View Full Version : Is this Mange?

05-14-2013, 07:54 AM
Help, my Buddy looks awful! We went away for a few a few days and this is what we came back to. we live near Detroit, Michigan, does anyone know where I can pick up the Ivermectin instead of having to order it??


05-14-2013, 08:03 AM
It does look mange-ish.

Equine 1.87% ivermectin, dosed in a bit of the gel the size of an uncookend grain of rice on a nut once per week for 3 weeks can be purchased anyplace that sells livestock/horse stuff - Tractor Supply, some Agways, any tack shop, etc.

05-14-2013, 08:18 AM
Here's the other pic since I obviously cannot figure this attachment thing out!


Charley Chuckles
05-14-2013, 08:30 AM
Any feed store/ it is actually horse wormer....you would just put a tiny bit onto a nut, it looks like white toothpaste...I used it on all my dogs instead of the expensive heart wormer, however I had larger dogs so I wouldn't on a small dog. Also I used Revolution on my Wiggles when he had mange (and I am guessing it is mange yours has) but you have to actually put it on them...then NINY told me you can use Ivermectin on a nut...dosage guessing a size of a small pea/how often someone will have to let you know not sure if one treatment is enough :dono

05-14-2013, 09:00 AM
Oh yes, that is mange. Most of them are a clear gel that comes in a tube for horse application. Get a toothpick and put a bit of the gel the size of an uncooked grain of rice in the crevaces of a pecan and smear a little bit of peanut butter over the top. Once per week for three weeks.

There are lots of brands and they all have different names that somehow incorporate "mectin" - Horsemectin, Zimectin, etc. If you read the label it will state it is 1.87% ivermectin.

05-14-2013, 05:30 PM
Thanks both of you...I drove to the nearest Tractor Supply store (30 minutes away!) and got some. Once he showed up...he ate it right up...hope he starts to improve soon!

Thanks again! :thankyou

05-14-2013, 05:39 PM
I used a bit of chopped apple and my wild ate it right up. Good luck.

05-17-2013, 05:38 PM
It's been three days from the first dose, but it seems to be getting worse. Any suggestions?

05-17-2013, 05:44 PM
You sure it was eaten - a dab the size of an uncooked piece of rice?

Don't give anymore now though, this is pretty toxic stuff. Better to be late with a dose than early.

05-17-2013, 06:14 PM
Mange almost always comes with some sort of immune problems, either due to the mange itself, or as an existing condition that allows the mange to develop. The two types of mange squirrels can get, Sarcoptic and Notoedric Mange. Generally to assist animals in treating for the mites, supporting the immune system with good supplements (usually foods that boost the health and immune system of the animal) as well as using something like Ivermectin.

It can take a few days before it really starts to work. You have to realize that the mites may be dying, but the inflammation and damage to the skin also has to heal. I've treated other animals with Sarcoptic mange (a close relative of the Notoedric) and used stuff like pure aloe vera to help the skin heal.

The mites are just awful. I have had a mild case of Chiggers and I cannot imagine having something that is like 10 times that. Yuck! Hope he feels better.

05-18-2013, 09:42 AM
Thanks, I just feel so bad for him!!! He looks absolutely miserable!

A for his diet, Buddy is not that fond of the blocks....I can get him to eat MAYBE one of the "picky" versions a day, along with a little apple, and then pecans or walnuts. Doesn't like veggies....not fond of avocado anymore.... Unfortunately, we live right next door to a park, and the retirees come and feed all the squirrels peanuts constantly. He's got a taste for them now, so there's not much I can do about it, except NOT feed him junk. He still comes around a couple times a day to visit, so he still loves me....:D

But, I'll keep an eye on him...hopefully it will improve soon...