View Full Version : baby raccoon

04-29-2013, 12:30 PM
I know this is the squirrel board and it has helped me in the past to be able to raise 6 from 3 weeks to release.
I have now been given a raccoon that still has his eyes closed, has all his fur,about 5-6 inches long and is very vocal. I had some fox vallley day 1 formula that I he took quite well and I gave him a bath because he was filthy and had a few fleas. He slept for a while but is now chattering away . Lots of questions... Is fox valley ok, are there places to take him so that he can be raised in the company of his own kind? I'm adept at the squirrel thing, thanks to J I T, but a lot of leary of raising a raccoon. Any help would be appreciated. Randy

Jackie in Tampa
04-29-2013, 12:44 PM
:wave123 hi Randy... good to see you!!
as fer the baby connie.. I never rehab them.. many many cons and very little pros...
they are rabies vectors
the laws are very strict on this species
they are illegal to possess
they can carry round worm.. and that's an entire big ugly can of work and worms in it's own phrase...
if for some reason a baby should be NR, they live too long and get too mean to be kept caged as a pet...:shakehead
if even slight domestication should occur, this will forever endanger the coons welfare...freedom and life.
the enclosures and daily needs, are astronomical..
it takes the right person and place...a very serious commitment needed...just my honest opinion...:peace
however we have had many overnight,,, it's so easy to be sucked in by a baby raccoon...they are irrestible, I know I know:Love_Icon
good luck with the right decision:Love_Icon

would love any news on Squirrel and Squirrel Friend:Love_Icon

04-29-2013, 12:47 PM
I know that 2ndHandRanchRescue rehabs them, so you might send her a PM if no one else chimes in.

04-29-2013, 07:30 PM
Thanks Jackie. I new I could count on you for some good info. My daughter,Kate,looked on line and found a rehabber in Bradenton Beach. I called and they said that they had two others younger ones that would keep my litttle guy company until his release date which is prbably 4 months away. I drove up there and it reminded me a lttle of your place but they had a lot less space. I feel bad for them and both Kate and I decided to do some volunteer work to help them out. They had 2 very young fawns,3 horned owls,baby sand hill cranes,baby possums,bluejays 8 smaller other type of owls,an osprey,8 baby squirrels of which she asked me if I would be willing to take 3 or 4, blue herons,and so many other animals. I even got to hold and feed a 4 week bobcat. What a cutie she was. I really don;t know how they do it. They are really overwhelmed almost to the point of being burned out. I know you know what that feel likes. They said they get a $500 pkg from fox valley a few times a month. they are having a blood drive next month and if we mention their non profit business they'll gett 100 bucks for everybody that gives in their name. I've got 6 people lined up already,just to do what I can to help. anyway thanks again for being there. Squirrel and Squirrelfriend are doing great. I think she is working on her third litter,still in the house i made her that is just outside my garage. I give her goodies every day. take care :Love_Icon

04-29-2013, 07:54 PM
Boxerpup, that is awesome and wonderfull of you to help them.

04-29-2013, 09:56 PM
I know that 2ndHandRanchRescue rehabs them, so you might send her a PM if no one else chimes in.
My thoughts exactly! I love how she "trains" her little ones to fish and hunt for thier food. She is amazing! :)