View Full Version : squirrel mommy adopting.

05-09-2013, 03:39 PM
Have you guys ever come across a wild mommy squirrel adopting another squirrel?? Like if she heard a nest of screaming babies that weren't her's and she investigated and took one or all of them to raise as her own?? Just wondering because Noggin is almost exactly 3 weeks behind Frenzy in development (in looks, weight, and physical development.) He actually came to me that way from the nest. The neighbors saw both of them fall from the same nest in the tree and there is only one nest in that tree so I am 100 % sure they are from the same nest. Does that make sense?? I just wonder if hes actually 3 weeks younger and not from the same litter at all. Its hard to tell with his horrible start to life but a fall on the head wouldn't have made him look 3 weeks younger right??? It would explain a lot of his "issues".