View Full Version : to release or not to release... that is the question

05-16-2013, 04:22 PM
ok as you all may or may not know. I have 2 baby squirrels. Both boys and their history may be read in the link by my signature. Its too long to rehash here. My question is how do you know if a baby is an NR or not. I am worried about Noggin, of course. He is so small and has essentially quit growing for a bit. His brother Frenzy is still growing and is fat and happy with a gorgeous tail and coat. Noggin is skinny, small and happy with a good coat and scraggly tail. I'm ok to keep him if I have to. His balance is better than it was but nothing like his brother and hes nowhere near as strong as Frenzy. He climbs on things but can't even make it to the top of my curtains without getting tired and turning back around.

They are 11 weeks tomorrow and I bribed Noggin onto the scale today and he weighs 232 gms... still... I can't get Frenzy on there but I bet hes at least twice that. If I have to keep Noggin as a NR can I release Frenzy by himself?? Should I try to wait it out and let Noggin catch up?? I'm not sure he ever will. I was so hopeful with all the improvement Noggin has been doing that I'd be able to release him and watch him be a squirrel outside running thru the trees.

I feed Frenzy twice a day and he takes 15 mls with each feeding along with all the veggies and wild stuff I collect for him. Noggin is still on 3 times a day with ultra boost and takes 9-15 with each feeding although the night feeding is sometimes less if he's just eaten a bunch of veggies. Anything else I can do to help Noggin?? They both are active but Noggin seems to sleep more. Ok i'll stop rambling and if you have any more questions or suggestions please don't hesitate. I don't know what else you may want to know in order to help me.

05-16-2013, 04:25 PM
They are still young to be released. There are no stone cold rules in release. Let them just be, and see how Noggin does. They could even stay if needed all summer and then have an early fall release.

Milo's Mom
05-16-2013, 04:28 PM
You've got a few more weeks till they will be ready for the pre-release cage.

Noggin is pretty small for his age and I am very happy that you are using Ultra Boost for him.

It is best to release them with buddy's but I understand how difficult it would be to hold one back to allow the other to catch up.

I think I'd carry on with the extra feedings for Noggin and re-evaluate in a few weeks.

05-16-2013, 04:38 PM
:thankyou guys for your help. It is much appreciated.

I figured they were too young yet but I wasn't sure if there was anything else I can do to help Noggin in the meantime. I just didn't want to get to pre-release time and someone says to me... "Oh if you had only done this a few weeks ago you'd be fine." Just making sure I'm not missing something. Is there anyway he might have a genetic problem like dwarfism or Down Syndrome or something that may be stunting his growth?? He was super small when he came to me 2 hours out of the nest so it seems he's been battling this all his life. I just want him to have the best outcome.