05-03-2013, 04:48 AM
My cat just fell in the house thru the doggie door, having a terrible seizure.... I thought at first she had an animal and was fighting with it, but i turned on the light, and it was just her...flopping around, making a very odd noise. I freaked out. It went on for several minutes, and I grabbed my jacket, wrapped it around her, and held her tight until it stopped. Her tongue was out, and saliva was bubbling out her mouth and nose. Eyes fixed and widely dialated, even in the bright light. She is calm and purring excessively right now. I was convinced that she had been poisoned. I turned on the back flood lights, and there stood a 20+ pound raccoon! I live in town, so this is very RARE. I ran back to the cat, and checked her over... not a scratch. Shes mostly white, so it would be easy to see if she were bleeding. I went back out to see if Squid was ok, and that coon was sitting right at the doggie door. I grabbed an ear of corn the was in a box right there for the wild squirrel. (which is probably why the raccoon came to visit) . She did not act afraid of me at only 4 ft away. I stuck the ear of corn out, and she stood up on hind legs and took it. .. but she didnt leave. She just kept looking at me. I thought, oh crap...did my cat just bring a baby inside?? Could this be a pet that was dumped ?? Or, is she not afraid because she is sick? And why in the heck did the cat have seizures ?