View Full Version : Getting Enough Calcium?

05-29-2013, 12:25 AM
Petey is about 14 weeks old we think. He isn't necessarily a picky eater, but not a big eater. We have the henry's blocks and he does eat them, but only about one block a day. The other staple of his diet is oats. He used to eat more hay but doesn't eat much of it now. We've cut back on the greens and other fruits and veggies but it seems like the most he'll do, even with nothing else available, is still one block per day. He eats about 1/3 of it in a sitting.

He's a ground squirrel, so some people said he doesn't need them. I contacted the people at Henry's directly and they explained that even though he isn't a tree squirrel, he still has similar nutritional needs, but just may prefer seed based blocks (like the hamster diet) over nut based. He loves nuts, so I don't think that's an issue.

Since he is only eating one per day though, I worry that he isn't getting enough calcium still. The Henry's folks said to still go with two blocks per day. I've read about MBD treatment and giving tums. Should I maybe give him a little extra calcium to make sure he's getting enough? If so, how much would be recommended?

Thanks all!!!
-Jennifer (and Petey)
..... and because we all love pictures, here is a picture when Petey INSISTED on napping in my sleeve, no matter how tight it was or how hard it was for him to turn around. :-)

05-29-2013, 10:27 AM
Hopefully well get a ground squirrel person on here to answer. If your'e worried, you might buy some powdered calcium the next time you're orderingfrom Henry's and sprinkle a little on his food. What I'd question is his lack of hay intake in favor of oats. I know very little to nothing of GSs but I've always heard that hay is necessary. I'd also wonder if oats have a higher sugar content which might cause some longer term issues.

05-29-2013, 10:30 AM
How much does Petey weigh?

05-29-2013, 10:46 AM
He was about 155 grams a couple weeks ago. He's been growing like crazy, so I would guesstimate around 180 grams now. I can get an exact number when I'm home later.

05-29-2013, 10:55 AM
Oh, he is teeny tiny! (Lord, don't tell him I said that - he will be crushed).

When you spoke to Leigh at Henrys about his intake, was she aware of how small he is? The general "2 a day" is roughly based on the average 1 pound Florida eastern gray. My big whopping guy is around 2 pounds and he gets 3HHBs. You can see where I am going with this - 1 should be enough for now. I do think you need to pester some of our Richardson's and PD folks though as my understanding is that the oatmeal is a TREAT and the hay is a STAPLE.

05-29-2013, 11:21 AM
Oh, okay, good to know on the 2 HHB for a 1 pounder. I don't think I told Leigh the weight, so that would explain the difference. I'll try to find out some more about the oats too.

I forget how tiny he is compared to tree squirrels. He insists anytime someone says that, that I post this picture - his bodybuilding pose. OH hahaha... I just saw Farrelli posted it already. Well done!!

05-29-2013, 11:25 AM
When I called him "tiny" he broke into a rage and started flexing and posing uncontrollably.


05-29-2013, 11:35 AM
When I called him "tiny" he broke into a rage and started flexing and posing uncontrollably.


See? This is what I was trying to avoid. Pete, you are a stud and don't let anyone tell you any differently!

05-29-2013, 11:57 AM
He is just too cute for words! Loving:Love_Icon the muscle shot! :thumbsup