View Full Version : Need help with my robo hamster

04-25-2013, 02:08 PM
She's bleeding from either her vulva or urinary tract.
This is our second pair of roborovski hamsters (living separately). Also robos are not as resilient as squirrels and surgeries at her age usually don't go well.
I'm treating her with yogurt, pedialyte but I don't have any antibiotics for her, and I'm hoping it's just a UTI

I can't find Baytril in any local stores. Ordering it online will take too long to deliver. I need just a few pellets or drops as dosage for her is minimal.

When our last hammy developed a cyst, we spent about 300.00 in vet visits and all it did was prolong her suffering for a few weeks before we decided it was time to let her go.

So I'd really like to try the baytril first before we go through that again.
If anyone has a small amount to spare please PM me.

Thank you.

Here she is today.

04-25-2013, 02:33 PM
You might also try cranberries or cran juice (the REAL kind). There's actual proof that it helps UTIs.

04-25-2013, 02:55 PM
You know, I forgot about those!
I will try those, but typically with robos they require antibiotics for a uti, due to them declining rapidly if not treated asap.

Commonly, a large percentage of robos develop tumors and cysts because of poor, forced breeding habits. I'm actually thinking that what she has :( just a few months sooner than expected.

these little robos are only about 2" big, (like little meatballs) and weigh under an ounce.