View Full Version : I'm posting for Stosh

Nancy in New York
04-18-2013, 03:06 PM
Stosh just posted in Rama's thread the following, so I am putting it here in case anyone has any suggestions.

Oscuro is acting very weird today. he stayed in his nest box...most of the morning..Came out at noon... ate a little and back in the box. I took him out --into the tree room--alone- and he seemed OK, but moved around real slowly///
I think something is wrong. he may have hurt himself yesterday afternoon. We heard a "plop" and found him on the floor under the branches--looking a little stunned/ The floor is carpeted so iy cushioned any fall but he just isn't himself///
What symptomsshould i look for if he hit his head on the way down ????
Hopefully he will snap back by tomorrow...

The link to the thread where he posted:


04-18-2013, 05:09 PM
Thanks Nancy....I posted during my lunch break-- I am very busy and will read each REPLY tonight.

All suggestions--WELCOME

04-18-2013, 06:13 PM
If it isn't a head injury, maybe an injured/bruised organ or twisted intestine? All his limbs look and work okay?

04-18-2013, 07:51 PM
I moved and checked Oscuro's legs, felt all over his body.... all SEEMS to
be in proper order. I put him in the travel cage for a couple of hours, ALONE,
he improved greatly. Once he improved I let him go into the play
room ALONE AGAIN, not to be chased and grabbed constantly by Claro.
Again he was very good. Once they were put back together, Oscuro's
emotional/mental composure dropped as Claro immediately began chasing,
grabbing, and laying on Oscuro. I feel this may be all emotional/mental distress.
But, I am not an expert. Just observing.:shakehead :Love_Icon :shakehead

04-18-2013, 08:00 PM
You may very well be right. Can you keep them seperate for a bit and watch him? I am wondering about dividing their cage...?

04-18-2013, 08:40 PM
I asked Stosh that question tonight............ he didn't know quite HOW to do that >>>divine the cage; so they are CLOSE BUT.... not really together all the time >>>>> as yet.... but for the health and sake of Oscuro, the gentle one, perhaps over this weekend Stosh might figur something wondering out to revamp their cage.

Don't know.

It is always a lot of work.

Will keep all updated.

Jackie in Tampa
04-18-2013, 08:45 PM
kids:shakehead \
always keeping us on our toes:grouphug

04-18-2013, 09:20 PM
I'm no expert, obviously, but is it possible to put oscuro or claro in with seis for a bit? :dono