View Full Version : Mother issue

05-17-2013, 12:09 AM
I posted a week or so ago about a baby squirrel we rescued. He's doing fine, he's eating and peeing and pooping on his own but we still stimulate him and he has one eye open now so his other one should be open soon.

But I have one issue...
I'm butting heads with my mom over his formula. I ordered squirrel formula for him and she wants to keep feeding him the other one we've been using. Granted he hasn't been having any issues with that one but I want the best nutrition for him.

She also keeps the door open when she feeds him which is highly annoying because the other pets wander in. You aren't supposed to let them be around animals(since we're releasing him don’t want him used to things that could kill him) but she doesn’t seem to understand that. Even if the other animals don't go after him, he’s still around them(only when she feeds him, with me doors are closed and my hands are washed to get rid of any scents).

I don't know how to make her understand that? But she’s also my mom so I have to tread lightly. Do you have any threads that can link to the dangers of not using Fox Valley's formula and about not letting animals around him that can help her not do these habits anymore?

It's very annoying. I want the best for him. I want him to grow big and strong so he can take on the outdoors. I don't want him getting close to animals because he's around their scents with her.

05-17-2013, 12:22 AM
I understand that this is your MOm and all, but... you may have to be firm. THis is about literally life and death for the squirrel.

Here are some of the threads, and Iother people may post other threads, but
it is impossible to post ALL threads and cases that happened over the years (and I have only been here for 3 years) - all the situations when domestic "pet" dogs and cats permanently disable, paralyze and kill squirrels, and Esbilac often compromises their health beyond repair, and when squirrels who are used to domestic pets get killed after they are released.
One has to spend day in and day out on this board, reading heart-breaking emergency and other such threads about yet another baby killed by a dog or cat, or lost through improper diet.

IS there any specific reason why she wants to do things the way she does?

If the situations does not change, is there a way that you could give the babies to someone who will be able to feed the right formula and keep them away from other animals?

http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28790 - domestic pets

Another tragic domestic pet story:

05-17-2013, 12:25 AM
esbilac / formula comparisons: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22685



05-17-2013, 12:28 AM
She does it because she's stubborn or things work out for a bit one way so she see's that there's no reason to change to the correct way.

I'll talk to her again in the morning. I need to make her realize that esbilac isn't good for his development and contact with the dogs will endanger him once he's released.

I think I might just toss the esbilac or put it on the free section on craigslist.

05-17-2013, 12:33 AM
As far as the formula, here's one of my threads that shows 2 different instances where babies were fed esbilac and and esbilac/evaporated milk mixture.

One of the babies did not make it.

There's another thread on here where a lady had all her squirrels get killed/eaten by her dogs (bless her heart and may her little squirrels rest in peace).
gimme a min and maybe I can find it.
Heartbreaking story. Not even a good idea to keep pets in the same area let alone around the squirrel.
Not only could the pets kill the squirrel while you're away, not looking, etc... Even if that didn't happen, the squirrel would be imprinted with pets and lose their natural fear of them and that's very bad for the squirrel.
Ok, maybe your dog/cat/etc. may not hurt the squirrel now, but how will the squirrel know the difference between your pet and the feral cat outside drooling over him after he's released, just sayin'

05-17-2013, 12:35 AM
Found it here


05-17-2013, 12:44 AM
Thank you all for the links. Just the clarify, we keep him in a room all to himself. No one goes in unless we're feeding him and besides when she's feeding him the dogs might go in. But dogs are very quick.

I'll write an email to her right now will all the links and information.

05-17-2013, 11:53 AM
Update: She started feeding him the new Fox Valley. The esbilac is nowhere to be seen

island rehabber
05-17-2013, 01:02 PM
Update: She started feeding him the new Fox Valley. The esbilac is nowhere to be seen

:alright.gif:thumbsup Now just keep the dogs out while the squirrel is out and you've got a perfect situation!