View Full Version : Newly Released - Worried Squammy

05-05-2013, 07:03 PM
Well time came this weekend to move Missy's cage down to the ground level and allow to get that much closer for release but it appears that she had another plan in mind.

Missy is our fall baby we over wintered. About two weeks ago I moved her cage to the back deck. In the afternoons she would venture around the deck and a few days ago she started going down to the ground level to explore. So we thought it would be a good idea to move her cage to the edge of the woods (we have a 50-100' green belt in the back yard and back to core of engineers property on one side - so plenty of trees). We let her out and she got a taste of those trees. She would go all the way to the top and explore each branch then come down and go to the next one! =D She only came back once today and when I tried to put her in her cage for the afternoon - she took off, staying just a few feet in front of me so that I couldn't get her. I stopped going after her not wanting to get her lost or push her farther than comfortable.

But now I'm a worried squammy. A short thunderstorm came through and now its cooler outside. She is normally in her bed right now and she has not come back to her cage. She has a good fear of neighborhood animals and has awesome instincts - but I'm concerned that she didn't do enough outside cage time to get acclimated to her surroundings. If she took off like that does that mean she was ready to go? :dono Will she use an abandoned drey this evening or can they build one that quick? I'm just worried for her. :shakehead Any advise?

05-05-2013, 07:20 PM
chek the cage after dark or right at dark. rattle favorite food container or handful of nuts. stay by the cage to lure her back that way.

sounds like she is having fun. darn these thunderstorms. makes us worry.


05-05-2013, 07:27 PM
They are so smart... You did a great job and raised a strong capable girl who is right now hanging in those big old trees enjoying her life as a squirrel.
Good job squammy... Prayers for her first night on the town...:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

05-05-2013, 07:42 PM
I feel your pain, Daisy hasn't returned yet either and it's almost dark. I was wondering the same thing. This is only her second time out outside of her cage. I am kinda wondering if she was invited to spend the night in a squirrels nest in the trees tonight.

05-05-2013, 08:10 PM
Just checked on her and she was in her nest box in her cage - :thumbsup . I can't believe that little fuzzball got me so worried. I have 4 kids that didn't do that to me when they started to leave the nest - LOL! Now I'm just proud and much more confident that she knows what to do.

@ Monipenny - Missy came back about an hour after her normal "nest time". Just like the kids, she pushed her curfew the first night out :D

@ Sammysmom and CSL - thanks for the responses and comforting :grouphug

We are expecting much better weather the next few days, perfect for her to build a new nest up in the leaves.

05-05-2013, 08:43 PM
Holy cow, Daisy just came back awful late missy! Oh am I so glad, I can sleep tonight. :wott

05-05-2013, 08:48 PM
Yay for squamomies who did an awesome job:thumbsup Your girls know you rock:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug