View Full Version : opposum

05-20-2013, 08:54 PM
my friend has a opossum and thinks it has worms does anyone know what she should do and were she could get good info on how to take care of it? thanks

05-20-2013, 10:12 PM
my friend has a opossum and thinks it has worms does anyone know what she should do and were she could get good info on how to take care of it? thanks

I've asked a few people on here that are experienced with Opossums. Each of them has told me to go to the National Opossum Society website. You can join and they send you tons of care info. $35 for joining for a year and getting an orphan care manual. Hope this helps :wave123

Also, if in immediate need, there are a few that already have all of the info. I'm sure they'll help if they see the thread. This thread has some Opossum folks listed: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40649&highlight=opossum+formula

Jackie in Tampa
05-21-2013, 05:21 AM
have you found possie info yet?

05-21-2013, 08:28 AM
i would also like to know this I will ask in the thread I started =)

05-21-2013, 12:03 PM
DE is widely used among the opossum word to naturally deworm them..... just remember to mix in their food for a
full 4-6 to completely kill off the worms so the possums does not have any problems later on.


Clavamox & Flagyl (metronidazole) is also used to deworm opossums.

05-21-2013, 09:26 PM
DE is widely used among the opossum word to naturally deworm them..... just remember to mix in their food for a
full 4-6 to completely kill off the worms so the possums does not have any problems later on.


Clavamox & Flagyl (metronidazole) is also used to deworm opossums.

4-6?? days, weeks, months??

05-21-2013, 09:43 PM
4-6?? days, weeks, months??Sorry - 4-6 WEEKS!! :)

05-21-2013, 10:18 PM
Sorry - 4-6 WEEKS!! :)

Thanks! I did not know about DE, sounds like it's good for everything. Will be stocking up on several gallons! LOL

05-23-2013, 12:30 AM
We use Levamisole oral suspension. We have to give it once a month for 3 months. There is also an injectable form. The National Possum Society and many vets contend that Levamisole is the best possum dewormer on the market.

I also have PDFs of the diet for adult, juvenile, and baby possums as well as orphan care from The National Possum Society. I didn't have to pay for it but it took them three months to send it to me lol! Also, IMHO, the adult and juvenile NOS diets kinda suck. None of my possums would touch it. I use a different diet and make sure they get what they need.

05-23-2013, 02:33 AM
IMHO, the adult and juvenile NOS diets kinda suck. None of my possums would touch it.How do you mix your Peters Food? --I use 1 cup cat chow, 1 cup mix vegetables (thawed & blended in a food processor)
1 stage 2 baby green beans....... Mixed together thoroughly then I add in 2 tbsp vanilla yogurt.

*if recipe is doubled I add in 1 apple blueberry baby fruit
* and my possums eat it. (i give fresh veg & chicken)

05-23-2013, 03:03 AM
How do you mix your Peters Food? --I use 1 cup cat chow, 1 cup mix vegetables (thawed & blended in a food processor)
1 stage 2 baby green beans....... Mixed together thoroughly then I add in 2 tbsp vanilla yogurt.

*if recipe is doubled I add in 1 apple blueberry baby fruit
* and my possums eat it. (i give fresh veg & chicken)

1 cup cat chow, 1 cup mixed veggies, a piece of sardine, a little yogurt, and a piece of fruit, all of it was blended. None of them like it! :rotfl They prefer chicken and minced veggies with a little natural fruit yogurt. We use a tbsp of the yogurt and just mix all the veggies in it. Because we give him the fruit yogurt, we feed less whole fruits. The chicken is just boiled thigh fillet which we leave whole and he also gets two tbsp of cat chow or a piece of sardine for taurine. The only downside is because it's not as nutrient-dense as a diet heavy in cat chow like the NOS diet, we have to feed more of it.

05-23-2013, 10:28 AM
1 cup cat chow, 1 cup mixed veggies, a piece of sardine, a little yogurt, and a piece of fruit, all of it was blended. None of them like it! :rotfl:shakehead :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :flush

Maybe thats WHY they didnt eat it.......
The basic Peters Food is "1 part cat chow, 1 part mix veg, 1/4 part vanilla yogurt" -- :poke :poke

The sardines are to be given on the side (during the week) as extra protein, not mixed in with the Peters Food...... :D

05-23-2013, 09:45 PM
:shakehead :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck :flush

Maybe thats WHY they didnt eat it.......
The basic Peters Food is "1 part cat chow, 1 part mix veg, 1/4 part vanilla yogurt" -- :poke :poke

The sardines are to be given on the side (during the week) as extra protein, not mixed in with the Peters Food...... :D

If you want parts, and not measurements, that is what I did. The sardine was not mixed into the food. (sorry it was late when I wrote the post and it's beena couple of years since I last tried the diet) I followed the NOS diet PDF exactly. They all still hated it!

05-23-2013, 10:39 PM
I followed NOS to the T and every possum I had thought it was NOT food so I came up with something they loved--eggs and formula or yogurt and added veggies to the omlet. They got fresh smelt (less salt than sardines) and some chicken, left overs--good stuff--but they had to have lots of calcium, little protein as adults, covert veggies (hidden in the egg) and a tiny bit of fruit. They were all healthy because they got exercise. The release possums went on to scour the land for anything they could get to eat and the house possums lived well and as long as a possum lives which isn't long enough. Like people--all things in moderation and EXERCISE!!!!

05-24-2013, 01:11 AM
Sorry to hear that you two have not had any luck with the Peters Food..... it has worked well for all my babies and I have been using it for 3 years on the possums I raise and release...... I follow the base line recipe (1c cat chow, 1c mix veg, 4 tbsp van yogurt) and then I tweak it just a little --by using frozen mixed vegetables from a bag thawed and blended in a food processor (carrots, corn, green beans) and I add 1 square container apple blueberry baby food (stage 2) to the mix...... :thumbsup

Prepare in this order:
1c cat chow
1c mix veg (blended)
...... mix together
4 tbsp vanilla yogurt
..... stir
Let set for an hour before serving
..... if recipe doubled --add 1 jar baby fruit

05-24-2013, 01:25 AM
Sorry to hear that you two have not had any luck with the Peters Food..... it has worked well for all my babies and I have been using it for 3 years on the possums I raise and release...... I follow the base line recipe (1c cat chow, 1c mix veg, 4 tbsp van yogurt) and then I tweak it just a little --by using frozen mixed vegetables from a bag thawed and blended in a food processor (carrots, corn, green beans) and I add 1 square container apple blueberry baby food (stage 2) to the mix...... :thumbsup

Prepare in this order:
1c cat chow
1c mix veg (blended)
...... mix together
4 tbsp vanilla yogurt
..... stir
Let set for an hour before serving
..... if recipe doubled --add 1 jar baby fruit

I've done the same thing, following your advice, and they love it! Fat bellied possies all around.

05-24-2013, 01:26 AM
I've done the same thing, following your advice, and they love it! Fat bellied possies all around.Good to hear......... :wahoo :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :wahoo

05-24-2013, 11:14 PM
It must be some of us have stubborn possums then. :rotfl Mine are currently on a diet recommended by my vet.

05-24-2013, 11:15 PM
It must be some of us have stubborn possums then. :rotfl Mine are currently on a diet recommended by my vet.It could be....... and I am a firm believer that ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL!! -- :poke :poke :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl