View Full Version : Heating pad recommendations?

05-28-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi all,

I need recommendations for a heating pad. The one I currently have (purchased at the pharmacy) barely heats at all, we need to put it on high underneath Kronk's cardboard box to keep him warm (he always stays on the side of the box that's heated).

And since he's becoming more active and no longer falling all over, I was thinking of moving him to an actual cage (one level ferret cage). The bottom of the cage is slightly raised by about an inch off the floor, and the material is thick plastic, so I'm going to need a medium-sized heating pad that heats very well. It gets cold at night in our apartment lately.

So! Recommendations? (I live in Montreal but was thinking an online order will probably need to be placed).

05-28-2013, 11:23 AM
henryspets.com has an adjustable one with no auto shut off. its not very thick though. You could fold up a towel underneath so it sticks close to the bottom of the cage.

05-28-2013, 11:42 AM
Henry's - Is the only Heating Pad I purchase for my Rehab Babies. :thumbsup

island rehabber
05-28-2013, 11:57 AM
Henry's - Is the only Heating Pad I purchase for my Rehab Babies. :thumbsup

Thank goodness they started carrying them. For years, CVS and Rite-Aid always had one model with no auto-shut off, and then a few fancier models that did shut off. I was happy to pay $12.50 for the ones without it :thumbsup! However in the past year or so, neither store has carried the ones with no auto-shutoff, so thank God for Leigh. I may buy a couple more, just in case.

05-28-2013, 04:13 PM
henryspets.com has an adjustable one with no auto shut off. its not very thick though. You could fold up a towel underneath so it sticks close to the bottom of the cage.

Good idea!

05-28-2013, 04:14 PM
Thank goodness they started carrying them. For years, CVS and Rite-Aid always had one model with no auto-shut off, and then a few fancier models that did shut off. I was happy to pay $12.50 for the ones without it :thumbsup! However in the past year or so, neither store has carried the ones with no auto-shutoff, so thank God for Leigh. I may buy a couple more, just in case.

The one we have now (as it was meant to be temporary solution) has auto shut-off. We couldn't find one in stores without that feature, so annoying. Thankfully, my husband stays home so he can turn it back on every two hours. It's really a bummer during the night though!

05-28-2013, 04:15 PM
Henry's - Is the only Heating Pad I purchase for my Rehab Babies. :thumbsup

Well, I see everyone agrees on this!