View Full Version : How not to loose a very loved squirrel ?

05-14-2013, 08:35 PM
I’m leaving town in less than two weeks for several months and leaving town means I have to leave my loved squirrel . It breaks my heart beyond words . It’s really difficult for me to write this post . I know she’s wild and she is perfectly able to live a happy healthy squirrel life even if I would so much love to be here for everything she needs and to enjoy life with her .
In the last months I’m asking myself a question I will now try to ask all of you . It’s difficult but I have seen so many great ideas and little miracles here on TSB .
When I come back I hope so much to find her again ( in the same place or in her new place if she decides to move ) .
Is there anything I can do now to increase my chances to find her later ?
She’s very affectionated and comes to me and follows me . She knows my voice even if I don’t have a call ( I stay a lot of time with her so she doesn’t need to come to a call but I’m trying to wistle when I feed her so she may remember the wistle ) . Probably a friend will feed her . She's a female gray squirrel and has babies in her nest and is spending most of the day in the nest with them .
Sometimes it would be great to be able to speak to our little friends , tell them traps are bad , hawks are bad and now tell her that I’ll be back with lots of nuts ….
Ps forgive me for taking so much space and time for one squirrel that isn’t even sick ( thank Good ) , I know there are so many emergencies here , but it's so important to me .

05-14-2013, 08:41 PM
I would try very hard to find someone who will feed her regularly. Especially with babies, having a place she is confident of always finding food easily will make your house very attractive to her. Is there a neighbor or someone who would put food you bought ahead of time out for her on a regular basis?

BTW, you don't EVER need to apologize for loving and caring about a squirrel HERE!!

05-14-2013, 08:47 PM
Oh my goodness! I think we can ALL relate! :grouphug
I have wild squirrels, too, that I would hate to leave. It's so hard to even be gone for the day--always thinking about getting home at least to see them before they tuck in for the night. :D I just can't imagine how you feel having to leave your squirrel-friend for several months... :grouphug

Your hoomin-friend is going to feed her, right? So she will very likely stick around until you return--besides, she has babies she's caring for and that will make her stick around for a while, too. And even if she did move to another area, I bet she'd return once she heard your voice again... It sounds like the two of you share quite a bond and that ain't gonna break simply because you are gone for several months. Squirrels don't forget the squeeps they love! :) :grouphug

But saying all that doesn't take away the fact it's going to be hard on you. Just try to imagine how much relaxing-time she'll need after having raised her babies. She'll dream the summer away, lazing on her favourite tree, pancaked in the sun, day after day, recuperating from the stress of raising her kids and you'll be back before she realizes it. :Love_Icon

What's her name?

05-14-2013, 09:47 PM
CritterMom ,Fireweed thank you so much for your sweet and kind words and feelings . Being understood is so important and helps so much … This place is wonderful …
We surely share a great bond and I hate to miss even seeing her for half a day and she’s so close to me …
I’m bad at names and always call her with nicknames and sweet words .
My human friend is going to feed her and I’ll buy a lot of good stuff to leave for her .
The thing is I had the same problem last spring and when I came back I couldn’t find most of my precious friends . I’m pretty sure they are somewhere around and I looked and called a lot , but I haven’t been able to find them . Miss them so much .
I think the problem is that if they move it's difficult to find them , it's a park , the nest can be destroyed ....
So this time I’ll do everything possible to avoid it to happen again .
I’m open to every suggestion
Thanks again , its beautiful to know other people who would never say " it's only a squirrel "

05-14-2013, 10:02 PM
Have someone come daily to put food out for her
Whenever I'm out of town for 1 day or 1 week or 1 month- I always have my wilds food prepared for them and my baby Squirrelis's prepared ahead of time and labeled- I arrange for someone to come over daily to feed the troops- they count on me and I love them all:D
I'm sure all will be well if you can get someone to help out:D

05-14-2013, 10:31 PM
I'll surely do that , thank you so much for your shared experience . It means a lot to me to know I'm not alone in this situation .

I think what I'm asking is what can I do to have more possibilities to find her or to allow her to find me in the case something goes wrong and she has to go somewhere else ??
How can I make myself more easy to recognize if something goes wrong ??