcium too since I was told to do that with him. Hes been acting fine lately and hes even acting his usual self now other than he cant move right :( thanks for your response...i just heartbroken over this.

06-06-2013, 10:40 PM
And no, I don't see any signs of injury. He's in a big 7 foot tall cage with very small bars so that he can't get out on his own there are lots of things for him to climb on as well located all over his entire cage.

06-06-2013, 10:42 PM
Do you give him protein? Meal worms, chicken etc? Flyers need protein as a large portion of their diet. Does he get rodent block?

06-06-2013, 10:43 PM
What does he get for protein, does he get any live bugs (mealworms, waxworms, etc), and what about yogurt? How many nuts does he get a day? Please list what he gets (in quantity) each day. Peanuts are HORRIBLE! (They are actually in the bean family, not a real 'nut'.)

06-06-2013, 10:47 PM
I am going to have to be signing off, busy day, sons graduation tomorrow. I am sure others will be on to help. Keep him quiet, try to get fluids in (make sure he can go potty, too). It could be an injury from a fall, but may also be from diet. A full description of what he eats on a daily basis will help to judge if this is possibly diet related.

06-06-2013, 10:49 PM
He doesn't get a lot of nuts I just gave him one a day or so mainly for him to be able to wear his teeth down on the shells. He got a variety of nuts including acorns. I got him from someone when he was a few months old. And followed what they gave me as instructions to feed him. he does get meal worms and loves those he gets them daily. And fresh greens as well. I hope I didn't cause this by feeding him the wrong thing or not enough of something. :( and he does get yogurt. If it is diet related, and suggestions on how to help him?? Again I thank you for your input!!

06-06-2013, 10:50 PM
Mary what is the MBD protocol for flyers?

Earth Mama
06-06-2013, 10:54 PM
Should we call Mrs. Skul?

06-06-2013, 10:57 PM
Yes call the Skuls!!!:thumbsup

06-06-2013, 10:58 PM
WHere in CT are you? I am in New Haven and I have calcium and rodent blocks that will help if this is dietary.

06-06-2013, 11:01 PM
I used to be in CT when i first got him and registered for this site but now I live in upstate ny

06-06-2013, 11:02 PM
Where in NY? We have member that may be able to help.

Earth Mama
06-06-2013, 11:02 PM
I just texted Mrs.Skul, hopefully she can get on here or at least relay some info.

06-06-2013, 11:06 PM
I am in Brasher Falls, the most north western corner of NY on the Canadian border I can't thank you all enough for trying to help. I am just so worried :(

06-06-2013, 11:06 PM
Okay, before I go to bed. Do you have any Tums and a 1cc syringe?

06-06-2013, 11:07 PM
I do have Tums not sure on the syrynge but ill look

Earth Mama
06-06-2013, 11:11 PM
PXL, can you send me a private message? I have someone willing to speak with you right now, I will give you her number, she knows what to do. Mrs.Skul is a lifesaver!!!!!!!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

06-06-2013, 11:14 PM
For right now (this can't hurt but may help) crush up a Tums and add water enough so that you can use a syringe or even a spoon if need be to get some into the squirrel. You will want to get probably 1/2 a Tums in total in over the next 24 hrs. The calcium will help if it is MBD and it will not hurt if it isn't. You want to spread it out over the whole 24 hrs though not all at once. If Mrs Skul or Skul come on with different info they are far more experienced with flyers! Do whatever they tell you to do!

06-06-2013, 11:15 PM
Perfect!!! Call Mrs Skul...she is the Flyer Guru!!!

island rehabber
06-06-2013, 11:15 PM
It is possible that this flyer fell in the cage and injured himself; a sprained back or compression fracture would cause the same symptoms. Have you noticed if he's peeing/pooping normally? You should check to see if he has bladder control or not -- that tells us a great deal about any possible injury that may have occurred.

By all means do speak with Mrs Skul if you can -- she is a wealth of flyer knowledge to be sure! :thumbsup

06-06-2013, 11:18 PM
I just sent you one back. That would be great I want to do anything I can to help him!!

Earth Mama
06-06-2013, 11:18 PM
I talked to Mrs.Skul and I PM'ed with her phone number, she is expecting the call! Call her, she will help you:Love_Icon :Love_Icon

Earth Mama
06-06-2013, 11:19 PM
Try refreshing the page, the message should be in there.mjs

06-06-2013, 11:19 PM
Terrific save FM!!! And :thankyou SGM for helping too!!!

Earth Mama
06-06-2013, 11:27 PM
I hope everything works out! :grouphug

06-07-2013, 12:18 AM
First of all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has posted on this thread. Your advice and support have helped tremendously!! I talked with Mrs. Skul and she is truly a lifesaver!! Going to do some emergency treatment and keep my lil guy company thtough the night and pray he pulls through this. I can't thank you all enough and i will keep you posted!!!

06-07-2013, 02:18 AM
First of all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has posted on this thread. Your advice and support have helped tremendously!! I talked with Mrs. Skul and she is truly a lifesaver!! Going to do some emergency treatment and keep my lil guy company thtough the night and pray he pulls through this. I can't thank you all enough and i will keep you posted!!!
Oh dear, I'm so sorry I'm late getting to this. I had class and then cleaned some cage stuff...Mrs Skul is my HERO!!! She will take GREAT care of you both!! I'll be watching out for you too. I have asked LOTS of questions that you may need answers to in my little Jax's Box thread. I'll post a link in case you would like to browse it. Mrs Skul and Skul and many other wonderful people helped me with MBD for Jax. I know exactly how you feel sweetie and my heart is most definitely with you. :,( :Love_Icon :Love_Icon


flyer girl
06-07-2013, 02:39 AM
I hope your little one pulls through you have talked to the best there is on TSB.. keep us posted best of luck flyer girl..:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

06-07-2013, 07:14 AM
I am sorry I had to sign off, just popped in to check. This does not sound diet related to me, based on what you say you feed. With the sudden onset, it sounds like an injury from a fall to me. Mrs. Skul is def. an expert and will give you all the help you need. You may need to take him to a vet, he may need an xray to check for spinal injury. Does he get out of cage time and if so, is he always supervised?

Jackie in Tampa
06-07-2013, 07:25 AM
I am sorry I had to sign off, just popped in to check. This does not sound diet related to me, based on what you say you feed. With the sudden onset, it sounds like an injury from a fall to me. Mrs. Skul is def. an expert and will give you all the help you need. You may need to take him to a vet, he may need an xray to check for spinal injury. Does he get out of cage time and if so, is he always supervised?I agree... have been lurking... diet does not sound too bad...
thinking same thing, possible injury...
if your flyer is not getting the PERFECT diet, weak bones can be an issue...
do you have a vet?
can you post a video?

06-07-2013, 08:48 AM
We just got an update. Little monster seems to be more alert. Not any big change with the legs as yet.
Another twelve hours will tell.
I think we should consider that there may be two problems.
MBD being the primary and an injury resulting from it.
It is also possible, that injury is the only issue.
I think treating for MBD is the best course of action right now.
If there is no change, and it looks like an injury, I think Jackie should pick up on it.
She's better versed on that, than we are.

:wave123 Pxl. I know you've talked to C, and I'm going to be a little specific on some of what she told you.
Cut way back with nuts for a couple days. No more peanuts, none, ever.
For a calcium supplement, One Tums, cut into quarters. One piece every eight to ten hours. Tums is preferred because they're all calcium carbonate (read the label, some types have other stuff).
If he does not eat the piece, mix it in a small amount of warm water and literally force him to take some.
Continue to offer greens and vegetables for him to eat.
A list of those items is here.... http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37700
Remember, this is just a list of good items, and you don't need all of them, just a small variety.
The protein part is important for flyers. They require it far more than big squirrels.
I would strongly suggest you offer mushroom at every feeding. Any store bought ones will work. They provide some Vit. D which helps the squirrel assimilate the calcium.
Recovery from MBD does take time. You should see a change in attitude and activity within 24 hours. This doesn't mean he's cured, it means he's recovering.
In a couple days, you can the give small pieces if nut such as filbert (hazel nut), pecan, almond, walnut.
I'm going to stop now so I don't overload you.
Later, we'll cover a few tricks we use on those stinkers.

While I'm thinking of it. You might consider putting a heating pad half way under the cage bottom. On low of course.
Often times, sick or injured squirrels have a hard time staying warm.

Just thought of something else. If he likes yogurt, you can mix powdered Tums in it. Just plain all natural yogurt. I think Dannon has a vanilla kind they really like.

Jackie in Tampa
06-07-2013, 09:29 AM
okay, so maybe diet is not as good as orginally thought..:thumbsup
thank you Mrs Skul for helping this one!

makes sense 100% weak brittle bones from low blood calcium...
if it's not MBD already...it will be...
hoping he continues to improve... yes to the tums as the skuls have advised...I am sure you read the protocol by now too...

I have never had much luck with an unhealthy sq eating tums on their own:shakehead ... I usually have to syringe it... and sometimes almost force it on a stubborn sq...maybe the Skuls have figured out some secret way:D :poke
I actually prefer to syringe it and calculate how much I give...
to do this accurately you have to crush an entire tums and add a specific amount of water..I use cc/mls, a legible well marked syringe is needed.

not saying what the skuls do is wrong... just what I do:peace

I am not a flyer expert, but that amount seems high to me, most of my MBD experience is with greys..but have rehabbed several MBD flyers
I try to get 300-350mg calcium per 24 hours, spreadout...
due to their smaller size/weight...
someone correct me if I am off here...:peace
I am unsure at what levels would become toxic in a flyer... :dono
treatment needs to be for weeks and if we over calcium... all absorbtion of EVERYTHING ingested becomes a bigger problem... nothing is able to absorb with hypercalcemia....

I need to re read the MBD stickey.

urine...where are we with that? does he pee when you stimulate him? or is he a dribbler? how does urine smell? are you expressing his bladder?
paralysized sqs poop on their own... gravity...
{unless dehydrated extremely of course or blockage}
guessing you are seeing good poops..:poke
is he truly dragging back legs?
as in NO use at all?

a low small cage is advised of course and as skul suggested, heat stimulates circulation and helps with inflammation reduction...

If your sq is well hydrated, you can give ibuprofen, but that is dosed by weight only....NSAIDS can cause renal failure..use caution... but they can reduce swelling too if given correctly...
and if this is an injury...an anti inflammatory would be great!
keeping you guys in my thoughts...sending good vibes!
gotta love C......:D :wave123

please know that the advise you are getting on TSB is based on years of experience...
perfect calcium levels will always be the biggie... it is THE issue that we must focus on when raising sqs...
calcium makes strong bones and sound minds...
coupled with the Heathy diet!
hoping your sq improves and gains his legs back...:grouphug

06-07-2013, 10:20 AM
Can you check back legs to see if he has feeling (deep muscle pain). Cover the front of his body, and pinch a back toe and see if he reacts, tries to pull the foot away. Can check on foot, as well.) Do you know when he was younger what formula he was fed and when it was stopped? Can you find that out if not? Jackie, I believe you are right on with the amounts. I keep deer antlers, and cuttlebone in all my flyers cages, as well. They seem to know if they need more and will chew on them. I also dust some of their veggies (not every day, maybe once a week) with straight calcium carbonate, and some of their worms, although not all, as too much calcium is not good either.) Also, gently run fingers down his spine to see if you feel anything sticking up or out of the ordinary or if he reacts if you touch a certain point. Be very careful, not too much pressure. Also put a finger against a back foot, to see if his back feet try to curl up around your fingertip, to check for grip stregnth.

06-07-2013, 10:25 AM
I didn't see this until this AM, and it looks like you guys have this pretty much taken care of!

I am curious, though, can you post a picture of the cage? Specifically, is there a wheel in the cage you had your flyer in?

06-07-2013, 01:58 PM
Still here and "lurking" as they call it here. You're getting advice from the best of the best. I can't think of anything to add to it!! :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug Positive thoughts, love and support sent!!

06-07-2013, 03:19 PM
OH no, I hope the guy recovers!:grouphug :grouphug

Earth Mama
06-07-2013, 07:09 PM
tinfoil Any updates?:grouphug Hopefully good ones?:Love_Icon

06-07-2013, 07:16 PM
tinfoil Any updates?:grouphug Hopefully good ones?:Love_Icon
I second that!!! :thumbsup

06-07-2013, 07:22 PM
Pxltarity is very busy today with a graduation.
We have to be patient. Vewy, vewy, patient. :D

06-07-2013, 08:25 PM

Squirrel Girls Mom
06-07-2013, 08:52 PM
Pxltarity is very busy today with a graduation.
We have to be patient. Vewy, vewy, patient. :D

Okay - lurking - trying to be patient.

06-07-2013, 09:44 PM
Just wanted to post an update......

I stayed up with him all night and my Fiance was home with him this morning and then i came home early from work to be with him and after around the clock care he is starting to show some improvement! They're small but at this point I'll take any type of improvement at the moment. He is eating well, just sticking to the MBD regime as well as offering him veggies and protein (wax worms) he's eating ok, drinking at times so I've been using a syringe to keep his fluids up. He is moving his back legs a bit better...I currently have him in a small crate with his house and bedding and water as well as a heating pad under half of it for extra warmth. When I checked in on him last he was crawling about in the crate, which is good since before he wouldn't leave his little hut he would just sit in his bed until I went back and got him so I'm happy to see him moving about on his own, though he is still struggling with his back legs, I'm hoping he continues to improve over time! :) I will keep posting updates! Thank you again for all of your support!!!

06-07-2013, 09:46 PM
Terrific report! It is so nice to see how far you and your fiance are willing to go for this baby!!! :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
P.S. TSB prayers are strong stuff!!!:poke

06-07-2013, 09:50 PM
Wonderful news, thank you for the update! :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

06-08-2013, 12:53 PM
Good! I'd guess if he is responding to the MBD treatment, it is probably that.

Still, though, would you mind posting a picture of the cage? I'm wondering if there is a wheel in it, and what kind. Thanks :)

06-08-2013, 01:19 PM
I'm having issues with my internet but I will try to post a picture. The wheel in it is plastic and it is not a "mesh" wheel, the metal ones with the tiny holes in it, its all plastic and it attaches right to the wall of his cage. The wheel came with his cage when I got him.

As far as an update goes, he is still doing ok. I am still following the MBD protocol and making sure he gets fluids. I have ordered the fox valley formula, some flyer blocks and extra calcium carbonate from Henry's to boost his diet. He's eating his wax worms for some protein as well as other items and vegtables and hes getting mushrooms to help with his metabalizing. He is very active and tries to move around quite a bit and he is doing better with it though still struggling with his back legs a bit. Thanks again for everyone's continued support. I will continue to post updates!

06-08-2013, 03:02 PM
Sounds like he has a good diet :)

Basically, I am checking to see if there is a bar across the front of the wheel - like this: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSbriPTiLwHKcwCMV9KiK7s6Ts539gfc nL75SUN3-H0RllbWkn7

They can hurt themselves on those, and it could be a source of injury, possibly. Even if he didn't injure himself on it this time, if you have one of those you'll want to chuck it out and get a Stealth Wheel instead

06-08-2013, 04:48 PM
If the little monster hasn't used the wheel in the past, I would just pull it out.
It's kind of starting to sound like a possible injury, and might be best to reduce the MBD treatment a bit.
If he takes the worms, just roll them around in the calcium powder.
From what I've read, I don't think he needs to be on a full MBT treatment right now. Just a small boost.

Jackie in Tampa
06-09-2013, 06:40 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiAzaFFZZWRFj_4lP9QylbR7LxxJjTl wDYvgyZNLy8784Kuo2NkQhttps://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHoOVy4L6Ek6gFzDSF4D9aVJ0A9MP6R NJUgX-85QWOmFCkLc4g

these are hamster wheels...

yeah, he needs R&R.... maybe nix the wheel like others are saying for now..

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrlbwUSr94F7I4qfEr2uTGqgydq_iPJ dkBr_A5o7xqK5spMcGL
This is the famous Stealth that everyone is talking about...
noiseless and smoothe...very safe as far as wheels...
some of my flyers use wheels, none of my greys do.
I have a stealth.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOsZJRXK6LN7Ly_QNHrAwuFqjmRdEaI Gkm0onRd_g95nSdMZ2Q
and this has a bar going thru the center that can cause injuries...

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSLQttMOj85no7ZEf5wNh3eNC0b55pm LKFnAYYYETgUdcOzEK0jQ
This Wodent Wheel has a bar also...

I used give my flyers Milo's Kitchen Chicken Jerky Dog treats... but there have been so many recalls due to finding antibiotics in the chicken so I started making my own...
easy and good protien....

Chicken Breast Fillets

Preheat oven to 200° F
Lightly grease a baking sheet.
Rinse off chicken breast and remove any fat.
Slice the chicken with the grain. This will help make the jerky even chewier for your dog. The slices should be very thin, about 1/8" to 1/4" thickness.
Place the strips on the baking sheet.
Bake for approximately 2 hours (see note below).
Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack until completely cool.
Cut strips into bite sized pieces.
Storing: These homemade dog treats may not last long enough to be stored because they are so good. But, just in case they do, store them in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. Freeze any remainder for up to 8 months. Be sure to read our tips on storing homemade dog treats (http://www.dogtreatkitchen.com/dog-food-storage.html) for more information.

I also give Dannon All Natural Vanilla daily, store bought mushrooms daily,
dry oat meal, black oil seed, either some sort of chicken or egg...
and I also give egg shells and chicken bones that hhave been cleaned and dried, sometimes shredded cheese, sometimes sour cream, whatever healthy cereal we have, meal or superworms when I can,
sometimes all natural no sugar added peanut butter...
pecans usually but sometimes hazel nuts or occasionally walnuts...
they also get flyer blocks from Henry's everyday....

I would ONLY use the high dose calcium treatment for a few days and then ramp down...especially once they get their legs back...
and then I maintain them daily, making sure they get the proper nutrition and calcium.
hope this helps ...
thank you skuls

06-09-2013, 10:35 AM
Thank you so much for the information! The wheel i have does not have a bar through it. But for now I am going to just remove it anyways. He seems more active, still having trouble with his legs but he is climbing around a little bit more now. He is still eating his worms and mushrooms and avacado and plain yogurt as well as intaking fluids and being offered fresh greens each day. I will back off on the calcium treatment and see how he does with that and keep everyone posted!! Thanks again!

06-09-2013, 08:59 PM
Thank you so much for the information! The wheel i have does not have a bar through it. But for now I am going to just remove it anyways. He seems more active, still having trouble with his legs but he is climbing around a little bit more now. He is still eating his worms and mushrooms and avacado and plain yogurt as well as intaking fluids and being offered fresh greens each day. I will back off on the calcium treatment and see how he does with that and keep everyone posted!! Thanks again!

I am glad to hear that your flyer is improving. Hoping for a full recovery. :thumbsup

flyer girl
06-14-2013, 02:56 AM
so happy to hear your flyer is doing better keep up the good work..:jump :wahoo

Charley Chuckles
06-14-2013, 08:55 AM
Sending healing vibes to your little flyer :grouphug I know how scary it is when our babies are having issues :osnap Sounds like you are doing everything right :thumbsup

Mrs Skul
06-19-2013, 06:32 AM
Any Update on this little Flyer??? :dono