View Full Version : Sound Therapy/Enrichment for Squirrels???

05-27-2013, 09:19 AM
When my trio of 6 week old squirrels froze and ran into their carrier when I whistled the song of the American Robin, I realized I have been doing them a great disservice. Or at least I feel like it.

They have been in a quiet bedroom since I got them (about 2 weeks). I have tried to have a window open so they could hear the sounds outside, but we have been doing yard work and I've kept them closed to keep them from being scared. We live out in the woods, so those sounds are pretty uncommon. But I feel like I've kept them away from the natural chatter of the woods.

I looked on Youtube and started playing a woodland sound recording they had there. I am going to rent some CDs through the library to use for them too.

Anyone have any other advice? Had any experience with this?

Charley Chuckles
05-27-2013, 11:02 AM
Will they be in a release cage for soft release, then they will hear all the sounds and get familiar what is dangerous, what is the norm :thumbsup I always sing to mine :D