View Full Version : How old is this little guy?

04-17-2013, 11:36 PM
Can anyone help me determine age? I'm just trying to figure out how much I should be feeding him and how often. At first I was thinking 5-6 weeks but now I feel like his characteristics suggest 7-8?

I found him yesterday, eyes open, thin tail but hair all over. Today he is more active and looking much bushier. He took to the pedialyte and is on temporary formula today while I wait for Fox Valley.

Here's some pictures.



California Squirrel Lover
04-17-2013, 11:47 PM
Hello, and welcome!! :wave123 :)

Sorry I'm not an expert on these things, but I'm certain someone will come along shortly to answer your question.

Are you the person who was leaving town tomorrow, and was going to take the little one you found to Squirrel Mender in Thousand Oaks?

04-17-2013, 11:52 PM
Yes that's me. Unfortunately I don't think I will have time to make it out there tomorrow because I have too much to do, but my father has agreed to take care of him until he is 12 weeks old and can be released. I am familiar with the process so I can guide him, and he has offered to come home from work for feedings. We have a lot of supplies from raising small rodents, rabbits, and birds so that should be helpful as well.

04-17-2013, 11:57 PM
My guess is six weeks, maybe seven.


Did you get him antibiotics? He's the possible cat bite, right? You really need to get them if he was bit.

Perhaps your dad can join us so that we can all make sure the soft release process goes well? Or maybe you can update us?

California Squirrel Lover
04-18-2013, 12:06 AM
I wish I were closer, but I'm near San Francisco. :shakehead If I were near you, I would have gladly picked him up from you and taken him to the rehab facility. :)

That's a really good idea, though, if your dad posts on here, the highly qualified folks here would be so happy to help him in any way. Plus, we'd all love to know how the baby is coming along! :)

04-18-2013, 12:06 AM
He did have a possible bite- there were two small sites of blood but no puncture wounds- probably just small scratches but I cannot find them. My guess is that a cat wanted to make him a toy and/or meal and he got away. I would have him taken to the vet but I worry about the whole squirrels being illegal in CA thing. We have amoxicillin and can probably get other antibiotics if necessary.

And yes I'm definitely going to try and get my dad on this forum.

04-18-2013, 12:16 AM
Cat bites are really nothing to toy with, can you get Cipro or Baytril? Please try. If you can't, tell us what you have, the dose, and the weight of your squirrel, ideally in grams. Someone here will contact you to tell you how much to give and how.

04-18-2013, 12:36 AM
Is it just me. or does this squirrel have a very large head ?? What breed is this ??

04-18-2013, 12:37 AM
Thanks for the info, it's just I'm so nervous about the antibiotic thing because of how incredibly precise it needs to be and the risk of fatality when it comes to withdrawing. Is there any way to tell if he does or does not need antibiotics?

04-18-2013, 12:44 AM
Is it just me. or does this squirrel have a very large head ?? What breed is this ??

perhaps that is because he is thin? i'm not sure of the breed...

04-18-2013, 12:45 AM
Is it just me. or does this squirrel have a very large head ?? What breed is this ??

He looks to be a ground squirrel. Notice the white spotted fur on his back in the 2nd photo.

04-18-2013, 12:49 AM
He will have different caging, diet and release requirements than a gray squirrel. I would really encourage your family to find a rehabber for him. He needs antibiotic therapy asap because of the cat contact. There's no way around that. It's great that you rescued him. Most people are looking for ways to poison them.

04-18-2013, 01:26 AM
Eyes open around 4 weeks

60-70 grams = 4-5 weeks
70-110 grams = 5-6 weeks
110-130 grams = 6-7 weeks
200-280 grams = 8-9 weeks
300+ grams = 10-12 weeks

5-6 weeks feed Fox Valley 4x daily
7-8 weeks feed Fox Valley 2-3x daily plus soft solids and rodent block
8-9 weeks feed Fox Valley 1-2x daily plus proper greens, veggies, fruits for groundies.

They begin to wean at 8-10 weeks

I offer this information as a resource to you so he is properly fed while you locate a rehabber. He cannot go untreated without antibiotics for his injuries/cat exposure.

04-18-2013, 01:55 AM
Ok, I will do my best to get him to a rehabber, but unfortunately its ultimately up to my dad since I can't take him tomorrow. I will do my best!

Jackie in Tampa
04-18-2013, 05:45 AM
I do not know the entire story but wanted to interject that amoxicillan can be used for the cat bite/wound, safely and effectively..
it is better than not.

California Squirrel Lover
04-18-2013, 09:12 AM
Since they haven't been able to get the baby to a rehabber, I wonder if there's anyone in their area who could help transport for them?

04-18-2013, 11:37 AM
Thanks for the info, it's just I'm so nervous about the antibiotic thing because of how incredibly precise it needs to be and the risk of fatality when it comes to withdrawing. Is there any way to tell if he does or does not need antibiotics?

We have tons of people coming here all the time who have no medical experience and safely and effectively dose their antibiotics. We can tell you how to do it. I'm not sure what you mean by fatality and withdrawal, ABs aren't addictive and the chance of fatality from overdose is slim to none. The much bigger risk is doing nothing. So, if you have Cipro or Baytril, please tell us. If you can't get either of those, we'll done the amoxicillan, but we need a weight of the squirrel and the strength of the drug you have available.

island rehabber
04-18-2013, 12:07 PM
In case any of these are much closer to you and would enable you to get the squirrel there today, here is a list of pre-approved southern Cal rehabbers and wildlife centers:

By email at: marcia@coastandcanyonwildlife.org

California Wildlife Center (http://www.californiawildlifecenter.org/home.html)
Squirrels, Possums, Skunks, All Native Birds, Coyotes, Bobcats, Deer, Rabbits, and Bats
Wildlife Care of Ventura County (http://www.wildlifecareofventura.org/)
Raccoons, Crows, Coyotes, and Bobcats
International Bird Research & Rescue Center (http://www.ibrrc.org/)
Water Birds
Squirrelmender Wildlife Rehab (http://squirrelmender.com/)
Squirrels, and Rabbits
South Bay Wildlife (http://www.sbwr.org/)
Raptors, Songbirds, and Hummingbirds

04-18-2013, 04:10 PM
I will try and get my dad to come on here and learn how to give him amoxicillin. I mentioned withdrawal from stopping the ABs, I read that if you stop immediately that they can withdraw and be fatal, I was just worried about being able to gradually reduce the dose.

04-18-2013, 05:32 PM
I will try and get my dad to come on here and learn how to give him amoxicillin. I mentioned withdrawal from stopping the ABs, I read that if you stop immediately that they can withdraw and be fatal, I was just worried about being able to gradually reduce the dose.

I've never heard of such thing. I have given many animals antibioitics as well as taking them for this and that and I've never had withdrawls or seen anyone/animals die from it.

Best way to determine feeding schedules and amounts is via weighing. Food scales are cheap at Target, Walmart.

What formula are you giving him?

04-21-2013, 02:10 AM
Just checking in. Hope you had a safe trip.
Thinking of your ground squirrel as I watched a few emerge this week running from one end of the property to the garden area. They are ready for their root veggies. They were juniors out exploring the grounds from above. They are short legged and stocky and look like overweight chipmunks when they run. :)
They live in large colonies underground, up to 100 per colony.

Can you share how his care is going? We're you able to find someone to take him in or is Dad going to be caring for him/her? Were you able to get some antibiotics to treat him/her?

Hoping all is going well and you'll be on to give us an update soon.