View Full Version : First time squirrel mom....

04-29-2013, 11:04 AM
Oh boy, I am so glad I found this forum. I was taking my garbage out to the garage two weeks ago and noticed a very small squirrel rummaging through the bags. I called my daughter and we sat on the steps to watch it. I had NO PLANS of touching it or especially bringing it in the house!!! However, the squirrel came right up to us and stood on my foot, looked right at me and just sat there. Needless to say, I was shocked. I thought it must be too little to be on its own, and went to pick it up (carefully... fully expecting it to attack me). But it just snuggled in my hand. It was so cold, so I took it inside and warmed it up, sent my husband out for some kitten milk (not knowing WHAT to do) and began looking up info on squirrel babies.
Well, two weeks later "Rocky" has established himself as King of the House. We've bought him a large cage, but he spends the majority of his time following us around when he's awake and finding high cozy places to sleep. I've bought him the "pellets" that all the sites say he is supposed to eat. And we keep fresh veggies and fruit for him to eat in between for snacks. I guess I'm just posting to introduce myself and Rocky. I'm totally new to this, and after reading posts for the last several hours I already realize SEVERAL mistakes I have made... such as allowing him to interact with my cats and dog. In fact, they all hang out in the living room together.
One BIG question I have is this... I live in Kentucky.... Is this a state that allows keeping squirrels? I don't want to get in trouble, but I have no idea where to take Rocky if it is illegal to keep him in my home. He's seems very domesticated already. We've tried taking him outside several times and he RUNS back into the house, jumps on the couch and looks at us like we must be CRAZY!
Thanks for any help in advance. :)

Jackie in Tampa
04-29-2013, 11:11 AM
how old do you think he is?

04-29-2013, 11:28 AM
My guess according to everything I've read and pictures I've seen is that he is about 11 weeks old.

04-29-2013, 11:36 AM
Squirrels are illegal in most states. Virtually all the squirrels you see here are kept secretly, which is why most people don't identify themselves.

Could you post some pictures so that we could see him and guess at an age?

What do you mean by "pellets"? What is recommended is rodent blocks such as Henry's (HHBs) or Harlan Teklad. Those should be the bulk of the diet.

As to release, you should not attempt release by just letting him outside. Squirrels of the proper age need to be released using the "soft release" process where they are allowed to be outside in a cage for some days, before opening it and allowing them to come and go as they please while still being offered food and shelter.

04-29-2013, 12:03 PM
I am at work right now and do not have any pics on this particular computer. When I get home I will be happy to download some. The "pellets" I was talking about are the "blocks" you mentioned. I read on several sites that he needed them for the bulk of his diet. He loves them! And I have been reading on here about the "soft release". I honestly thought at first he would WANT to leave since he was "wild" but after reading all these posts I understand I would be doing him more harm than good by simply "showing him a tree".... especially after he is now accustomed to my other household pets. :nono

I am so grateful that I ran across this board!!!

04-29-2013, 12:06 PM
:Welcome To TSB!

If you haven;t already, you might want to review the healthy diet chart:


04-29-2013, 03:57 PM

I'm from western Kentucky. Glad to have you aboard, that baby is lucky to have found someone to help him out.

Be sure and look in the squirrel nutrition section to find out what is good to feed your squirrel. I love the Henry's healthy blocks, because I know 2 of them a day and my squirrels have balanced diets, and I don't have to worry about them getting malnutritional diseases like metabolic bone disorder (MBD).

Here in Kentucky we can have just about any exotic pet we want.

To be street legal, one has to get a trapping license, build a 4 foot x 8 foot enclosure for the squirrel and get a $75 license to "Breed captive wildlife".

Trick is you are supposed to get the permit BEFORE you get a squirrel.

I am not sure whether to do this permit thing or not. I suppose one could build the enclosure, get the trapping license and permit and just hide the squirrel in the meantime.

so yes it is possible to "breed captive wildlife " permit in KY. You can get a mountain lion for a pet here if you really want one... lol.

If one does get the permit, you are guaranteed not to have your squirrel taken by Ky Fish and Game. On the other hand, you got Ky fish and game examining your property for compliance possibly. I really don't think they would care about squirrels much though.

doubt the Ky Fish and Game would ever show up at all.

One can have 5 squirrels with this permit... and 4 other species are allowed to be "captively bred" as well.... I suppose this would include things like baby deer, etc. so might as well put down whatever you want on the permit, you get 5 species I think...

I'm in Western Ky, so holler at me if you need any help or anything, I am on my 4th squirrel now, I am getting some of the basics down at least, not that I am a squirrel expert.

for squirrel expert, I would say ask Jackie in Tampa, Nancy in New York, Sammy's Mom, Milo's Mom. that is just a few really smart people on here that know a bunch... oh yeah Island Rehabber who runs the site is a squirrel brain trust as well!

They know just about everything about helping little squirrels. So do lots of others on here, I just can't think of them all right now.

welcome aboard, please post a thread in the Nursery with pics as soon as you can we love pics... . :D:Welcome

04-29-2013, 04:49 PM

04-30-2013, 03:18 PM
:wave123 :Welcome TO TSB!!!