View Full Version : Hi from NJ!

05-20-2013, 10:14 AM
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself since many of you came to my rescue last night to help with an injured chipmunk! :thankyou

I don't have any squirrels or chipmunks as indoor pets but I sure have a ton that love my backyard and entertain me daily. I have 2 rescue doggies who have a fetish for these small loveable critters and I feel like I spend half of my time trying to safety proof my yard so everyone can live in peace. I also have a pool that I have to monitor for chipmunks daily.

I have a feeling that you will be seeing me around a lot asking a million questions! To date I have added several frog logs to my pool and PVC piping around my yard for hiding places, but I also have a neighbor who repeatedly puts out food (pizza, muffins) and that doesn't help the squirrels take the torturous journey through my yard to get to the food. So any ideas on how to bring more harmony would be great!

I am female, married, and live in NJ and just love both my dogs and my wildlife that I call my "outdoor pets", and I hope I can learn a lot from everyone here and maybe give some advice once in a while so that I can earn my keep! Thanks again to all who helped me with the chipmunk last night!

05-20-2013, 10:23 AM
:wave123 Ret!! Im from NJ too. :Welcome, You will find amazing information here on this site and get to meet amazing people here:D

island rehabber
05-20-2013, 10:25 AM
:wave123 and :Welcome from across the Hudson in the Bronx :). Good to have you with us. As you have probably noticed by now, we love pix around here so post 'em if you got 'em :D.

flyer girl
05-20-2013, 11:32 PM
:Welcome to TSB..:thumbsup

05-20-2013, 11:56 PM
:wave123 Hi Ret!! So sorry about little Chippie, but like they said, at least he was dry, warm and comfy. If you gotta go, that sounds like a much better way than in the RAIN to ME!! NICE TRY!! :Love_Icon

:Welcome to TSB!! There are plenty of folks here to help you out. I'm here learning too!! See you around :crazy

05-21-2013, 03:39 PM
:wave123 Ret
:Welcome to TSB
I'm glad you decided to hang around. We can't save them all but YOU made a difference for Chippie last night by simply caring. Sometimes that's the best you can do.
Not everyone here has squirrels but everyone here does share an appreciation
for these amazing little creatures. You'll fit right in. :thumbsup Welcome! :)

05-21-2013, 05:04 PM
Welcome, Ret! :)

05-24-2013, 06:01 PM
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself since many of you came to my rescue last night to help with an injured chipmunk! :thankyou

I don't have any squirrels or chipmunks as indoor pets but I sure have a ton that love my backyard and entertain me daily. I have 2 rescue doggies who have a fetish for these small loveable critters and I feel like I spend half of my time trying to safety proof my yard so everyone can live in peace. I also have a pool that I have to monitor for chipmunks daily.

I have a feeling that you will be seeing me around a lot asking a million questions! To date I have added several frog logs to my pool and PVC piping around my yard for hiding places, but I also have a neighbor who repeatedly puts out food (pizza, muffins) and that doesn't help the squirrels take the torturous journey through my yard to get to the food. So any ideas on how to bring more harmony would be great!

I am female, married, and live in NJ and just love both my dogs and my wildlife that I call my "outdoor pets", and I hope I can learn a lot from everyone here and maybe give some advice once in a while so that I can earn my keep! Thanks again to all who helped me with the chipmunk last night!

Hello! I am also from NJ! And I also have two Rescued pets! hahah I have my dog, Fawn And my Cat, Moby. in total we have 7 pets, and then our outdoor pets! (Squirrels and birds) I have my own youtube channel where youll see ALL my pets hahah. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3mERbkCTIolXnxUd1n5zQ

BUT ANYWAY; Do you have a Squirrel Feeder? If so ear corn seems to attract so many squirrels in my yard, occasionally I will also go out and get some pincones and cover them in peanutbutter and put squirrel seeds and peanuts on it. My one squirrel, Scarlet LOVES the treats. She will guard it with her life ! ( No Lie ) I also sometimes will bake them some food. (not human food, squirrel food) Its just peanutbutter, a VERY little bit of honey, and then their seed, and Rice crispys, i usually bake it for a very short time..likee 10=15 Minuets, and then i put them in the freezer to cool and harden. Scarlet LOVES them, and I found other squirrels will eat it. Some didn't like the pinecones with peanutbutter, but some do! I hope this really helps!

OH! and having shelled peanuts is a must! My squirrels love eating and burrying them! I will also occasionally give them Pecans, some like them and others dont. You'll have to see what your squirrels like and don't like. :)