View Full Version : neurologic/brain damage?

04-30-2013, 08:54 PM
I have a young adult male (developed) that I brought home from my vet hospital. Was brought in having been attacked by a dog. No outward signs of injury, except some hair pulled out of his tail. He is very tense and holds his head in a rigid left sided position, with eyes wide open and terrified. He hangs onto the towel or the cage like the world is spinning around him. He was given an injection of dexamethasone, last night before I brought him home. He moves all extremities okay if he has too. I have given him syringes of water to keep him hydrated, but does not use paws to hold; he has such a grip on the towel because of whatever is going on with his head. Does not eat.
Is there anything else I can do? Should he need another dose of Dex? How long should I give him to come out of this? Thank you for any advice for this poor little guy. Patty

04-30-2013, 10:37 PM
Poor thing, keep him warm and hydrated the best you can, can you get Henrys healthy blocks to feed him. I am not an expert on this one, hopefully someone with knowlege will be on to help you soon.

flyer girl
05-01-2013, 03:22 AM
I have not had any squirrels with a brain injuries before but I have had chipmunks with brain injuries and the dex shot is good:) , and in a day or so you should be able to give another shot.. In the mean time you should start this kid on some chloramphenical or clindacure these are the best drugs for the brain.. A b12 shot will help with appetite but you may have to do assisted feedings :poke with this kid till we are able to eat on our own.. Keep in mind brain injuries don't heal over night :nono it could take a few weeks.. Good luck with this kid and I hope this was helpful.. One last thing if you think this kid is in pain you can give metacam or val/torb..:D

Jackie in Tampa
05-01-2013, 04:51 AM
dogs are shakers... :shakehead
dex :bowdown
oral prednisone can be used as well, I would only use steroids short term,
no taper off needed if using pred.. my vet recommends 5 days steroids for reducing any swelling...
OTC meclazine can help stimulate appetite...and Rx reglan works too.
any head drift?
pupil reaction?
covering cage will help him feel less vunerable..
no heat for head trauma, sure you know all this though...
sending good vibes Patty and sq.

Jackie in Tampa
05-01-2013, 04:55 AM
I have not had any squirrels with a brain injuries before but I have had chipmunks with brain injuries and the dex shot is good:) , and in a day or so you should be able to give another shot.. In the mean time you should start this kid on some chloramphenical or clindacure these are the best drugs for the brain.. A b12 shot will help with appetite but you may have to do assisted feedings :poke with this kid till we are able to eat on our own.. Keep in mind brain injuries don't heal over night :nono it could take a few weeks.. Good luck with this kid and I hope this was helpful.. One last thing if you think this kid is in pain you can give metacam or val/torb..:DNEVER give METACAM with steroids.. NEVER!!!!:nono
a 30 hour reprieve is advised between these two medications.
No NSAIDS for that matter, if your sq is in bad bad severe pain and the steroids are not covering it, you can give tramadol, but it has warnings with head trauma...
I would stick with the steroids ONLY for 5 days...{prednisone orally}:thumbsup

05-01-2013, 08:50 AM
Oh, thank you Monipenny, Flyer girl and Jackie for the quick replies. I will call one of the vets I work with and see if we have any oral (liquid) Pred. in stock. Also appetite stimulant. You guys are awesome! Thank you for all your support! I'll post an up date soon.:thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
05-01-2013, 09:15 AM
even if you can score a prednisone tablet, we have dilution info and dosing as well...all we need is mg of tablet and her weight in grams..

I have a male sq here, NR, named Willie... when he came in as an adult, we had no idea how he got injured, he had a skull fracture and had many seizures..he scared me.
I thought he was a goner, he is blind in one eye, but ended up being a great guy...never to be free again, but has adjusted so well he lives uncaged...Wonderful Willie...
good luck at the vets, and good vibes!

05-01-2013, 10:35 AM
Well, I went out to check on my sq guy, and he had gone to sq heaven over night. I finally could pick him up and get a good look at him. He had thick mucus in his left nostril; the type that just doesn't 'happen over night' I am thinking that this little guy had an infection, sinus or something like that, when the dog got hold of him. I think that that is probably why the dog was able to catch him. I wish I could have seen this earlier; maybe he would have had a chance with some antibiotics. Bless his heart, he will receive a proper burial. Thank you again for all your help.

Jackie in Tampa
05-01-2013, 11:54 AM
I am so sorry to hear this...
thank you for taking him in and caring.
Rest in peace sweet squirrel

05-01-2013, 03:31 PM
I am so sorry to hear this...
thank you for taking him in and caring.
Rest in peace sweet squirrel

^^^This.. RIP little fellow and thanks for caring for him.

flyer girl
05-02-2013, 03:10 AM
You tried and that is all that matters, some times in rehab you lose some it is the ones you win that makes all of the difference.. R.I.P little one.. :thankyou Thank you for giving this little one a chance that he otherwise would not of had.. Sorry for your loss..:grouphug