View Full Version : Flyer people need advice on trapping & relocating

05-28-2013, 01:11 PM
So, a few weeks ago I posted about trapping the flying squirrels in my neighbor's attic. For awhile I had no luck, but now I have a new hav-a-hart and I have gotten 3 so far. 1 male and 2 females. They are the cutest things EVER!!!

I am thinking that there are more as I know they live in colonies, but also I have noticed a weird occurrence. There is no insulation where I put the traps, but when I have one in the trap there is tons of insulation in there with the little booger. I think the other squirrels are bringing the trapped one insulation for warmth and coverage. Could this be possible? I can't imagine why else the insulation would be in there. Also, my neighbor said when she checked on yesterday's captive around midnight there was just a little insulation, but this morning when I went to collect her there was a lot more. I find that fascinating and sweet! :Love_Icon Anyway, how many flying squirrels usually live in a colony?

At the moment I have my 3 captives in a critter nation double decker and plan on keeping them until I think I have the entire colony. Then I plan on taking the nestbox to 20 acres my family owns out in the woods. I can't do a soft release here as they would go straight back to my neighbors' house. It will have to be a hard release, but they will have a home that they are used to. Does this sound like an acceptable plan??

05-28-2013, 01:18 PM
Yes, the weather is good, and hopefully you can put food out for them to get estabilished. Do you have pics of them? It depends, could be just the three, could be up to 20 or more.

05-28-2013, 03:32 PM
Pappy, I don't have good pictures yet since they are nocturnal and I conk out before dark these days. :D

I will try to get pictures soon. I have looked at each as they have been caught and they look to be in great shape. Very healthy and sassy!!

05-28-2013, 03:32 PM
Also, my aunt lives on the property and would put food out for them on a daily basis.

flyer girl
05-29-2013, 01:53 AM
It is breeding season you should check to make sure none of them are mothers..:dono

05-29-2013, 05:23 AM
I have checked - no protruding nipples thus far in the females that I have captured.

05-29-2013, 05:48 AM
Give it a few days, if you don't catch anymore, you probably have them all (you can also sprinkle a little flour to look for footprints, as well.)