View Full Version : Fabulous Deck poisonous to squirrels. HELP

04-25-2013, 09:29 AM
After building this dadblame deck, Nancy tells me it is poisonous to squirrels because it is made of pressure treated lumber.

Now after all this work, time and expense I can't put my squirrels out there.

I could just cry.

I don't know what to do. General is on the edge of a breakdown because of his too small cage. I was counting on being able to put him in the fabulous deck tomorrow at the latest.

Now I have no place to keep them for release. these squirrels have literally bankrupted me. I have no more money to spend on another cage for release.


I am out of wire. I cannot buy more.

Surely there is something I can use to make it safe for squirrels. HELP HELP


Milo's Mom
04-25-2013, 09:36 AM
Take the wire OFF the outside of the cage and put it on the inside of the cage.....this way they will not be able to get to the wood.

04-25-2013, 10:15 AM
Also, check on CL for pine you could cut and put over the treated wood.